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Dev meeting 2017 05 30

Gawain Lynch edited this page May 31, 2017 · 2 revisions



  • Status on drop bear invasion (@YourGitHubID)

Actionable Items



gawainlynch OK, we're kinda-sort all around … ping @bob @carson @ross @sahassar

ross pong


gawainlynch OK, first cab off the rank  … 3.3


gawainlynch Carson, other than what Bob just mentioned (I think on the tracker), is anything outstanding your end?


boltissueball #6001 [open] [Tracker] Bolt 3.3 Release Blocking Issues

carson Yeah the default thumbnail thing

and exceptions for broken images

The only other two issues open on that ticket haha

gawainlynch Yep, that is the answer I was expecting … what do we need (high-level) to get this over the line?

carson You could do both.

I, personally, would be happy to get a pragmatic workaround in.

carson The broken images issue has my suggestions on how to move forward

gawainlynch You're happy for that?

carson And I have no knowledge on the not found image not working. It still needs to be researched

gawainlynch Oh, it hits me all the time

I know what’s going on there.

gawainlynch @bob: Let's schedule some PM time and go over that one, and team up


gawainlynch @carson Consider them handed over then

I'll call on your when then PRs land

@bob That's going to delay my look at the Satis issue :wink:

No JSONfeed for you, then! :stuck_out_tongue:

carson ok

gawainlynch OK … so over to y'all … anything, other than JSON feeds :stuck_out_tongue: to raise?

carson @gawainlynch did you find anything broken in the latest PRs from me with the script handler updates?

gawainlynch @carson: not from expected use-cases

I’ll tag a beta 9 after the meeting, and do more monkey-testing

gawainlynch If I start moving/renaming stuff and random points in the process, there are some clean ups there … but not blockers

I'd call those "not supported" anyway

carson Cool. Unless you find something yourself bob, the composer install process is “finished/updated” and ready to be “reviewed” by whoever you were thinking

Should we bump #5979 to be a bug and a blocker?

boltissueball #5979 [open] [RFC] No way to re-trigger copying web assets for extensions..

carson I don’t think so

gawainlynch @bob: I can add that too (I think)

It does pop up often enough to be annoying for me.

carson Isn’t that just calling composer run script anyways?

gawainlynch I only have so many hours per-day of computer time though

(as in, having to explain to people “make the folder writable, remove all extensions, reinstall”) (edited)

gawainlynch @carson: the number of paths to the point where you need it are numerous …

It's one of those "just get it happening" things

I can handle it though

But I am being strict about my queue

Good. :slightly_smiling_face:

gawainlynch @ross: BTW, I am back (heavily) on the config stuff

ross good stuff, I imagine I'll need a big rebase on my WIP branch :wink:

gawainlynch So we should have something soon to build/clear you backlog too

You have no idea

ross ha, I should take a day's rebasing holiday

gawainlynch Funnily enough, the worst point is currently 3.2 -> 3.3

3.3 -> 3.4 in some things, but EoLing 3.2 & 3.3 is going to be a happy day

@ross: Include :beers:

ross beere-base


gawainlynch We have beer-merges …

Speaking of which: #6727

boltissueball #6727 [open] Updating and Version.php

gawainlynch 3.3's beta count is almost as high as 3.4's alpha…

OK, K.I.S.S. … #meeting

boltissueball </meeting> Failed parsing XML: 'hug' expected, No 'love' shown for bot. Program 'meeting' terminated.
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