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Douglas Campos edited this page Feb 2, 2011 · 5 revisions

Radiant CMS is an elegant, lightweight content management system built upon the popular Ruby on Rails framework and serves eg. the Ruby Programming Language website itself.

For more information on Radiant, please visit the Radiant website.

Getting Radiant

The easiest and recommended way of getting Radiant CMS is via RubyGems.

jruby -S gem install radiant


In your projects directory issue an application generator command. In this example I'll use the jdbcmysql adapter and my application name will be radiantblog.

jruby -S radiant --database=mysql radiantblog

To set up the database connections edit radiantblog/config/database.yml and create the database as well.

    adapter: jdbcmysql
    database: radiantblog_production
    username: usr
    password: passwd
    host: localhost

You can omit to set up other database configurations for now and correct it later.

jruby -S rake production db:bootstrap

The bootstrap task will populate your database and set up a basic administration and page system based on your answers to the setup questions in the terminal. To start your application issue the familiar Rails command.

jruby script/server -e production

Fire up your browser and play around a little with your new CMS - http://localhost:3000


My first deployment was under a Tomcat 6 with the Warbler gem.

jruby -S warble config

My minimal config file is as follows. do |config|
    config.dirs = %w(cache config db log vendor tmp)
    config.gems += ["activerecord-jdbcmysql-adapter", "radiant"]
    config.gem_dependencies = true
    config.war_name = "ROOT"

I set the war name to ROOT to avoid the problems with the default Radiant routing and assets including.

jruby -S warble:war

Deploy your generated war file under Tomcat's webapps folder, start the server and check http://localhost:8080 for your CMS.

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