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Zoltan Padrah edited this page Aug 22, 2012 · 1 revision

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I thank the founders of GNU, particularly Richard Stallman. Second I thank Linus Torvalds for creating the Linux kernel and releasing it for free. Third I thank Mark Shuttleworth for putting up the excellent Ubuntu operating system for free. Without these men I, today, wouldn't be able to write these text.

I thank those millions of unsung heroes and hackers who have played a role in free software development. Computers are a great tool; They can't think like us (at least for the time being), but right from the days of ENIAC they have been able to do calculations much faster than us. To be an engineer or a student of science means that one must do a lot of calculations and that's a pretty tedious thing. So its better you learn to use the power of computers and software.

If you are designing electronic circuits and embedded systems with PIC microcontrollers, KTechlab will be a good tool to reduce your design, calculation and testing time. This book helps you to use KTechLab step by step so that you understand it well.

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