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Dev meeting 2016 12 13

Gawain Lynch edited this page Dec 13, 2016 · 3 revisions


  • What's the status of the Local Extensions replacement? (@Bob)
  • 3.3 beta date? (@Bob)


  • Status on drop bear invasion (@YourGitHubID)

Actionable Items



<gawainlynch> ping Bopp carsonfull gawainlynch rixbeck rossriley SahAssar 
<Bopp> poingk
<SahAssar> pong
<gawainlynch> Getting you lot in the one channel
<Bopp> Let's vote on the absentees buying the next rounds of beer. 
<Bopp> Aye.
<SahAssar> Aye
<gawainlynch> I like your thinking, Boltnewb27 
<gawainlynch> *Bopp
<Bopp> :-)
* SahAssar still owes you guys from the last one
<gawainlynch> So really the pending is: What's the status of the Local Extensions replacement? (@Bob)
<gawainlynch> …but so far, no rossriley 
<carsonfull> I'll buy anyone still using IRC a beer to switch
<gawainlynch> Any "raisers"
<gawainlynch> ?
<Bopp> So far, 3.3 is progressing nicely.. 
<Bopp> one beta-blocker, imho.. 
<Bopp> I'm sure we'll get an update when ross resurfaces. :-)
<gawainlynch> Let's try #beers
* [BoltIssueBall] $this->app['bartender']->setDrink('beer')->setTab('gawainlynch')->serveAll();
<carsonfull> Since Local Extensions is taking a bit longer, I have a branch I would like to get in to 3.3 (PR tonight). Since 3.3 has a lot of path/fs/resources changes I think it makes sense to include it with this release
<carsonfull> Oh it's the ResourceManager replacement code
<carsonfull> @gawainlynch I know you don't like the delays but thoughts on this?
<gawainlynch> Well, it would be good to know where rossriley is at … if he's delayed for any reason, I am on-side … I am in the middle otherwise … how big is the delta?
<Bopp> IMHO, PR's for _new_ stuff can land until the beta release, so if it doesn't break BC, i'm leaning towards getting it in. 
<carsonfull> gawainlynch: how big is the diff? 
<Bopp> (as opposed to PR's for bugfixes, which can land after as well)
<gawainlynch> carsonfull: Yeah
<carsonfull> If I did it right: 10 files changed, 470 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)
<gawainlynch> Hmm … if you'd made *38* deletions …
<carsonfull> :)
<gawainlynch> Yeah, I am leaning towards it given the delay 
<Bopp> Why not PR it as a [WIP] / [RFC], and we can see it before guesstimating. 
<carsonfull> I can do that. just need to do a couple things first
<gawainlynch> One other one #6163
-[BoltIssueBall]/#boltcms- #6163 [open] Adapted searchSingleContentType() to allow status = ... to be passed as a filter 
<gawainlynch> I was hoping to bump this off Ross too
<gawainlynch> Kinda feels bugfix-ish-y … but I am just really nervous about *adding* to legacy now 
<gawainlynch> …or am I over reacting? 
<Bopp> I hadn't looked closely yet.. 
<carsonfull> No I was nervous too
<Bopp> I think it'd be better for 3.3, too
<SahAssar> Well, couldn't we ask for it to be implemented in the new storage too?
<carsonfull> ^ that's what I'm wondering
<gawainlynch> Yeah, I was thinking that if we're touching anything here (feature-wise), it should move over
<gawainlynch> Hence why I couldn't bug/feature split it in my head
<SahAssar> IMO 3.3 with the same implemented in new storage sounds fine
<gawainlynch> 3.3 or 3.4 depending on how long it takes :-)
<Bopp> agree
<gawainlynch> Anything else to come up?
<Bopp> I'm good.
<gawainlynch> So it that
<gawainlynch> </meeting> 
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