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Index of Module httpsclient

Matthias Görges edited this page Oct 16, 2016 · 7 revisions

Module: httpsclient

The module httpsclient provides minimal code to establish https connectivity as a client. this does not support multiple concurrent connections! It is currently used in the redcap module and pushnotification module.

Requires both libcrypto and libssl to be listed in the apps's LIBRARIES file to work!

Functions in this module:

Function Short Description
(httpsclient-open host . port) Establish a connection to an https server
(httpsclient-key-open host certchain key password . port) Establish a connection to an https server using a certificate for authentication
(httpsclient-send buf) Send u8vector data to https server
(httpsclient-set-chain certchain) Specify the certificate chain to be verified
(httpsclient-recv buf) Receive u8vector data from https server
(httpsclient-recv-reentrant buf) Continously retries to receive u8vector data from https server if an SSL error is encountered
(httpsclient-close) Close the connection to the https server
(httpsclient-test host src) Make a simple https GET request and dumps the response
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