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Dev meeting 2017 07 11

Gawain Lynch edited this page Jul 13, 2017 · 5 revisions


  • 3.3 beta/release progress see tracker #6001 (@Bob)
  • [RFC] Twig relationship/taxonomy/contentype functions & filters #6774
  • Proposal: Add an extra minimal theme to core. (@Bob)
  • Proposal: Require PR's to get approved/commented by other team members before merge (Exceptions can be made for small readme/changelog/typo fixes or urgent PR's when no one is around to approve/comment) (@SahAssar)


  • Status on drop bear invasion (@YourGitHubID)

Actionable Items



gawainlynch ping @bob @carson @ross @sahassar


ross pong

sahassar pong

gawainlynch OK, let's get this happening

#6001 and beta/RC

boltissueball #6001 [open] [Tracker] Bolt 3.3 Release Blocking Issues

gawainlynch @carson: Do you have objections to #6805? It closes the second last blocker on this (edited)

boltissueball #6805 [open] [3.3] Fixes for .bolt.yml / .bolt.php custom path handling

I think it’s GTG (edited)

carson Haven’t had a chance to verify the logic, but at face value it looks fine

gawainlynch Sorry to bug you on free time too mate

WFM :+1:


boltissueball #6774 [open] [RFC] Twig relationship/taxonomy functions & filters

I - personally - don’t really see the benefit..

gawainlynch Further ideas and thoughts on the various approaches?

Well, we do something now, or land people in hot water in v4 … with a rude surprise

I _do_ see a huge benefit of the other side of this RFC, namely a _new_ function you can plop any `Record` in, and it’ll give a nice overview of what’s in there.

sahassar I think it will be fine if we get `|explain` (edited)

_That_ i would love

I think it has to be `|splain` now.

sahassar :smile:

gawainlynch :rolleyes: :smile: (edited)

OK … well, I'll happily go back onto the proverbial drawing board, but I am not the one that gets to explain it to end users

There is no two ways about it … those objects are being decoupled

ross I don't have objection to adding more helpers, but..

the goal of the entities was that we would have standard getters for all fields including rels and taxonomy

I think if we’d get a `|splain` first, it’d be fairly easy..

Could we get that in, in a 3.x version?

gawainlynch Potentially … but we need time to code it, and the coders that can do it have a couple of years worth of work to do in the next 6 months already

Can you explain in one or two sentences what the benefit of decoupling them is?

carson Doctrine ORM may let us keep the getters for relations.

sahassar Well, for me `|splain` is a blocker for removing `record.related()` and friends

ross we already have getters for relations and taxonomies

gawainlynch sahassar: I am not pushing for merging of *that*  PR btw

carson @bob  the idea is entities should not have services internally.

gawainlynch ^

ross {% for related in record.pages %} will iterate over related pages

sahassar gawainlynch: Yeah, just making my thinking clear :slightly_smiling_face:

gawainlynch Yeah, but it needs to go, Ross … there is so much that is holding us up :confused:

Who can help, with building the `|splain` filter?

carson It doesn’t have to with Doctrine actually

gawainlynch The things I GAF about on this, personally, are:
- Entities *without* services attached (as above)
- Serialisation
- Foreign keys

All three are hurting badly, and there is a lot of coding around it

carson Foreign keys? Objects publically should have no knowledge of that.

gawainlynch Correct, but to build them … have a go :wink:

carson With doctrine, you’ll need to merge() the object after unserializing it

gawainlynch I know

ross yes, there's a legacy service injected into Content... but they were designed to be plain php objects

carson And it internally has services

gawainlynch ross: Well understood, and I help you build at least one … not having a dig :wink:

carson I know I’m flipping on my argument here.

But an extra filter would just be more work that doctrine can do OOTB

well maybe not OOTB, but with their abstractions

gawainlynch Carson, agreed and as above not pushing for the changes in that PR, just pushing for change that works for all :slightly_smiling_face:

ross I'd be up for evaluating what needs to be done to get it working properly... if it's not feasible in a reasonable timeframe then by all means we can workaround

gawainlynch Yeah, please don't take my tone as upset either … just tired at the end of the day :slightly_smiling_face:

OK … so shall we call this one a stalemate for this week?

carson I don’t think so

I think we should just drop it

`|explain` is a different issue and should be addressed separately

gawainlynch WFM … I am trying to get to a way forward though, as I keep saying … and ^ that

carson Well the way forward is with Doctrine and it handles relations

gawainlynch Yeah, but we need both buy-in and coders mate :slightly_smiling_face:

I _do_ think reaching agreement on what `explain` should do will be pretty easy.. And, perhaps once we have that, it’ll be easier to reach consensus on how to chip away at decoupling it.

carson You said you were trying to get a way forward, not a coder.

