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Chris Petersen edited this page Oct 16, 2014 · 1 revision

store-timedref returns a value from the data store if it is newer than the default timeout, which is 30 seconds.

Parameter Description
store The store name
id The key for which a value is retrieved
fback Optional: The fallback value to be returned if the id is not found, e.g. '(). If not specified #f is returned.


Example 1: Create a store, set a value and retrieve it both with store-ref and with store-timedref

> (define store (make-store "main"))
> (store-set! store "HR" 78)        
> (set! ##now (+ ##now 31.))  ;; This is a terrible hack to advance the clock on Console
> (store-ref store "HR")
> (store-timedref store "HR")
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