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Shoulder Lane

Leon Starr edited this page Mar 1, 2022 · 1 revision

From wikipedia:

A shoulder is an emergency stopping lane by the verge of a road or motorway, on the right in countries which drive on the right, or on the left side in India, Japan, the UK, Australia, and other left-side driving countries. Many wider US and Swedish freeways have shoulders on both sides of each directional carriageway, in the median as well as at the outer edges of the road, for additional safety. Shoulders are not intended for use by through traffic, although there are exceptions.

This largely holds true in our model especially with the term “carriageway” replaced with Conduit.

That last sentence of the Wikipedia description refers to the temporary repurposing of a shoulder during heavy traffic as a normal driving lane. In this situation we rely on a lower layer of classification to determine this usage and then we’ll reclassify the observed Shoulder Lane as an Unrestricted Driving Lane. (So there is no need for a specialization of Shoulder Lane).


  1. Inside division + Outside division + Road segment



Shoulder Lanes are classified for usage by the type of underlying pavement. While each Lane is characterized by some type of pavement and surface condition, we can summarize the usability of a Shoulder Lane in more general terms.

Type: Shoulder Quality [ hard | soft ]

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