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Chris Petersen edited this page Oct 16, 2014 · 1 revision

u32->u8vector converts an 32bit unsigned integer to a u8vector in big endian order.

Parameter Description
v Integer value to be converted


Example 1: Some number conversions from unsigned integers to u8vectors

> (u16->u8vector 257)
#u8(1 1)
> (u24->u8vector 91257)
#u8(1 100 121)
> (u32->u8vector 100000000)
#u8(5 245 225 0)
> (u48->u8vector 1234567890123)
#u8(1 31 113 251 4 203)
> (u64->u8vector 123456789012345678)
#u8(1 182 155 75 166 48 243 78)
> (u96->u8vector 12345678901234567890123456789)
#u8(39 228 27 50 70 190 201 177 110 57 129 21)
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