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Releases: open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification

Release v1.6.0

07 Aug 00:56
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v1.6.0 (2021-08-06)

Users SHOULD NOT use this release anymore, but refer to the 1.6.1 release, which contains a semantic conventions bug fix.


  • No changes.


  • Add generalized attribute count and attribute value length limits and relevant
    environment variables.
  • Adding environment variables for event and link attribute limits. (#1751)
  • Adding SDK configuration for Jaeger remote sampler (#1791)


  • Metrics API specification Feature-freeze.
  • Remove MetricProcessor from the SDK spec (for now)


  • No changes.


  • No changes.

Semantic Conventions

  • Add mobile-related network state:, &* #1647
  • Adding alibaba cloud as a cloud provider.


  • No changes.

OpenTelemetry Protocol

  • Allow for OTLP/gRPC exporters to handle endpoint configuration without a scheme while still requiring them to support an endpoint configuration that includes a scheme of http or https. Reintroduce the insecure configuration option for OTLP/gRPC exporters. (#1729)
  • Adding requirement to implement at least one of two transports: grpc or http/protobuf.

SDK Configuration

  • No changes.

Release v1.5.0

08 Jul 14:34
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v1.5.0 (2021-07-08)


  • No changes.


  • Adding environment variables for event and link attribute limits.
  • Clarify some details about span kind and the meanings of the values.
  • Clarify meaning of the Certificate File option.


  • Clarify the limit on the instrument unit.


  • Declare OTLP Logs Beta. (#1741)


  • No changes.

Semantic Conventions

  • Clean up FaaS semantic conventions, add aws.lambda.invoked_arn.
  • Remove rpc.jsonrpc.method, clarify that rpc.method should be used instead.


  • No changes.

OpenTelemetry Protocol

  • No changes.

SDK Configuration

  • Allow selecting multiple exporters via OTEL_TRACES_EXPORTER and OTEL_METRICS_EXPORTER
    by using a comma-separated list. (#1758)

Release v1.4.0

07 Jun 22:17
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v1.4.0 (2021-06-07)


  • No changes.


  • Add schema_url support to Tracer. (#1666)
  • Add Dropped Links Count to non-otlp exporters section (#1697)
  • Add note about reporting dropped counts for attributes, events, links. (#1699)



  • No changes.


  • Add schema_url support to Resource. (#1692)
  • Clarify result of Resource merging and ResourceDetector aggregation in case of error. (#1726)

Semantic Conventions

  • Add JSON RPC specific conventions (#1643).
  • Add Memcached to Database specific conventions (#1689).
  • Add semantic convention attributes for the host device and added OS name and version (#1596).
  • Add CockroachDB to Database specific conventions (#1725).


  • No changes.

OpenTelemetry Protocol

  • No changes.

SDK Configuration

  • Add OTEL_SERVICE_NAME environment variable. (#1677)

Release v1.3.0

05 May 17:49
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v1.3.0 (2021-05-05)


  • No changes.


  • Get Tracer should use an empty string if the specified name is null. (#1654)
  • Clarify how to record dropped attribute count in non-OTLP formats. (#1662)


  • Expand description of Event Model and Instruments. (#1614)
  • Flesh out metric identity and single-write principle. (#1574)
  • Expand Sum metric description in the data model and delta-to-cumulative handling. (#1618)
  • Remove the "Func" name, use "Asynchronous" and "Observable". (#1645)
  • Add details to UpDownCounter API. (#1665)
  • Add details to Histogram API. (#1657)


  • Clarify "key/value pair list" vs "map" in Log Data Model. (#1604)

Semantic Conventions

  • Fix the inconsistent formatting of semantic convention enums. (#1598)
  • Add details for filling resource for AWS Lambda. (#1610)
  • Add already specified messaging.rabbitmq.routing_key span attribute key to the respective YAML file. (#1651)
  • Clarify usage of "otel." attribute namespace. (#1640)
  • Add possibility to disable db.statement via instrumentation configuration. (#1659)


  • No changes.

