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System Wide Installation

Jonathan Chan edited this page Jul 31, 2018 · 1 revision

If LambdaNative is installed system-wide, the lambdanative script should be used to setup a folder in the user's home directory for use with the framework.

Setup of lambdanative during installation

The LambdaNative package, obtained from LambdaNative Releases should be placed in a system-wide location for third-party programs, such as /usr/local or /opt. Next, the LambdaNative initialization script, located in scripts/lambdanative needs to be placed in system path, e.g. /bin or /usr/bin. Finally, the LAMBDANATIVE= variable in this script needs to be overwritten with actual full LambdaNative path. The system is now ready for use.

lambdanative command usage

The supported syntax is lambdanative [ init | reinit | version | create <appname> <apptype>

lambdanative init initialize the lambdanative build structure in the current folder. It creates a .configure script and a Makefile, allowing the usual compilation procedures to be run from the current folder.

lambdanative reinit reinitializes the build structure in case of moved directories.

lambdanative create <appname> <apptype> create a new application named <appname> of type <apptype>. Here <appname> is the name of the program a user would like to create, and <apptype> is one of the following three options:

  • console This creates an empty standard command line application from a template.
  • gui This creates an empty graphical application from a template.
  • eventloop This creates an empty console application with event loop from a template

lambdanative version show the LambdaNative version number and installation path

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