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322 lines (251 loc) · 17 KB

File metadata and controls

322 lines (251 loc) · 17 KB

Version 0.8.3


Mostly a small hotfix to allow chaning of exptime in AutoExposure, plus some housekeeping.

What's Changed

Dependency Changes

  • Bump requests from 2.31.0 to 2.32.0 by @dependabot in #417
  • Update astropy version by @hugobuddel in #418

Other Changes

  • Install ScopeSim_Data in the poetry environment by @hugobuddel in #416
  • Do not ignore PytestRemovedIn8Warning. by @hugobuddel in #420
  • Fix configure_logging by using function scope. by @hugobuddel in #422
  • Fix exptime dit ndit bug by @teutoburg in #424

Full Changelog:

Version 0.8.2


What's Changed

New Features or Improvements

  • Cap negative values below 0 before quantifying to an unsigned int. by @hugobuddel in #414

Full Changelog:

Version 0.8.1


Small changes required for the first METIS Simulated data release.

What's Changed

New Features or Improvements

  • Do something sensible when a trace falls outside the FoV. by @hugobuddel in #407
  • Fix specref not always an integer by @JenniferKarr in #411

Dependency Changes

  • Bump tqdm from 4.66.1 to 4.66.3 by @dependabot in #409
  • Bump jinja2 from 3.1.3 to 3.1.4 by @dependabot in #410

Documentation Improvements

  • Fix dev_master -> main in readme by @teutoburg in #406

New Contributors

  • @JenniferKarr made their first contribution in #411

Full Changelog:

Version 0.8.0


Many small fixes, some new effects, some important fixes related to coordinates, and lots of cleanup.

What's Changed

API Changes

  • Add more useful error message to download functions by @teutoburg in #309
  • Migrate from requests ➡️ httpx by @teutoburg in #312
  • Improve logging by @teutoburg in #339
  • Use ChainMap for UserCommands by @teutoburg in #375

Changes to or addition of Effects

  • Add Shutter effect by @teutoburg in #304
  • Add Quantization effect by @teutoburg in #308
  • Implement apply decision for quantization by @teutoburg in #396

New Features or Improvements

  • Add basic sky coordinates (WCS) to ScopeSim output by @teutoburg in #307
  • Include more progress bars by @teutoburg in #311
  • Further improvements to logging by @teutoburg in #349
  • Add IFU cube rectification and more by @oczoske in #258
  • Resolve recursive bang-strings by @astronomyk in #351
  • Also show scopsim version in bug_report by @hugobuddel in #394

Dependency Changes

  • Improve CI run for notebooks by @teutoburg in #300
  • Migrate to Poetry by @teutoburg in #314
  • Bump nbconvert from 6.4.5 to 6.5.1 by @dependabot in #315
  • Bump jupyter-server from 1.13.5 to 2.11.2 by @dependabot in #316
  • Bump requests from 2.28.2 to 2.31.0 by @dependabot in #317
  • Upgrade numpy to 1.26.3 and some other dependencies by @hugobuddel in #336
  • Drop support for Python 3.8 by @teutoburg in #327
  • Bump jinja2 from 3.1.2 to 3.1.3 by @dependabot in #338
  • Bump jupyter-lsp from 2.2.1 to 2.2.2 by @dependabot in #344
  • Bump notebook from 7.0.6 to 7.0.7 by @dependabot in #347
  • Bump jupyterlab from 4.0.10 to 4.0.11 by @dependabot in #346
  • Bump pillow from 10.1.0 to 10.2.0 by @dependabot in #350
  • Some small dependency- and version-related changes by @teutoburg in #363
  • Bump pillow from 10.2.0 to 10.3.0 by @dependabot in #393
  • Bump idna from 3.6 to 3.7 by @dependabot in #398

Documentation Improvements

  • Add config file for auto-generated release notes by @teutoburg in #301
  • Move changelog to dedicated file, add more readme badges by @teutoburg in #302
  • Use PyPI badge for Python versions by @teutoburg in #326
  • Replace "Telescopy" with "ScopeSim" in README by @teutoburg in #348
  • Also make pdf and epub by @hugobuddel in #370
  • Fix RTD Poetry configuration by @teutoburg in #379

