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Matthias Görges edited this page Jul 14, 2016 · 6 revisions

The uiform textentry element creates a textentry field.

Parameter Default Description
id #f Variable to store entered string in
location 'db Textentry variable storage location
text "" Label string
indent 0.1 if no label text, or 0.3 with label text Indent from left edge of screen (in units of uiform width)
indentright 0.1 Indentation from right edge of screen (in units of uiform width)
align center Text alignment (center, left, right)
default "" Default value text
password #f Hide entered text with * characters
keypad default Keypad to use (default, full, numfloat, numint, numcolon, numdash)
keycb #f Callback on key press
name #f When set to #t, uses a key press callback which turns on shift automatically to make the first character and any characters after a space be capitalized.
units #f When set to a string, draws the string after the text box if the current text is a non-empty string.


Example 1: A complete page definition with different textentry options, from LNhealth's apps/WidgetDemo

  "Text Entry"
  ("Prev" ex_buttons #f)
  ("Next" ex_labels #f)
  (textentry text "Plain text:" id dummy_pt)
  (textentry text "Password:" id dummy_pw password #t)
  (textentry text "Integer:" id dummy_it keypad numint)
  (textentry text "Time:" id dummy_tm keypad numcolon default "HH:MM")
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