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Matthias Görges edited this page Oct 15, 2016 · 1 revision

#(unit-test n . x) unit-test runs or adds a unit test depending on the arguments

Parameter Description
n Unit test name
x Optional: Unit test declaration (description and test)

Note: When defining a new unit test two arguments needs to be specified: a) A short unit-test description, and b) an anonymous function returning #t when successfully passing the test.


Example 1: Define a unit test for "Matrix value lookup"

(unit-test "listlist-ref" "Matrix value lookup" 
  (lambda () (and
    (equal? (listlist-ref '((4 7) (2 6)) 0 0) 4)
    (equal? (listlist-ref '((4 7) (2 6)) 1 1) 6)
    (equal? (listlist-ref '((1 2 3)) 0 1) 2)
    (equal? (listlist-ref '((1 2 3) (4 5 6) (7 8 9)) 0 2) 3)
    (equal? (listlist-ref '((1 2 3) (4 5 6) (7 8 9)) 2 0) 7)

Example 2: Run a specific unit test for "Matrix value lookup" in a REPL

> (unit-test "listlist-ref")
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