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Satellite Frameworks

Matthias Görges edited this page Feb 17, 2015 · 6 revisions

Satellite Frameworks

*In most cases, please use the method described in System wide installation instead. *

LambdaNative supports shadowing of code from separate "satellite" framework directories. This can be used to maintain separate repositories of open-source code and proprietary code and/or separate organization profiles.

For example, a satellite framework could contain:

$ ls ~/satellite_fw/:

The SatelliteApp can be built with the LambdaNative tool chain by specifying the satellite directory at configure time:

$ SYS_PATH=~/satellite_fw ./configure SatelliteApp
==> configured to build SatelliteApp for macosx on macosx in normal mode 
 == using source in ~/satellite_fw/apps/SatelliteApp
$ make

This will shadow in the framework directories and files from the satellite directory and build the app as if it was present in the LambdaNative apps directory.

Instead of specifying SYS_PATH at every configure, a permanent overlay can be instated by adding an OVERLAY_PATH entry to the LambdaNative SETUP file:

$ tail SETUP -n 3
## Set overlay repository
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