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Dev meeting 2017 09 05

Gawain Lynch edited this page Sep 10, 2017 · 3 revisions



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ping @bob @lenvanessen @sahassar @ross

ross gnop


lenvanessen Ola

OK, apologies from Carson … he's enjoying beaches and vacation weather (we hope)

@ross: You make any more progress on that stuff we were going over?

ross yes, I updated the PR for you to look at

Did you push?

The last one I have is "nitpick"

sorry, pong!


sorry, missed that step

Haha! :koala:

OK … so I'll go over

What I did want to raise was moving work onward to v4 attention

Does anyone have nay good ideas on how we can best coordinate changes (i.e the PM) for v4 work? as I think it is fair to say "The time has come" (edited)

I think Gawain and I should coordinate on how to split up backend and frontend work

and I will then work on the basis for the "frontend of the backend", hopefully with @jmarsh

Yeah, I am going to pretty much drop work on v3 features stuff from 3.4's release, and focus on v4 stuff … there is too much unmovable stuff in v3 and we're only endlessly pissing people off

@ross: What are your thoughts/plans on storage stuff with relations to next-gen? (edited)

ross A lot will depend upon how smoothly the compat work goes now

if it goes to plan then I'll mainly be deleting stuff for 4.0

OK, so you're going to want to keep some degree of feature releases rolling for 3.x then?

ross yes, not so much new features as moving over more stuff from legacy to new

feature-wise I don't really have anything major in mind

OK, but will the changes be appropriate for 3.4.x+ as we go?

ross yes

IMHO 3.3 (and soon 3.4) work pretty well.. We can keep using those, while working on the big 4.0

Yeah, part of what I want to try and get some PM around too, is that there is a tonne of old stuff that has just got to go, but my mind is still on how to provide some degree of transition

I think we all agree that after 3.4 our main focus should be 4.0

Oh yeah, sure … it is just how to we not make 4.0.0 too big of a bandaid to "rip off" to upgrade

But we just need to get really serious about not breaking BC on people

How about we flip it around? Just thinking out loud here..

:ear: (edited)

We work on 4.0.. Do what we need to do.

while we do that, we keep adding more "warnings" or "decprecation" notices to 3.x

not unlike symfony did with 2.8 and 3.0

That is the current status quo :wink:

that way _upgrading_ to the latest 3.x should be fairly painless, and you'd get a good idea for what you can expect when updating to 4.0

But you have to add the stuff to 3.x (as SF did with 2.7 & 2.8)

yes, but so far we try to keep it _compatible_.

Perhaps just say "Note: this will break, come 4.0" ?

I'm not sure how that would work in practice, though

Well, you have to keep it to some extent, or provide the future alternative

Regardless, the path forward is 4.0, i think

@ross Is it fair to say then with your work, you're just interested in getting the storage transition across the line before touching v4?

Ok, is there more to add, for now? Or keep working on 3.4 and keep this goal for 4.0 in mind? :slightly_smiling_face:

(sorry, tiny bit impatient)

Well, I just want to get the PM and direction somewhat laid out, Bob :slightly_smiling_face:

If you need to go, catch up in the morning … zero stress

ross yes I think so, there's a few features that can be built on the back of everyone having moved to the new engine

so that's the big job ahead now

Yeah, I am gathering

How can I help you?

… or should I help you :smile:

(i.e trying to help not hinder)

@sahassar While waiting, are you aiming to carve out work space for 4.0?

Judging by the photo in #general, I think @sahassar is outside, and not paying attention to the meeting. :slightly_smiling_face:

Oh right, forgot

Here, and outside :)

Beers at WarPigs even perhaps, if my eyes don't deceive me.

Schrödinger's Meeting (edited)

can never find the freaking umlaut

lenvanessen Doesn’t know how to make text italic

The race….

Who will teach me first

@lenvanessen it's markdownish in here.. `_italic_`

That one is just a sentence that starts with /me

lenvanessen _ bob has won_ (edited)

started this one with /me


looks sternly

ping @ross @sahassar :stuck_out_tongue:

lenvanessen For 4.0 we will be happy to carve out some time btw

Myself personally and some guys here at wirelab probaby as wel


@lenvanessen When Carson is back, I am going to have a chat with him about what madness we can rope you into

It would be good to get you +plus up and running as seamlessly as possible

lenvanessen We’ve got some designers, some developers, and we’re desperate to get a handle on our CMS choice, so we’ll probably be able to help out where possible:)

OK, we should think about coordinating a meet-and-greet in here at some point

I wanna finish drag and drop sorting, CT singletons and config restructure

lenvanessen Gawain is gonna swoop us of our feet for choosing bolt if i’m correct, and we’ve done work on the PyroCMS core before, so i’d say we would redirect that efforts to bolt:)

@sahassar: How much of that do you want to aim where?

All of it everywhere :)


I mean target branches

Sorry, don't really know right now, and can't check

FWIW I am very seriously thinking that I'll just target 4.0 with config … but I am willing to negotiate

@sahassar No problems, when are you back?

ross sorry, @gawainlynch missed your follow up

@ross: Mainly interested in helping is all, just don't want you to feel I am stepping on toes, or causing you *more* work

ross I guess, keeping a check on whether approaches I'm using are good, and that we're not going to inconvenience people too much when they switch over storage layers

there's a few things that have to break, but I'm trying to keep it down to things that can reasonably be patched in half an hour or so

but we don't want to launch 4.0 and no marketplace themes work anymore

so getting that part right will be the challenge

When you say break, do you mean in terms of flicking the compat setting one way or the other?

Or absolute

(sorry, all.. I have to nip out.. Will catch up later tonight)

ross yes, by the time 4.0 launches, all the themes will need to have implemented the compat patches

so that they work with both old/new layers... then when 4.0 is released and the old goes, then noone should notice a break

Right, but if a site is on 3.0 now and updates to 3.9.x they will be fine without change? It would only be the upgrade to 4.0 that would require them?

ross yes, unless they switch that new flag on

setcontent_legacy: false

Perfect … sounds like a deal

OK, well lets pick all this up next week when everyone is here and not on vacation or festivals or pubs :wink:


boltissueball </meeting> Failed parsing XML: 'hug' expected, No 'love' shown for bot. Program 'meeting' terminated.

@lenvanessen You were going to say something?

lenvanessen I was gonna beat you to the point with the meeting

`#meeting` that is

boltissueball </meeting> Failed parsing XML: 'hug' expected, No 'love' shown for bot. Program 'meeting' terminated.
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