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Dev meeting 2017 03 28

Gawain Lynch edited this page Mar 28, 2017 · 3 revisions



  • Status on drop bear invasion (@YourGitHubID)

Actionable Items



bob 🕢

@channel 🔔

gawainlynch Here… derp … was helping with diner

ross here

sahassar here

bob Cool.

gawainlynch So first off:

  • 3.3 Public Beta progress see tracker #6001 (@BobdenOtter) (edited)

boltissueball #6001 [open] [Tracker] Bolt 3.3 Release Blocking Issues

bob I'm guessing most of those are on Carson and Ross' plates.

gawainlynch All of these are connected to … ^ that

ross they're all on carson actually.. but I can helpout on one to speed things up

gawainlynch nudges Carson while ordering his lunch

carson 💀

bob pokes Carson with a stick :dusty_stick:

bob :dusty_stick:

gawainlynch hugs Carson

carson #6437 the ball is not in my court

boltissueball #6437 [open] [3.3] Regression: Twig functions defined extensions, added in content no longer work. — assigned to CarsonF

carson If someone else could snag #6455 that would be great

boltissueball #6455 [open] [3.3] Regression: No .htaccess throws exception when Apache checks are disabled. — assigned to CarsonF

carson The other 3, yes 😕

bob #6437 we decided "wontfix" and live with the slight BC break, yes.. Shall I just close it?

boltissueball #6437 [open] [3.3] Regression: Twig functions defined extensions, added in content no longer work. — assigned to CarsonF

ross do you want me to sort the apache one carson?

carson Please

gawainlynch Grabbed 6455



carson Well you two can fight over it then

ross ha, defeated

gawainlynch Go for it Ross

I was preempting out of guilt

bob Closed 6437 with "We've decided to not revert the work done wrt SecurityPolicy, and instead mitigate the slight BC break by adding better notices for developers to fix it in their extensions. (see #6504, for a WIP) "

boltissueball #6504 [open] Improving the wording and looks of the SecurityPolicy and Twig-in-content errors.

carson Perfect, thanks Bob

sahassar 👍

carson I was working on the exception stuff. and I must’ve been tired because I reset —hard accidentally 🤦 I stopped working on it after that

gawainlynch git reflog

Or everything dirty?

carson dirty

gawainlynch Ouch

carson wait no. I committed an asdf commit (edited)

bob [insert Christina Aguilera gif]

gawainlynch Look in git reflog and create a new branch off the last commit to that branch name

carson it’s in reverse order right?

newest at top?

bob yes

carson Nice! Thanks Gawain that saved me some time 🙂

gawainlynch You're very welcome my friend, very welcome 🙂 (edited)

bob 👍

carson You git to wear the git guru hat today 💯

sahassar #git

boltissueball says you have three choices: 1. man git, 2. nicely ask gawainlynch, or 3. do it the xkcd way:

carson (pun intended)

sahassar number 2 never fails 🙂 (edited)

bob hehehe

gawainlynch Anyway … beta … waiting on Carson & now Ross for blockers … then on to glory

carson So getting back to it, yes I have work to do 😄

Can 6382 and 6443 be combined on the list?

The second is the solution to the first

That just leaves me with two things

bob I'll do that!


gawainlynch So do we have matters of business to raise?

bob Think we're good for now.

ross I'm gonna do an RFC for this feature flag support

so you can comment on that when I get it up

gawainlynch Yeah, the lack of that is really on my nerves right now 😄

ross I have a plan

carson That probably relates to what I was going to do with compatibility config flags

gawainlynch uploaded this image: Don't worry, I have a plan.jpg

carson There’s a difference between experimental and compatibility, but if a feature can’t be implemented without breaking BC that seems like a compatibility flag to me

bob I have a sneaky suspicion gawainlynch snuck off to stir in the pots. 😉

ah, he was making dank memes. 😄

Soooo, we good for tonight?

carson Sure

gawainlynch Who's turn?

carson #meeting

boltissueball Failed parsing XML: 'hug' expected, No 'love' shown for bot. Program 'meeting' terminated.```

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