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Walt K edited this page Mar 1, 2018 · 6 revisions

Plugin: waveoutput

The wave output plug-in saves saves waveform data to file. Values are stored as floating point numbers at their native time resolution. Every second a timestamp is added as the second column. All functions in this file are private and should not be called by an end-user.

Note: This plugin, like all other plugins, will not run if (scheduler-init) and (scheduler-startcase) have not been called.

Requires waveoutput to be listed in the application's PLUGINS file, and scheduler ln_store csv to be listed in the application's MODULES file.


Example 1: Initialize a waveoutput plugin to save the store values of waveform variables "CO2" into the Waveforms file.

(set! store (make-store "store"))
(scheduler-startcase store (time->timestamp (current-time)))
(make-instance store "Waveoutput3" "waveoutput" '("Source" "CO2"))
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