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Releases: GMOD/jbrowse-components

Release v1.5.2

21 Dec 16:46
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We're excited to present some great new features and performance improvements in v1.5.2!

New arc display type

A new display type has been added for drawing arcs. The color, thickness, height, label, and caption of the arcs can be customized.

Example of new arc track

New plugin build system

We've re-worked the system used by developers to build external plugins for more stability and flexibility. The current plugin build system will continue to work, but if you want to check out how the new template works, check out the JBrowse Plugin Template.

Storybook docs added for Circular Genome View React component

Find them linked under @jbrowse/react-circular-genome-view here.

Performance improvements

The alignments track now has 25% faster speed on most datasets and particularly on deep short read sequencing, it can be up to 10x faster.

Check out the release notes for more!

1.5.2 (2021-12-20)

Packages in this release

Package Download

🚀 Enhancement

  • Other
    • #2579 Add help text and help dialog for the RefNameAutocomplete (@cmdcolin)
    • #2553 Add sashimi-style arcs for RNA-seq type skips on SNPCoverage display (@cmdcolin)
    • #2552 Change border on non-cytoband OverviewScaleBar visible region back to blue and cytoband OverviewScaleBar to a little lighter fill (@cmdcolin)
    • #2509 Implement prop interface for providing arbitrary user-defined glyphs to SvgFeatureRenderer (@hextraza)
    • #2485 Only use one button, "Go", in text search ambiguous results dialog (@cmdcolin)
    • #2501 Add a tooltip to desktop session path so you can see the full path if it's cut off (@garrettjstevens)
  • core
  • core, development-tools
    • #2487 Add support for additional types of plugin formats (commonjs, esm) to allow access to node modules on jbrowse desktop (@garrettjstevens)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • Other
    • #2594 Fix infinite loop bug while searching certain strings and handle multi-word searches better (@cmdcolin)
    • #2589 Fix occasional failures observed from running text-index command (@cmdcolin)
    • #2583 Fix for alignments track base modifications display regarding skipped bases on Mm tag (@cmdcolin)
    • #2556 Fix ability to access BigWig tracks on http basic auth for some cases (@cmdcolin)
    • #2577 Fix ability to use --indexFile on VCF/GFF tabix and CRAM files and add plaintext VCF, GFF, GTF support to add-track CLI (@cmdcolin)
    • #2521 Fix ability to search for tracks with parentheses in tracklist (@cmdcolin)
    • #2512 Fix [object Window] issue in alignment read vs reference dialog (@cmdcolin)
    • #2499 Add missing dependency to CLI (@garrettjstevens)
  • core
    • #2585 Fix ability to use "Color by methylation" on files that require refname renaming (@cmdcolin)
    • #2517 Remove aborting on adapter loading process to fix some tracks getting stuck in infinite loading state (@cmdcolin)
    • #2564 Start looking for parents with parent, not self in findParentThat (@garrettjstevens)
    • #2563 Restore ability to load plugins from relative URL (@garrettjstevens)
    • #2533 Fix drawer widget minimized button being unclickable when overlapping with a view (@cmdcolin)

📝 Documentation

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Release v1.5.1

04 Nov 17:55
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This is the release of v1.5.1 with a bunch of small improvements and bugfixes,

Cytoband overview

We can now display the cytoband data for your genome assembly in the linear
genome view overview, and this will now be available for hg19 and hg38 assembly
configs on JBrowse Desktop

This can also appear in SVG exports

Plugins can integrate with "Add track" workflow better

Plugins that register new adapter types can integrate with the "Add track"
workflow by registering themselves for a particular file type or file extension
with the Core-guessAdapterForLocation

Open plaintext FASTA file on JBrowse desktop

Users can now open a plain FASTA instead of an indexed FASTA on JBrowse desktop, and it will create a .fai index on the fly

🚀 Enhancement

  • core
    • #2488 Improve usability of the search result autocomplete when typing in via keyboard (@cmdcolin)
    • #2267 Add cytoband to overview scale bar in LGV (@cmdcolin)
    • #2447 Drawer widget tooltips and use position: fixed on fab (@cmdcolin)
    • #2299 Add new pluggable element type and properties to adapter type for registering adapter association with 'add track' workflow (@carolinebridge-oicr)
  • Other