OpenTelemetry Protocol

  • Fix incorrect table of transient errors. (#1642)
  • Clarify that 64 bit integer numbers are decimal strings in OTLP/JSON. (#1637)

SDK Configuration

  • Add OTEL_EXPORTER_JAEGER_TIMEOUT environment variable. (#1612)
  • Add OTEL_EXPORTER_ZIPKIN_TIMEOUT environment variable. (#1636)

Release v1.2.0

14 Apr 15:45
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v1.2.0 (2021-04-14)


  • Clarify composite TextMapPropagator method required and optional arguments. (#1541)
  • Clarify B3 requirements and configuration. (#1570)


  • Add ForceFlush to Span Exporter interface (#1467)
  • Clarify the description for the TraceIdRatioBased sampler needs to include the sampler's sampling ratio. (#1536)
  • Define the fallback tracer name for invalid values.
  • Clarify non-blocking requirement from span API End. (#1555)
  • Remove the Included Propagators section from trace API specification that was a duplicate of the Propagators Distribution of the context specification. (#1556)
  • Remove the Baggage API propagator notes that conflict with the API Propagators Operations section and fix #1526. (#1575)


  • Adds new metric data model specification (#1512)

Semantic Conventions

  • Add semantic conventions for AWS SDK operations and DynamoDB (#1422)
  • Add details for filling semantic conventions for AWS Lambda (#1442)
  • Update semantic conventions to distinguish between int and double (#1550)
  • Add semantic convention for AWS ECS task revision (#1581)


  • Add initial OpenTracing compatibility section.

Release v1.1.0

11 Mar 18:57
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v1.1.0 (2021-03-11)


  • Implementations can ignore links with invalid SpanContext(#1492)
  • Add none as a possible value for OTEL_TRACES_EXPORTER to disable export
  • Add ForceFlush to SDK's TracerProvider (#1452)


  • Add none as a possible value for OTEL_METRICS_EXPORTER to disable export


Semantic Conventions

  • Add elasticsearch to db.system semantic conventions (#1463)
  • Add arch to host semantic conventions (#1483)
  • Add runtime to container semantic conventions (#1482)
  • Rename gcp_gke to gcp_kubernetes_engine to have consistency with other
    Google products under cloud.infrastructure_service (#1496)
  • http.url MUST NOT contain credentials (#1502)
  • Add aws.eks.cluster.arn to EKS specific semantic conventions (#1484)
  • Rename zone to availability_zone in cloud semantic conventions (#1495)

Release v1.0.1

11 Feb 14:50
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  • Fix rebase issue for span limit default values (#1429)

See v1.0.0 for a list of substantial changes.

Release v1.0.0

10 Feb 19:12
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This version of the OpenTelemetry specification includes a stable release of the Tracing API and Tracing SDK components.

Every document in the specification is now marked as either stable or experimental. Please read the versioning and support document for details.


  • Missed #1429 we will do a patch release v1.0.1 asap.

As part of this release we are marking a large part of our specification stable:

  • Trace (API/SDK)
  • Context
  • Baggage


  • Add cloud.infrastructure_service resource attribute
  • Add SpanLimits as a configuration for the TracerProvider(#1416)


  • Update default limit for span attributes, events, links to 128(#1419)
  • Update OT Trace propagator environment variable to match latest name(#1406)
  • Remove Metrics SDK specification to avoid confusion, clarify that Metrics API
    specification is not recommended for client implementation
  • Mark some entries in compliance matrix as optional(#1359)
    SDKs are free to provide support at their discretion.
  • Rename signal-specific variables for OTLP_EXPORTER_* to OTLP_EXPORTER_TRACES_* and OTLP_EXPORTER_METRICS_*(#1362)
  • Versioning and stability guarantees for OpenTelemetry clients(#1291)
  • Additional Cassandra semantic attributes
  • OTEL_EXPORTER environment variable replaced with OTEL_TRACES_EXPORTER and
    OTEL_METRICS_EXPORTER which each accept only a single value, not a list.
  • process.runtime.description resource convention: Add
  • Refine span name guideline for SQL database spans
  • Add RPC semantic conventions for metrics
  • Clarify Description usage on Status API
  • Add/Update Status + error mapping for Jaeger & Zipkin Exporters
  • Resource's MUST have a default value, is not
  • Add requirement that the SDK allow custom generation of Trace IDs and Span IDs
  • Add default ratio when TraceIdRatioSampler is specified by environment variable but
    no ratio is.
  • Require schemed endpoints for OTLP exporters
  • Resource SDK: Reverse (suggested) order of Resource.Merge parameters, remove
    special case for empty strings
  • Resource attributes: lowerecased the allowed values of the aws.ecs.launchtype
  • Trace Exporters: Fix TODOs in Jaeger exporter spec
  • Clarify that Jaeger/Zipkin exporters must rely on the default Resource to
    get if none was specified.
  • Modify OTLP/Zipkin Exporter format variables for 1.0 (allowing further specification post 1.0)
  • Add k8s.node semantic conventions (#1390)
  • Clarify stability for both OTLP/HTTP and signals in OTLP.

