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Framework Structure

Jonathan Chan edited this page Jul 31, 2018 · 1 revision

The LambdaNative framework is organized in a modular way to facilitate concurrent development of multiple applications and sharing of code modules and plugins between them. This is the structure of the framework:

File or directory Function
SETUP Compiler locations and SDK APIs
PROFILE Developer profile and certificate information
Makefile Top-level makefile
configure Configuration script Build script
apps/ Applications
libraries/ Supporting libraries
modules/ Application modules
plugins/ Application plugins
loaders/ Platform launchers
targets/ Target specific build, package, test, and compilation scripts
tools/ Resource compilation tools and misc utilities

Framework Cache

The LambdaNative framework maintains a separate directory ../lambdanative-cache with temporary build files and tools. The cached files are used to reduce build time, preventing recompilation of unchanged files. The cache will be regenerated if deleted. make scrub is essentially equivalent to deleting the cache.

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