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make glgui lockpane

Chris Petersen edited this page Oct 16, 2014 · 1 revision

make-glgui-lockpane creates a lockpane with a splash screen image.

Parameter Description
g Graphical User Interface (GUI) for this widget
x Lower left corner along the x-axis in pixels
y Lower left corner along the y-axis in pixels
w Width of the element in pixels
h Height of the element in pixels
splash The splash screen image texture
fnt The font for the number string
callback The function called when characters are entered


Example 1: Here is a real example from an app with a lockpane at x=0 and y=0. Width and Height are defined based device specifications. icon_splash.img specifies the splash screen image.

(define (lockcallback g wgt t x y)
  (let* ((label (glgui-widget-get g wgt 'label))
         (labelno (if label (string->number label) #f)))
    (if (and labelno (fx= labelno 1234)) (begin (set! lockedout #f) #t) #f)))
(make-glgui-lockpane 0 0 (glgui-width-get) (glgui-height-get) 
  icon_splash.img ascii_16.fnt lockcallback)
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