Other Changes

  • Some refactoring of z_order fuctionality by @teutoburg in #303
  • Fix notebook tests by @teutoburg in #320
  • Include ScopeSim_Data in notebook tests by @hugobuddel in #324
  • Allow to run without arguments by @hugobuddel in #330
  • Revert "Also use poetry for calling jupytext" by @hugobuddel in #334
  • Use new linkchecker action by @hugobuddel in #335
  • Properly stack stars by @hugobuddel in #337
  • Remove obsolete files by @teutoburg in #340
  • Rearrange CI tests by @teutoburg in #341
  • Add test to see whether all Python files can be imported. by @hugobuddel in #343
  • Ensure logging messages don't reach the root logger by @hugobuddel in #345
  • Sort corner pixels to deal with negative CDELTs by @teutoburg in #321
  • Use logger instead of print by @hugobuddel in #353
  • Minor logging fixes in download module by @teutoburg in #354
  • Add DeprecationWarnings for fov_grid methods by @teutoburg in #313
  • Delete redundant by @teutoburg in #355
  • Minor formatting changes by @teutoburg in #358
  • Add more debug logging by @teutoburg in #356
  • Further harmonize filename kwarg by @teutoburg in #361
  • Minor cleanup in by @teutoburg in #362
  • Replace printing with logging by @teutoburg in #360
  • Removing currsys as global parameter by @astronomyk in #364
  • Additional hotfix for the removed currsys by @astronomyk in #368
  • More cmds and kwargs stuff by @hugobuddel in #369
  • Remove unused and broken make_imagehdu_from_table() by @hugobuddel in #371
  • Fixes needed for IFU/LMS mode by @hugobuddel in #376
  • Do not set user commands as rc.currsys by @hugobuddel in #377
  • Weed out unused utils functions by @teutoburg in #381
  • Refactor some rarely-used utils functions by @teutoburg in #382
  • Make required_keys always a set by @teutoburg in #383
  • Some minor improvements and refactoring in the FOVManager by @teutoburg in #384
  • Slightly more sophisticated use of numpy by @teutoburg in #385
  • Remove unsatisfied assert by @hugobuddel in #386

Full Changelog:

Version 0.7.1


Bug fixes and better error report

What's Changed

  • Improve the output of scopsim.bug_report() and automatically log that report when an unhandled error occurs: #287
  • Some bug fixes related to that same bug_report: #290, #291
  • Improve ScopeSim's README file: #294
  • Deal with warnings from the latest Python version 3.12: #289
  • Internally restructure and clean the test suite, make sure individual tests are not influencing each other: #285

Full Changelog:

Version 0.7.0


Off-by-one fix.

What's Changed

  • Fix a long-standing bug regarding the internal implementation of WCS coordinates, which had multiple consequences, see #276 for details.
  • This fix might break some existing codes using work-arounds for the bug described above.

Full Changelog:

Version 0.6.2


Patch with bugfixes and code improvements

What's Changed

  • Fix documentation on #269
  • Bug fixes related to plotting methods: #270
  • Formatting of code and documentation to meet community standards: #271
  • General refactoring, some in preparation of more substantial bug fixes: #272

Full Changelog:

Version 0.6.1


Patch with visualisation improvements and general refactoring

What's Changed

  • Improvements to console representation and plot methods of various classes: #252 , #260 , #263 , #266
  • Refactoring and changes to the inheritance of some classes: #261 , #264 , #265
  • Changes to the CI configuration to reduce fails caused by web request timeouts #255 , #262

Full Changelog:

Version 0.6.0


Summer 2023

What's Changed

  • Rename MAORY to MORFEO #195
  • Fix NCPA and PSF affecting spectroscopy #238
  • Fix line widths bug #213
  • Add rectification utilities #237
  • Include grating efficiencies #215
  • Improve downloading of IRDB #234
  • Improve Windows support

