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Chris Petersen edited this page Oct 16, 2014 · 1 revision

serial-cache-read reads RS232 serial cache data and returns a string.

Parameter Description
dev Serial device obtained from rs232-try
hook Optional: Function that is called for all data received


Example 1: Function, which receives data from a monitor and stores it's content to a data string (minus the two enclosing characters).

(define (monitor:recv dev debug)
  (set! monitor:data #f)
  (let* ((data (serial-cache-read dev))
         (sane? (and data (fx>= (string-length data) 36) (char=? (string-ref data 15) #\:))))
    (if (and data sane?) (begin
    (if debug (for-each display (list "monitor: " data)))
    (set! monitor:data (substring data 1 (- (string-length data) 1)))
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