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Dev meeting 2017 04 04

Gawain Lynch edited this page Apr 10, 2017 · 3 revisions


  • {{ app }} -> {{ global }}. What's the plan? What will and what will not be moved over? (@BobdenOtter)
  • 3.3 Public Beta progress see tracker #6001 (@BobdenOtter)


  • Status on drop bear invasion (@YourGitHubID)

Actionable Items



bob twiddles thumbs.

bob @channel 🔔 Meeting time! 🔔

gawainlynch was busy addressing a Texas style storm

carson 😄

gawainlynch Off you go then

bob euhm.. ok.

So, things you need to take care of? or meeting as planned?

gawainlynch No, I was giving you a nudge … but let's roll then

bob 🙂

gawainlynch 3.3-beta

Where's we at people?

bob Extra-nudge for @ross and @sahassar 😉


boltissueball #6001 [open] [Tracker] Bolt 3.3 Release Blocking Issues

bob That one should be up to date.

Unfortunately for Carson, most things have his name on it, still

carson Yeah, sorry I’ve been busy with RL lately

Hoping to finish them in the next few days

gawainlynch I should be able to give him a bit of a hand next week

bob Yeah.. Please know i'm not trying to place blame or anything, carson 🙂

gawainlynch I am! Carson, it is all your fault! 😛

carson Understood 🙂

bob I have some docs to work on, but work-work has been killing.

gawainlynch … and nobody has told me today 😉

carson I worry the most about docs honestly

gawainlynch I have some docs coming, but want to get you to look first carson is poss.

OK, does anyone … not at the pub … have anything to raise?

bob yes




{{ app }} -> {{ global }}. What's the plan? What will and what will not be moved over? (@BobdenOtter)

gawainlynch You and your last minute agenda updates 😄 (edited)

bob dude, it was 19 minutes ago. 😉

carson global is not a Silex\Application

bob anyhow, I saw Carson mention today that we should use {{ global.request }} instead of {{ app.request }}.

carson Only request, debug, session, environment, user, and security can be there

bob So, i suppose {{ global.db.query('DROP TABLE bolt_users;') }} is out of the question?

carson Yes

bob Kidding aside, can we put record, records, page and similar in there?

carson No

bob Since in Twig 2 we can't set them globally,

and we need to have them somewhere.

carson They just need to be moved to the template context

They don’t need to be globals, and shouldn’t be either

I’m working on that too

But depends on the compatibility flag discussion

bob I have a few extensions,

where you can pass in a "record" to do something with it,

or, if you don't, it acts on "The record", gleaned from the global scope.

How are we going to be doing that?

carson Not finalized, but I have a couple ideas.


^ for example

carson Is that the fields() function?

bob yes

carson Yeah that’s what’s slowing me down right now lol

bob But, for example SEO uses it too

carson Yes, yes I know how your extensions do it

bob Why not just add record to globals, though? That seems like it would make your pain go away?

carson It’s not a global

It’s specific to the current request

bob .. as is global.request

carson That’s pulled from the RequestStack

We could have something similar to a ContentStack

bob Seems like adding complexity.

What about config? {{ app.config.get('foo') }} ?

carson It does usually take more code to make things less hacky, yes.

config is already a global

bob It's not just "more code", it's also "more things to remember for users" and "more docs that need writing" and ultimately "more people needing support"

carson That all depends on how it’s implemented.

bob So, {{ config.get('foo') }} would work?

carson Yes

bob Ok.

gawainlynch OK, so for now … onward and let's get 3.3 out this year

bob I know you're (we all) doing these things to make the code better, i'm just staying critical to make sure that we can also still use it.

carson I understand that. I don’t want to make things hard to use either

bob Ok, good to hear. 🙂

gawainlynch It's all part of why we're working the way we are to get as much covered, so that when we cut over there is less/none to do

carson I don’t think $env->getGlobals()['record'] is documented either

bob Doesn't look familiar, so I guess not. 🙂

carson That’s what you coded in your extensions

And that’s what is changing

Users can still access {{ record }} in templates

bob carson yes, that's because we set it where it should be used (namely the record route)

Oh, like that.

Yeah, that's just from the Twig docs.

carson Ok we are on a rabbit trail. We can talk more once PR is up

gawainlynch 👍

bob And I think it's not "getGlobals" that's deprecated, but setting globals after initialisation.

but yeah, if you have a PR, and stuff still works, i'm fine. (edited)

carson Correct $env->getGlobals()['foo'] is fine.

The problem is record is specific to the current request (edited)

bob it is, but it's useless if you can't set anything in it

carson We do lol. config is there

Because config doesn’t change with the current request.

bob right.

I'll wait patiently for the PR, and I'm sure it'll make sense to me then. 😉

carson Ok sounds good 👍

gawainlynch #meeting

boltissueball Failed parsing XML: 'hug' expected, No 'love' shown for bot. Program 'meeting' terminated.

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