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Traversal Policy Event

Leon Starr edited this page Apr 26, 2022 · 1 revision

A change to whether or not the Ego Vehicle is permitted to traverse in or outward (or both) from a given Driving Lane is marked by this kind of Lane Event. The Driving Lane in the Passing Lane Position, for example, may alternately permit or forbid passing into oncoming traffic.

It is important to distinguish a change of policy (passing, no passing) to a lane type reclassification. In the figure below, there is no real traversal policy change. Instead, the adjacent Driving Lane simply transitions into a right turn only lane.


  1. ID


New status

This characterizes the overall quality of the road surface immediately after the Lane Transition.Start location.

Type: Surface Condition (See Road Segment.Condition in the Road Subsystem)


The type of pavement immediately after the Lane Transition.Start location

Type: Inner Outer ( inner or outer, See Shoulder.Side in the Road Subsystem)

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