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Matthias Görges edited this page Apr 15, 2015 · 3 revisions

glgui-recurrence adds a recurrence plot to the screen.

Parameter Description
g The Graphical User Interface (GUI) this widget belongs to
x Lower left corner along the x-axis in pixels
y Lower left corner along the y-axis in pixels
w Width of the widget in pixels
h Height of the widget in pixels
data List (or list of two lists) of data to be plotted
color Colormap to be used (GRADIENT_THERMAL if White, GRADIENT_GRAY otherwise)
bgcolor Optional: The widget background color


Example 1: Draw a simple recurrence plot for 200msec of a 8Hz signal.

(set! gui:main (make-glgui))
(define pi (* (atan 1) 4))
(define data (let loop ((i 0) (ret '()))
(if (fx= i 100) 
  (loop (fx+ i 1) (append ret (list (sin (/ (* 2 pi 8 i) 1000))))))
(glgui-recurrence gui 100 100 200 200 data White))

Example 2: Show the recurrance plot for two signals: 7Hz and 7+35 Hz.

(set! gui:main (make-glgui))
(define pi (* (atan 1) 4))
(define data1 (let loop ((i 0) (ret '()))
  (if (fx= i 300) 
    ret (loop (fx+ i 1) 
    (append ret (list (sin (/ (* 2 pi 7 i) 1000))))))
(define data2 (let loop ((i 0) (ret '()))
  (if (fx= i 300) 
    (loop (fx+ i 1) (append ret (list (+ (list-ref data1 i) 
      (sin (/ (* 2 pi 35 i) 1000)))))))
(define data (list data1 data2))
(glgui-recurrence gui 0 0 300 300 data Red Blue))


Besides the parameters set in the above procedure, the widget has the following attributes that can be set using glgui-widget-set! and retrieved using glgui-widget-get:

Attribute Default Value Description
gradient (if (= color White) GRADIENT_THERMAL GRADIENT_GRAY) Colorspace used for plotting
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