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Dev meeting 2016 11 22

Gawain Lynch edited this page Nov 22, 2016 · 11 revisions


  • Plans for more advanced queries on getContent() we need to decide how we allow searches on a related record and on values inside repeaters (@rossriley)
  • Breaking up the workload for Config refactor. We need a base abstract class for all configs, a rewrite of $app['config']->get() to use the new config classes (@rossriley)
  • Remaining items for 3.3 beta (@GawainLynch)
  • Deprecations: Replace BoltResponse #6058


  • Status on drop bear invasion (@YourGitHubID)

Actionable Items



19:30	+gawainlynch	ping carsonfull gawainlynch Bopp rossriley rixbeck SahAssar slick0
19:30	+SahAssar	pong
19:30	Bopp	pong
19:31	+Bopp	hey rarilaDroid
19:31	+rarilaDroid	Pong
19:31	+gawainlynch	Nice timing
19:31	+rarilaDroid	is now known as dinnerRarila
19:32	+gawainlynch	I'm about to be known as gawainLunch :-D
19:32	+rossriley	checking in
19:32	+rarilaDroid	</meeting>
19:32	+gawainlynch	Ah, lets roll … carsonfull probably won't be able to make it
19:32	+rarilaDroid	That was nice ;-6
19:32	+gawainlynch	First up — Deprecations: Replace BoltResponse #6058 — any objections or reasons not to merge?
19:32	[BoltIssueBall]	#6058 [closed] More Symfony deprecations: Replace BoltResponse
19:32	+rossriley	+1 from me
19:32	+gawainlynch	Oh … didn't check my mail
19:32	+Bopp	euhm.
19:33	+Bopp	sorry about that
19:33	+Bopp	Didn't notice it was WIP or RFC
19:33	+gawainlynch	Haha … Was just at the JFK museum on the 53 anniversary
19:33	+gawainlynch	Bopp: Wasn't it just sat there for a week
19:33	+gawainlynch	So I thought there might have been objections
19:33	+Bopp	nah, since thursday,
19:33	+Bopp	when I went to CPH :-)
19:34	+gawainlynch	Started 9 days ago then
19:34	+gawainlynch	Plans for more advanced queries on getContent() we need to decide how we allow searches on a related record and on values inside repeaters (@rossriley)
19:34	+Bopp	That I wouldn't know :-)
19:34	+rossriley	yes, that I guess will need to be an RFC but would be good if people other than me can think about syntax that is easiest for users
19:35	+rossriley	for reference it’s how do we search for records all of which are related to entries/1 or all of which contain a repeaterfield called repeats with a featured checkbox ticked
19:35	+Bopp	Hmm.
19:36	+rossriley	so going down another level
19:36	+rossriley	suggestions so far are to stringily them where { ‘relations’: ‘entries/1’ } or to array them where { ‘relations’: {‘entries’:1}}
19:36	+rossriley	but open to anything else
19:37	+Bopp	I think i'd prefer `{ ‘relations’: ‘entries/1’ }` at first glance.
19:37	+SahAssar	arraying it'd be my preference, but open to either
19:37	+Bopp	I can live with either, too :-)
19:38	+rossriley	I thought the string approach initially, but it does remove the ability to do any searches including a s;ash
19:38	+rossriley	slash
19:38	+rossriley	so a trade off for simplicity
19:38	+rixbeck	*hey, guys
19:38	+Bopp	Hey rixbeck
19:38	+rossriley	hey rixbeck
19:39	+gawainlynch	Evening, rixbeck
19:39	+Bopp	rossriley: imho `{ ‘relations’: ‘entries/1’ }` is much more legible for novices.
19:39	+rossriley	yes, me too
19:39	+Bopp	i'm guessing we could support both, though, right?
19:39	+rossriley	I’ll RFC it and have a think about a workaround
19:39	+rossriley	we could indeed yes
19:39	+SahAssar	Bopp: I agree, but it also feels less extendible for the future, and I assume that this will be used by people a step up from novice
19:40	+SahAssar	Not "advanced", but a step up
19:40	+Bopp	I do recall that allowing the twig lexer to read _either_ a string _or_ an array was a bit of a minefield though.
19:41	+Bopp	but, that may be remedied by either twig updates in the meantime, or by reading the docs.. :-)
19:41	+rarilaDroid	Bopp: reading the docs… uhhh ;-)
19:42	+rossriley	I guess I’ll have to take that bullet
19:42	+gawainlynch	Next one from rossriley then
19:42	+gawainlynch	Breaking up the workload for Config refactor. We need a base abstract class for all configs, a rewrite of $app['config']->get() to use the new config classes (@rossriley)
19:43	+gawainlynch	rossriley: I am presuming like above it's a call to figure out best approach?
19:43	+rossriley	yes, @carsonfull suggested we have a single abstract base class that handled the parsing...
19:44	+rossriley	that ContentTypes Taxonomy and General can inherit
19:44	+rossriley	I don’t mind taking the lead on it, but will need some back and forth with you both
