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Chris Petersen edited this page Oct 16, 2014 · 1 revision

glgui-menubar draws a shaded menubar commonly used at the top of mobile applications, where icons, screen titles, battery icons and clocks are located.

Parameter Description
g Graphical User Interface (GUI) for this widget
x Lower left corner along the x-axis in pixels
y Lower left corner along the y-axis in pixels
w Width of the element in pixels
h Height of the element in pixels


Example, as used in (apps/DemoHelloWorld/main.scm) to the top bottom menubars, on which the title is placed.

(glgui-menubar gui 0 (- (glgui-height-get) 44) (glgui-width-get) 44)
(glgui-pixmap  gui 8 (- (glgui-height-get) 32) title.img)
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