🐛 Bug Fix

  • Other
    • #2494 Add polyfill for text-index compatibility with node 10 (@cmdcolin)
    • #2492 Fix ability to open breakpoint split view from a BEDPE row in SV inspector (@cmdcolin)
    • #2480 Fix refName renaming on VcfAdapter for files that don't have ##contig lines (@cmdcolin)
    • #2469 Fix embedded crash when opening dialogs (@garrettjstevens)
    • #2451 Fix issue with intermittent text-index failures and improve speed (@cmdcolin)
    • #2439 Fix adding plugins on desktop (@cmdcolin)
    • #2426 Fix CLI create/upgrade failing to find the latest release (@cmdcolin)
  • core
    • #2457 Fix linear synteny view import form failure (@cmdcolin)
    • #2444 Fix crash when chromSizesLocation not specified when loading TwoBitAdapter in GUI (@cmdcolin)

📝 Documentation

🏠 Internal

Committers: 4

Release v1.5.0

18 Oct 19:17
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We are pleased to present the release of v1.5.0! We have some major new features to announce with this version!

JBrowse Desktop

JBrowse Desktop is our fully featured desktop application available for Mac, Windows, and Linux.

Everything you can do with JBrowse Web, you can do with JBrowse Desktop! In fact, because it runs as a desktop app, JBrowse Desktop can do things that the web can't like saving sessions to a file on your computer to revisit later.

JBrowse Desktop session

JBrowse Desktop features a new landing page designed to help you manage your work. Here's a few things you can do with it:

  • re-visit saved sessions using the recent session panel
  • launch new sessions easily from the quick start panel (e.g. hg19 and hg38 are built-in)
  • create a new entries in the quick start panel (e.g. quick launch your favorite organism)
  • quickly rename or delete sessions from the landing page

JBrowse Desktop landing page

With JBrowse Desktop, your genome browser and your web browser can finally live in harmony on your taskbar! ❤️

Access authenticated resources

This release also contains the ability to access authenticated resources. For JBrowse Desktop, the ability to open files from Google Drive and Dropbox share links is built in. For JBrowse Web, administrators can add some extra configuration to set these up.

🚀 Enhancement

  • core
    • #2413 Bundle size savings (@cmdcolin)
    • #2390 Support plain text (non-tabix'ed) GFF files with new Gff3Adapter (@teresam856)
    • #2384 Allow docking the drawer on the left side of the screen (@cmdcolin)
    • #2387 Add bulk delete of sessions on jbrowse-desktop (@cmdcolin)
    • #2279 Add ability to access authenticated resources using pluggable internet accounts framework (@peterkxie)
  • Other
    • #2388 Create "quickstart list" on jbrowse-desktop which users can add to (@cmdcolin)
    • #2385 Ensure all dependencies are properly specified in package.json files using eslint-plugin-import (@cmdcolin)
    • #2373 Add auto update functionality for jbrowse-desktop (@cmdcolin)
    • #2369 Add tooltip with track description to track selector (@garrettjstevens)
    • #2258 Update admin-server to accept value from ?config= so that multiple configs could be edited (@cmdcolin)
    • #2321 Add show descriptions toggle box to most feature tracks (@cmdcolin)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • Other
    • #2355 Allow prefix and exact matches jb1 text search (@cmdcolin)
    • #2348 Fix ability to use JB1 backcompat text search adapter (@teresam856)
    • #2322 Fix install plugin workflow and error handling on desktop, update to electron 15 (@cmdcolin)
    • #2329 Fix bugs preventing embedded circular genome view from rendering in some circumstances (@garrettjstevens)
  • core
    • #2352 Better keyboard navigations on text search autocomplete component (@cmdcolin)
    • #2332 Fix ability to use LocalFile on nodejs-based apps e.g. @jbrowse/img (@cmdcolin)

📝 Documentation

🏠 Internal

  • Other
  • core
    • #2379 Bump typescript to 4.4.3 (@cmdcolin)
    • #2363 Add some typescripting of some MST models and components (@cmdcolin)
    • #2351 Use main "module" field instead of "browser" from dependency package json files electron builds (@cmdcolin)
    • #2323 Remove session related menu items from jbrowse-desktop (@cmdcolin)

Committers: 6

Release v1.4.4

14 Sep 12:41
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We're excited to announce the v1.4.4 release! Some highlights of this release

Text searching

Finally, we have added the ability to search by gene name!