19:44	+gawainlynch	Yeah, I haven't had enough mental space to dig back into that one just yet
19:44	+gawainlynch	It kinda ties in with both the config loader and DTO work
19:44	+rossriley	it’s the last thing I need to sort before I can PR the mapping stuff
19:45	+gawainlynch	Fark :-/
19:45	+rossriley	it can be separate to the config loader I thnk
19:45	+rossriley	however the loader works we can assume a parsed config will be supplied to each of these new classes
19:46	+rossriley	but we’ll need to co-ordinate that the ContentTypes Taxonomy and General classes all work ok
19:46	+gawainlynch	Well, the loader will give a complete array … including defaults, keys always set, etc
19:46	+rossriley	yes, exactly and I’m assuming once it’s parses, an array will be passed to the constructor of each of those classes
19:47	+rossriley	General is super dumb so won’t need anything complicated
19:47	+gawainlynch	Yep
19:47	+rossriley	ContentTypes and Taxonomy have their own data integrity rules etc
19:47	+rossriley	How about….
19:47	+gawainlynch	Yeah … and don't even start on template-f'ing-fields
19:48	+rossriley	I make a separate PR for changes to src/Config and a new AbstractConfiguration class
19:48	+rossriley	and I’ll develop those with my needs included, and then you guys can give input to make sure we are all covered?
19:48	+gawainlynch	My general concern is just that we don't have stuff scattered
19:48	+gawainlynch	rossriley: WFM
19:49	+gawainlynch	OK … so … remaining items for 3.3 beta (@GawainLynch)
19:49	+rossriley	I need to RFC the extension loading public api
19:50	+gawainlynch	RFC issue or RFC PR?
19:50	+rossriley	it will be a very simple change
19:50	+Bopp	No significant work done on base-2017 by me, just yet.
19:50	+Bopp	@rossriley Awesome
19:50	+rossriley	well, I have an idea for the code, so I can either just code it up and do the discussion on the PR or do an RFC first,
19:51	+gawainlynch	Hmm … how much work would the code need? I'm leaning toward code though
19:52	+rossriley	not too much, things almost work, just need a little shuffling around and a couple of defaults setting up on adding a simple Extension class
19:52	+gawainlynch	If you were a betting person, rossriley, how long before you think it'd land? No pressure, but I'd like to get first beta out in the first week on December if we can, and aim for a circa Xmas release
19:52	+Bopp	Sounds good to me.. I'll update the wiki to reflect that.
19:53	+rossriley	I’ll work to that
19:53	+gawainlynch	Cool :-)
19:53	+gawainlynch	OK, SahAssar anything from your side?
19:54	+SahAssar	Not yet... I'm working on some ideas, but not ready yet
19:54	+Bopp	(I have two small things to mention, before we close)
19:54	+gawainlynch	Fire away Bopp (was going to ask anyway)
19:55	+Bopp	ok, first: Peter told me that he's going to set aside time to actively help out with our Docs project, now that that's a bit afloat.
19:55	+Bopp	he'll start working on it, soon-ish.
19:55	+gawainlynch	Yes, had the same conversation with him too
19:55	+gawainlynch	:+1:
19:56	+Bopp	I know, he told me ;-)
19:56	+SahAssar	I'm not on a first-name-basis with everyone, so which peter?
19:56	+Bopp	peter boorsma
19:56	+SahAssar	(Since I assume we have multiple in the community)
19:56	+SahAssar	Ah, great :)
19:57	+Bopp	secondly, I've been away from the computer for a few days and i see a bunch of stuff has been merged into release/3.2
19:57	+Bopp	anything that warrants a 3.2.3 release?
19:58	+gawainlynch	Hmm … a few clean ups, and some advanced user stuff from Ross
19:59	+gawainlynch	…and corner case stuff
19:59	+Bopp	Then i'll wait a bit, and do it on friday, is suggest.. It's been 2 weeks then
19:59	+gawainlynch	WFM
19:59	+Bopp	Okido
19:59	+gawainlynch	Anyone else have anything to raise?
19:59	+rossriley	just added an example on this one:
20:00	+gawainlynch	Yes, and you are correct … I had an updated branch almost ready … but getting the tests to behave was too much for my attention span at the time :-D
20:00	+rossriley	phew
20:01	+rossriley	i don’t like reading my images in binary
20:01	+gawainlynch	Real computer science nerds … yada yada
20:01	+gawainlynch	:-D
20:01	+gawainlynch	OK, who'd like honours?
20:01	+Bopp	i did last week.
20:01	+SahAssar	gawainlynch: Then I guess you moved to reading the TCP stream raw and deencoding the TLS in your head?
20:02	+gawainlynch	#karma SahAssar
20:02	[BoltIssueBall]	BoltKarma for SahAssar is now 156
20:02	+gawainlynch	</meeting>
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