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glgui verticalvaluelabel

Chris Petersen edited this page Oct 16, 2014 · 1 revision

glgui-vertical valuelabel creates value indicator composed of a right-aligned number on top and a right-aligned label, e.g. for units, on the bottom. Otherwise it behaves just like (glgui-valuelabel g x y img fnt color).

Parameter Description
g Graphical User Interface (GUI) for this widget
x Lower left corner along the x-axis in pixels
y Lower left corner along the y-axis in pixels
img The image or pixmap texture for the unit label
fnt The font for the number string
color Color for the value and unit label


Example 1: Create a glgui-verticalvaluelabel widget showing the volume pixmap trend_volume.img.

(set! trendtotaldose (glgui-verticalvaluelabel gui-main g 20 50 trend_volume.img num_24.fnt Gray)
(glgui-widget-set! gui trendtotaldose 'value 234.5)
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