We don’t need to “decouple it” (edited)

gawainlynch @bob Yeah, hence "call it a stalemate for the week" … i.e back to the drawing board until we have something closer to what gets consensus (edited)

carson Idk what’s not decided on ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

> gawainlynch
> Potentially … but we need time to code it, and the coders that can do it have a 
> couple of years worth of work to do in the next 6 months already
> Posted in #developmentJul 11th at 19:39

Yes, I did highlight the need for "hands"

carson So the question is not how but who. (edited)

gawainlynch Not 100% sure either are clear

Ok, let’s move on for now.. I don’t think we’re going to figure this out today.

gawainlynch Moving on, as we're not getting anywhere without code… Proposal: Add an extra minimal theme to core. (@bob)

Yes, as discussed last week with Svante and Gawain last week:

carson :+1: also drop year from theme name

Apart from needing a `base-2017` anytime soonish, it’d also be nice to have an _extra_ minimal theme.

gawainlynch Same, I've had a sneak peak at what Bob has ideas on, and I like

(I’d like to keep the year, though, but, different proposal)

For right now, i’d just like to _add_ a theme.

Something like this:

carson So is this going to be “minimal-2017”?

gawainlynch ^ what Bob said :+1: (edited)


It’s running on my Pi, here:



carson On the idea or the implementation?


carson I think we are all for the idea.

gawainlynch is staying quiet … 'cause UI and already in favour of the idea

I feel a “… ,but” coming on :wink:

gawainlynch Not from me … It's UI :smile:

sahassar :+1: for the idea, but I think they should be based on each other like we talked about last week

carson I just meant I don’t have time to look at the code rn

@sahassar I started out with base-2016, and basically just stripped it down..

gawainlynch `base-2016` is so last year though … /me hides

Replaced foundation for a “classless theme”, and removed a ton of cruft.

If you put them side by side, they will still be _very_ similar.

only, less bells&whistles, more bland

If you remove that “sakura.css”, you’ll be left with a very plain, straight HTML skeleton

@sahassar So, it’ll be quite easy to keep them in sync.. Just as i’m doing with `base-2106`, my WIP `base-2017`, `bolt-foundation-theme` and this one..

This one just is, well, _less_.

Also, it has no javascript, no build scripts/dependencies or any of that newfangled nonsense

ross :+1: from me too...


ross I'd like to start from something like that, then I can add my own newfangled nonsense


gawainlynch Yeah, that even has my attention too … now back to the BE corner I go :smile:

Ok, let’s get this in.. It’s tiny, and for people who have no need for it, it will be no bother..

gawainlynch By 3.3-stable? (edited)

ross gawainlynch on the serialize stuff, we can work on a concrete solution together if you want, if you can give me an example of what you need to do I can work on solutions within what we have

If it’s up to me, yes.. But I can also live with 3.4

ross I really think it will be pretty doable, in the design of the storage system

gawainlynch ross: Yeah totally in favour … again, after reading back sorry if that came across hostile :slightly_smiling_face:

ross no it didn't...

carson We could do something similar to doctrine. don’t serialize the services. after unserialization call merge() to return a different entity with the internal services restored

gawainlynch Carson, get out of my brain :stuck_out_tongue:

OK … last one

Proposal: Require PR's to get approved/commented by other team members before merge (Exceptions can be made for small readme/changelog/typo fixes or urgent PR's when no one is around to approve/comment) (@sahassar)

@sahassar: Want to run with that mate

sahassar So, this one was crossed out, and isn't really on the agenda anymore, but ideally I'd like to see us not self-merge anything unless it is absolutely neccessary

(before we close, let’s not forget to decide on 3.3 or 3.4 for merging in the extra theme. we got kinda sidetracked. :wink: ) (edited)

gawainlynch Oh sorry … I didn't F5 :facepalm:

@bob: I was waiting for your response on my question about that, personally I have no objections to 3.3 … I need a few more hours on the last one I found

ross 3.3

@gawainlynch Ok, i’ll prepare a PR for it.

Back to Svante’s issue.

I think everyone agrees that we have a process that works well, in most cases. There can always be an exceptional situation, and then the key is: Communicate what’s going on!

gawainlynch ^

If we stick to that, we’ll be fine

gawainlynch On process … and concern … any thoughts on

… and if desired, who wants what

I think GH does a good enough job already in _suggesting_ people for a review.

gawainlynch I tend to agree

No need to fence that down, imho

gawainlynch Oh, it doesn't fence it down, just "auto-adds" them for you

so, :-1: from me

gawainlynch No worries :slightly_smiling_face: (edited)

Ok :slightly_smiling_face:

gawainlynch It was just one of the things I was looking at to try to make this a happier place for all the team again :slightly_smiling_face:

Always good to take a look at GH improvements, so that’s fine.

about that.. I noticed this the other day:


It shows a bar with details about the license now

gawainlynch Well #### me, I hadn't seen that :smile:

OK, well anything anyone wants to raise?

I’m good.

gawainlynch … 'cause someone needs to go to bed :wink:

sahassar hands gawain a :sleeping_accommodation:

I’mma make a PR for the theme now

gawainlynch Lovely … #meeting

boltissueball </meeting> Failed parsing XML: 'hug' expected, No 'love' shown for bot. Program 'meeting' terminated.
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