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Dev meeting 2017 06 06

Gawain Lynch edited this page Jun 20, 2017 · 5 revisions



  • Status on drop bear invasion (@YourGitHubID)

Actionable Items



gawainlynch ping @bob @carson @ross @sahassar

sahassar Phonepong

gawainlynch Laptop-pong

carson Texas-pong

gawainlynch OK, the other two are around somewhere, while waiting:
* [RFC] Symlink handling in core #6740

boltissueball #6740 [open] [RFC] Symlink handling in core


gawainlynch @carson I was hoping to hear a yes/no/go-away on that one … have you had a chance to think about it?

@bob: 3.3 beta/release progress see tracker #6001

boltissueball #6001 [open] [Tracker] Bolt 3.3 Release Blocking Issues

gawainlynch What's left … tracker is empty, everything I think is tagged

yes, but..

ross Checking in

We should look closely over this:

Clean up: either close, fix or push forward

gawainlynch Push

carson None of those look like 3.3 blockers to me at this point

#5979 is one i'd like resolved, though

boltissueball #5979 [open] [RFC] No way to re-trigger copying web assets for extensions..

carson Not that they aren’t important

`cp src target`

gawainlynch Moved :wink:

5979 is a bit (lot) harder than I thought with 3.3

Kidding aside, if #5979 is so easy to fix, can we please fix it?

boltissueball #5979 [open] [RFC] No way to re-trigger copying web assets for extensions..


gawainlynch Basically we'd need to create the Composer event for each one, and that is ugly/hacky (edited)

So, revisit soon-ish … but lets get 3.3.0 out a.s.a.p :slightly_smiling_face:

ok. cool

Want that too.

gawainlynch What's blocking your work on that, anything?

I'm busy with monkey-testing and dogfooding

gawainlynch :+1:

OK, so leave you to it for the moment then?

And in the process bumping into issues like the jsonapi one.

Think I found another like it, but need to investigate

Other than that, wrapping up.

we should be good to release soon.

Document the upgrade process

gawainlynch Yeah, I knew what I was looking for … I opened an issue the other day, only to get gently nudged by @carson that we weren't on Silex 2 yet :smile:

like the stupid `cache/development/data` thing

carson ?

gawainlynch ¿

update a site..

site doesn't work,

throws exception that `app/cache/development/data` doesn't exist or isn't writable

gawainlynch So far, 100% of those have been early invocation of services

ross That could be solved by excluding the delete of the subdirectories on cache clear

need to run app/nut cache:clear _twice_ and it works

also, the infinite loop on login

carson Can you open issues for those?

if you're coming from a 3.1 or 3.2 install _before_ the changes in session, you'll need to manually wipe cookies, or you're stuck in a loop

@carson: Gladly, but I can't reproduce them in a clean way, so i didn't do that yet.

carson Well you are bringing them up as things to address so… :wink:

.. plus uncertainty whether it was an error on my end, or a know quirk or whatnot

gawainlynch I spent the last couple of days starting on clean 3.2 installs and updating to 3.3 *without* that problem

Not doubting, but a test case would really help (edited)

@gawainlynch ok, that's good to know. I'll spend more time working _with_ bolt 3.3 this week, and will open issues if i still bump into anything

gawainlynch :+1:

@gawainlynch That's the hard part.. I have this weird behaviour.. I fix it by mashing buttons on the keyboard.. and then I can reproduce reliably often.

gawainlynch Yeah, if we can track down a test case … more than happy to xdebug the life out of it :slightly_smiling_face:

I know, getting the test case is the hard part.

gawainlynch Yeah, tell me about it

OK, next … mainly for @carson — [PR][Docs] Bolt 3.3+ Amazon S3 Remote Filesystem

carson Yeah it’s on my list

gawainlynch :+1:

* [PR] Symfony 3 & Silex 2 project filesystem layout #6739

boltissueball #6739 [open] [4.0] Phase I: Symfony 3 & Silex 2 project filesystem layout

gawainlynch Gentle nudges :wink:

@ross — [PR] Allow opt in to new setcontent queries #6622

boltissueball #6622 [open] Allow opt in to new setcontent queries

gawainlynch Is that one of the ones waiting on my config work, or your free time?

I'm fine with the Bolt 4.0 PR's, but i'd rather leave them for someone else to review and merge in.

gawainlynch No stress, but I am trying to keep my backlog of open PRs manageable, so I don't overload ATM

ross I'm just not sure on the problem with laziness on #6622

boltissueball #6622 [open] Allow opt in to new setcontent queries

gawainlynch Ah

ross Need to get an idea of what the problem is and how we can fix

carson @ross you don’t understand what I commented?

ross Carson no about whether to use `storage` or the lazy version

carson Ok previously we had `BoltExtension::getStorage()->getContent()`. Now you added `BoltExtension::getQueryEngine()->getContent()`. Since both objects have the getContent method just do your conditional in getStorage.

public function getStorage()
    return $new ? $this->queryEngine : $this->em;

Then you can drop all the twig node and token parser changes

ross ok, I can do that for now, I was thinking that in the 3.4/3.5 cycle we might want to tweak the node behaviour too, so that's why I did it that way

gawainlynch The extension loads with the lazy EntityManager … can we use the runtime instead, as that isn't invoked during registration?

carson Well I guess it can wait until then :wink:

gawainlynch As in hold off on the PR, Carson?

carson I think whatever changes you want to make could still be done in a DRY-er way

ross I'll change it for now, no hassle

if we need any more changes it can be a separate pr

carson Thanks Ross

gawainlynch :+1:

carson I don’t think bob and I agreed with the version number either

@carson the version number how exactly?

carson Your comment on the PR

gawainlynch Integer instead of semantic text

Oh, that one!

gawainlynch I'm with Ross & Carson … I think it's fine, personally, for the reasons that Carson argues in that thread

…I just didn't read it properly the first time

Yeah, but it's not that important to me.. If the consensus is one way, i'll happily concede

gawainlynch Last one … @carson I take it you have #6726 on your TODO list, and I should be patient, 'cause overloaded Carson is overloaded?

boltissueball #6726 [open] [4.0] Silex 2 … and WebLink

carson Wait I'm with Bob not Ross on that one.

gawainlynch Oh, you mean a boolean?

carson Yeah

gawainlynch WFM2 :+1:

carson I do. And it’s for 4.0 so it’s at the bottom of my list

gawainlynch OK, just an FYI we're about to run into a lot of blockers with versions

carson Hmm?

gawainlynch SF 3.3 stuff

It's all over the place :confused:

But yeah, other things first

carson You mean changes for 4.0?

gawainlynch Yeah … hence your point

carson I don’t care if master is broken lol

gawainlynch I do, I want to keep working on it, and keep it moving

carson I agree. But there are other things in the way just to get to master

gawainlynch Understand, just trying to flag to not perma-push it to the bottom of the list :slightly_smiling_face:

carson I know you want to keep working on it. But I want to get things resolved for 3.x so we can drop the bad code in 4.0. So it’s just a low priority for me

Soon :tm:  :wink:

gawainlynch Well, that is also part of my aim … it starts giving us a more solid base to aim for, and understand

But yeah, zero stress … as I said "flag" :slightly_smiling_face:

OK, let's call it then


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