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Getting Started with JRuby

In this guide, you'll learn how to install JRuby, run a JRuby console, install Gem dependencies, and run some sample code.

Installing JRuby

For all platforms, make sure you have Java SE installed. You can test this by running the command java -version.

Microsoft Windows

In your browser, navigate to the JRuby Downloads page. Select the "Windows Executable" link for your system (you likely want x64 unless you have a 32-bit Windows installation). Run the installer after it has finished downloading. This will extract the runtime and put the jruby command on your %PATH% (meaning it will be available from the command-line).

You can confirm that it was installed by opening a command prompt and running:

C:\> jruby --version

If installed correctly, JRuby will return the current version. You may be prompted with a security warning the first time you run the jruby command. This is expected.

Linux and Mac OS X

On Linux and Mac, you can either install the JRuby binaries or use a Ruby version manager such as RVM. However, it's best to avoid using a package manager because of issues with keeping the downloaded versions current. If you prefer to build your own JRuby, see Downloading JRuby Source and Building It Yourself.

Note: On some versions of Linux, you'll need to get the right version of Java installed.

Note: If you're on HP-UX, see Using JRuby on HPUX.

Note: If you're on Alpine Linux (or other Linux that doesn’t use glibc), see JRuby on Alpine Linux.

Installing Binaries

In your browser, navigate to the JRuby Downloads page. Select the "Binary" package in either .tar.gz or .zip format. When it's finished downloading, extract it's contents to a jruby directory under your home directory. From your home directory, it should look something like this:

$ tree -L 1 jruby/
├── bin
├── lib
├── samples
└── tool

4 directories, 2 files

Next put the bin directory on your $PATH. You can do this temporarily by running the following command:

$ export PATH=~/jruby/bin:$PATH

Or you can make it permanent by putting that statement in a .profile file in your home directory.

Now that JRuby is on your path, you can test that it's working by running:

$ jruby --version

If set-up properly, JRuby will return the current version.

Using RVM

First, make sure you have RVM installed as outlined in the documentation. Then run the following command:

$ rvm install jruby

If you would like to install a specific version of JRuby, you can replace jruby with jruby-X.Y.Z, where X.Y.Z is a version such as or just 9.2.

Once the install process is finished, you can ensure that JRuby is being used like this:

$ rvm use jruby
$ jruby --version

If it installed correctly, JRuby will return the current version.

Running rake, gem, rails, etc

The recommended way to run these commands (known as system-level executable commands) in JRuby is to always use jruby -S (it's a standard feature also available with MRI e.g. ruby -S gem).

jruby -S gem list --local
jruby -S gem install rails activerecord-jdbcmysql-adapter
jruby -S rails new blog
cd blog
jruby -S rake -T
jruby -S rake db:create db:migrate

The -S parameter tells (J)Ruby to use its version of the installed binary, as opposed to some other version (such as an MRI version) that might be on your PATH.

Running a Ruby Program

To run any other ruby program by using JRuby, run it using the jruby command in a command window. For example,

jruby rails server
jruby my_ruby_script.rb

See Also: JRuby Command Line Parameters

jirb: Ruby Interactive Console

One of the few standard Ruby utilities that has a different name in JRuby than in MRI is the command for the interactive Ruby console: jirb. In C Ruby this utility is simply called irb. You could also use jruby -S irb as described before.

To enable tab completion within jirb, add the following line to the configuration file .irbrc

require 'irb/completion'

Note: If you're on Linux, BSD, OSX, Solaris, and other UNIXes, the .irbrc file must be in your home directory. If you're on Windows, it goes in your My Documents folder or the folder specified in the HOME environment variable.

See Also: Jirb Command Line Parameters

Installing and Using Ruby Gems

The RubyGems can be easily installed with JRuby with the following command:

jruby -S gem install rails activerecord-jdbcpostgresql-adapter

Many Gems will work fine in JRuby; however, some Gems build native C libraries as part of their install process. These Gems will not work in JRuby unless the Gem has also provided a Java equivalent to the native library.

Mongrel and JSON are two examples of gems that build their native library in a platform independent manner. Each of them specify a parsing library using the Ragel language and a Ragel program can be automatically converted into either C or Java as part of the compile process.

Also, keep in mind that installing gems from behind a firewall will require setting the HTTP_PROXY or passing the http-proxy argument. For example:

Not authenticated:

export http_proxy=http://${http-proxy-host}:${http-proxy-port}/


jruby -S gem install --http-proxy http://${server}:${port} ${gemname} 


export http_proxy=http://{your_user_id}:{your_password}@${http-proxy-host}:${http-proxy-port}/


jruby -S gem install --http-proxy http://${user}:${password}@${server}:${port} ${gemname} 

See also JRuby Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

Code Examples

For some examples of calling JRuby from Java and calling Java from JRuby, see JRuby and Java Code Examples.

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