New Contributors

  • @teutoburg made their first contribution in #216

Full Changelog:

Version 0.5.6


Hotfix to include minimal set of SVO data

What's Changed

  • Run notebooks in CI #183
  • Add SVO data because SVO is down #185
  • Fix OpticalTrain shared cmds attribute and fix docstring #186

Version 0.5.5


v0.5.5 is the first release by the 2023 A*Vienna team

What's Changed

  • Return to § for incremental extension keywords #168
  • thin slit confusing dispersion direction #169
  • Adds unequal (i.e. 2x1) binning and option to rotate the CCD by integer multiples of 90 degrees #170
  • add filters and slits to wheels #176
  • psf_utils.rescale_kernel: fix for negative shifts #177
  • Fix bug where the ._meta_dicts can become longer than the .fields #178
  • Add test that Source() is additive identity #179
  • Allow astropy Units to be values in FITS headers. #180

Version 0.5.4


Hotfix for header keyword generators

What's Changed

  • incremental special characters for header keywords changed from §to ++
  • source object function calls are now given their own FITS header keyword FNSRCn (function-call source N) due to astropy not liking the combination of HIERARCH and CONTINUE keywords

Version 0.5.3


Minor upgrade to Spec modes and to FITS keywords

What's Changed

  • Effect object ExtraFitsKeywords now has the ability to add keywords with incrementing index numbers based on the extension number
  • FOV + FOVManager + FOVVolumes classes now accept aperture_id as an argument
  • ApertureList effects object now has an apply_to function which splits the FOVVolumeList accordingly

Version 0.5.2


Update of DLC server URL to

What's Changed

  • Updated to include all the files needed by the basic_instrument test optical train
  • Small update to allow iterative extension specific FITS header keywords. E.g. EXTNAME = DETn.DATA

Version 0.5.1


Update of DLC server URL to

What's Changed

  • Changed URL in defaults.yaml file

Version 0.5.0


IFU Spectroscopy mode for METIS

What's Changed

  • The IFU effects for the METIS LMS mode
  • Effects for including extra FITS keywords for the MICADO-ESO delivery
  • Minor change to the OpticalTrain.readout method to allow custom FITS keywords to be added
  • #-strings for accessing the .meta dict contents of Effect objects
  • added the tests.mocks.basic_instrument package for test purposes
  • refactored package downloading functions in server.database
  • Packages can now be downloaded directly from a git commit
  • new RTDs structure for docs based on ipynb files
  • change to SkyCalcTERCurve to use local files to avoid calling the skycalc server

New Effects:

  • MetisLMSSpectralTraceList(SpectralTraceList)
  • MetisLMSSpectralTrace(SpectralTrace)
  • MetisLMSImageSlicer(ApertureMask)
  • MetisLMSEfficiency(TERCurve)
  • ExtraFitsKeywords(Effect)
  • EffectsMetaKeywords(ExtraFitsKeywords)
  • SourceDescriptionFitsKeywords(ExtraFitsKeywords)
  • SimulationConfigFitsKeywords(ExtraFitsKeywords)
  • SpectralTraceListWheel(Effect)
  • Bias(Effect)

Version 0.4.1rc1


Updates since METIS science team release

What's Changed

  • DetectorList x(y)_size columns now accept units of pixel and mm
  • warnings and errors now handled using python logging package
  • minor bug fixes

New Effects:

  • TopHatFilterCurve
  • TopHatFilterWheel
  • SpanishVOFilterWheel

Version 0.4.0


Version released for the METIS science team

What's Changed

  • release of new spectroscopy effect SpectalTraceList
  • moved individual spectral trace code to utils file
  • rewritten FovManager class
  • added make_cube, make_image, make_spectrum to FieldOfView class
  • removed fov_grid from Effects
  • added new detector array z_order section (900-class effects)
  • wavelength-dependent PSF in spectroscopic modes
  • proper handling of cube sources
  • headers for output files