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Index of Module uiform

Walt K edited this page Sep 10, 2020 · 21 revisions

Module: uiform

The uiform module provides a form-driven universal widget. Examples for its use can be found in the LNhealth application. A description of the display elements available is found below the function descriptions.

Functions in this module:

Function Short Description
(glgui-uiform g x y w h) Add a uiform widget to a gui
(uiform-register name draw input) Register a new display element
(uiform-register-legacy name draw input) Register a new display element using legacy syntax
(dbclear id) Clear a database table variable
(dbget id . optdef) Retrieve a variable from the database table
(dbset id val) Store a variable to the database table
(dbload file key) Load database table from encrypted cdb file
(dbsave file key db) Save database table to encrypted cdb file
(sa-database->file t file)
(sa-file->database file)
(sane id saneproc missingmsg invalidmsg)
(stclear id)
(stget id . optdef)
(stgetnclear id . optdef)
(stset id val)
(uiform-db-listinsert! id element)
(uiform-db-listremove! id element)
(uiclear id) Clear a dynamic parameter in the uiform widget
(uiget id . optdef) Gets a dynamic parameter from the uiform widget
(uiset id val) Sets a dynamic parameter in the uiform widget
(xxclear location . args)
(xxget location . args)
(xxset location . args)
(uiform-timer-reset) Resets the uiform timer widget
(uiform-timer-start) Starts the counter on the uiform timer widget

GUI elements in this module

Name Short Description
(spacer . args) Empty space
(image . args) Image
(label . args) Label
(textentry . args) Text entry box (and keypad)
(multilinetextentry . args) Multi line text entry box (and keypad)
(dateentry . args) Date entry box (and keypad)
(timeentry . args) Time entry box (and keypad)
(button . args) Button
(progress . args) Progress bar
(dmencode . args) Encode a data matrix
(dmdecode . args) Decode a picture of a data matrix
(camera . args) Space to take and display a photo
(video . args) Space to take and display a video
(radiobox . args) Single radiobox toggle
(checkbox . args) Single checkbox
(dropdown . args) Dropdown menu
(list . args) List of strings
(checklist . args) List of checkboxes
(graph . args) Line trace of data
(slider . args) Slider to choose a numerical value from a range
(timer . args) A timer (countdown or expired time)
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