Release v0.7.0

18 Nov 20:16
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v0.7.0 (11-18-2020)

Trace API was declared frozen 1121


  • Document service name mapping for Jaeger exporters
  • Change default OTLP port number
  • Add performance benchmark specification
  • Enforce that the Baggage API must be fully functional, even without an installed SDK.
  • Rename "Canonical status code" to "Status code"
  • Add Metadata for Baggage entries, and clarify W3C Baggage Propagator implementation
  • Change Status to be consistent with Link and Event
  • Clarify env variables in otlp exporter
  • Add Prometheus exporter environment variables
  • Default propagators in un-configured API must be no-op
  • Define resource mapping for Jaeger exporters
  • Add resource semantic conventions for operating systems
  • Add semantic convention for source code attributes
  • Add semantic conventions for outgoing Function as a Service (FaaS) invocations
  • Add resource semantic convention for deployment environment
  • Refine semantic conventions for messaging systems and add specific attributes for Kafka
  • Clarification of the behavior of the Trace API, re: context propagation, in
    the absence of an installed SDK
  • Add API and semantic conventions for recording exceptions as Span Events
    • API was extended to allow adding arbitrary event attributes (#874)
    • exception.escaped semantic span event attribute was added
  • Allow samplers to modify tracestate
  • Update the header name for otel baggage, and version date
  • Define PropagationOnly Span to simplify active Span logic in Context
  • Add limits to the number of attributes, events, and links in SDK Spans
  • Add Metric SDK specification (partial): covering terminology and Accumulator component
  • Clarify context interaction for trace module
  • Add Shutdown function to *Provider SDK
  • Add semantic conventions for system metrics
  • Add db.sql.table to semantic conventions, allow db.operation for SQL
  • Add OTEL_TRACE_SAMPLER env variable definition
  • Add guidelines for OpenMetrics interoperability
  • Add OTEL_TRACE_SAMPLER_ARG env variable definition


  • Clarify null SHOULD NOT be allowed even in arrays
  • Remove ordering SHOULD-requirement for attributes
  • Make optional, split process.command_args from command_line
  • Renamed CorrelationContext to Baggage:
  • Add semantic convention for NGINX custom HTTP 499 status code.
  • Adapt semantic conventions for the span name of messaging systems
  • Remove lazy Event and Link API from Span interface
    • SIGs are recommended to remove any existing implementation of the lazy APIs
      to avoid conflicts/breaking changes in case they will be reintroduced to the
      spec in future.
  • Provide clear definitions for readable and read/write span interfaces in the
    • SpanProcessors must provide read/write access at least in OnStart.
  • Specify how Probability sampler is used with ParentOrElse sampler.
  • Clarify event timestamp origin and range
  • Clean up, by extending documentation and removing redundant
  • Rename HTTPText propagator to TextMap
  • Rename ParentOrElse sampler to ParentBased and add multiple delegate samplers
  • Rename ProbabilitySampler to TraceIdRatioBasedSampler and add requirements
  • Version attributes no longer have a prefix such as semver:
  • Add semantic conventions for process runtime
  • Use hex encoding for trace id and span id fields in OTLP JSON encoding:
  • Explicitly specify the SpanContext APIs IsValid and IsRemote as required
  • A full Context is the only way to specify a parent of a Span.
    SpanContext or even Span are not allowed anymore.
  • Remove obsolete http.status_text from semantic conventions
  • Define null as an invalid value for attributes and declare attempts to set
    null as undefined behavior
  • SDK: Rename the Decision values for SamplingResults to DROP, RECORD_ONLY
    and RECORD_AND_SAMPLE for consistency
  • Metrics API: Replace "Additive" with "Adding", "Non-Additive" with "Grouping"
  • Move active span interaction in the Trace API to a separate class
  • Metrics SDK: Specify LastValue default aggregation for ValueObserver
  • Metrics SDK: Specify TBD default aggregation for ValueRecorder
  • Trace SDK: Sampler.ShouldSample gets parent Context instead of SpanContext
  • SDK: Specify known values, as well as basic error handling for OTEL_PROPAGATORS.
  • SDK: Specify when to generate new IDs with sampling
  • Remove custom header name for Baggage, use official header
  • Trace API: Clarifications for Span.End, e.g. IsRecording becomes false after End...
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Release v0.6.0

01 Jul 23:38
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  • Semantic convention additions & improvements.
  • Clarifications for tracing components.
  • Minor context propagation refinements.