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Jonathan Chan edited this page Aug 2, 2018 · 1 revision

On certain platforms with existing frameworks, files with special filenames at the app or module level can be used to directly insert code into the framework. For instance, code in an ANDROID_java_activityadditions file created in the DemoHelloWorld app directory will be inserted into the app's main Activity class when compiling for Android. Below is a list of platforms that support file substitutions and the files that will be substituted.

  • ANDROID_c_defines
  • ANDROID_c_additions
  • ANDROID_java_imports
  • ANDROID_java_implements
  • ANDROID_java_variables
  • ANDROID_java_oncreate
  • ANDROID_java_onpause
  • ANDROID_java_onresume
  • ANDROID_java_ondestroy
  • ANDROID_java_onsensorchanged
  • ANDROID_java_activityadditions
  • ANDROID_java_additions
  • ANDROID_xml_permissions
  • ANDROID_intent_filters
  • ANDROID_xml_receivers
  • ANDROID_xml_services
  • ANDROID_activity_attributes
  • IOS_objc_defines
  • IOS_objc_additions
  • IOS_objcpp_additions
  • IOS_framework_additions
  • IOS_framework_searchpath
  • IOS_launcherappdelegate_additions
  • IOS_launcherappdelegate_didfinishlaunching
  • IOS_xml_backgroundmodes
  • IOS_xml_requireddevicecap
  • IOS_xml_additions
  • MACOSX_objc_additions
  • MACOSX_objc_defines

BlackBerry 10

  • BB10_c_defines
  • BB10_xml_permissions
  • BB10_xml_assets
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