Users will now be able to create their own text indexes with the jbrowse text-index command, which creates an index for searching by gene names, identifiers and descriptions.

searching in lgv

GIF showing the process of searching via the location search box of the Linear Genome View

For a quick introduction and a tutorial on how to add this feature to your JBrowse instance, check out this quick start

Like most parts of JBrowse, the text searching system is pluggable. Plugin developers can add new text index adapters to connect JBrowse to other types of text search services, indexes, or databases.

Users of the @jbrowse/react-linear-genome-view can also enable text searching functionality, see

Note that 1.4.0-1.4.3 had issues during publish, so we moved all release notes for them to here. Thanks to @bbimber for letting us know about these issues.

🚀 Enhancement

  • Other
    • #2287 Use react-popper to reduce tooltip lag on pages with many elements (@cmdcolin)
    • #2294 Don't rely on SVTYPE=BND for breakend split view options and thicker mouseover chords on circular views (@cmdcolin)
    • #2272 Auto adjust box RefNameAutocomplete width based on refName length (@cmdcolin)
    • #2243 Import bookmarks functionality for grid bookmark widget (@cmdcolin)
  • core
    • #2247 New jbrowse-desktop start screen design (@cmdcolin)
    • #2254 Better error reporting from web worker and chrom sizes adapter errors (@cmdcolin)
    • #1881 Add new text searching functionality to core, with jbrowse text-index CLI command to generate trix index (@teresam856)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • core
    • #2320 Fix issue where add track widget doesn't infer adapters on second usage (@cmdcolin)
    • #2250 Prevent the ToggleButton for the FileSelector toggling to local file when only URL should be available (@cmdcolin)
  • Other
    • #2309 Fix mouseover selection appearing across unrelated blocks (@cmdcolin)
    • #2283 Fix ability for the variant detail panel to create breakpoint split view for <TRA> elements (@cmdcolin)
    • #2268 Fix autocomplete height on small displays (@cmdcolin)

📝 Documentation

  • #2300 Release announcement draft v1.4.0 (@teresam856)
  • #2310 Add cancer demos to the demos page on website (@cmdcolin)
  • #2253 Add note about legacy-peer-deps to embedded component readme (@cmdcolin)
  • #2262 Add more MDX documentation pages to @jbrowse/react-linear-genome-view storybooks (@cmdcolin)

🏠 Internal

Committers: 3

Release v1.4.3

14 Sep 12:53
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Release superceded by v1.4.4

Release v1.4.2

14 Sep 12:53
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Release superceded by v1.4.4

Release v1.4.1

14 Sep 02:02
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Release superceded by v1.4.4

Release v1.4.0

13 Sep 22:58
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Release superceded by v1.4.4

Release v1.3.5

23 Aug 22:59
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We're excited to announce the v1.3.5 release of JBrowse! Some highlights of this release include:

New embedding build of @jbrowse/react-linear-genome-view

This release adds a new UMD build of our @jbrowse/react-linear-genome-view React component. This build will allow users to use our React Linear Genome View in a website that doesn't otherwise use React. See a tutorial for how to get started using this build:

A preliminary beta version of this build was used in a tutorial at BOSC2020, and that tutorial was also on our website. If you've used that version, the interface has changed somewhat, so come check out the new tutorial for the official released version!

Bookmark widget

A new widget has been added that is accessible from the Linear Genome View view menu or when you click and drag over a region in the header (a.k.a rubber band selection). This view keeps a list of bookmarked regions, which you can add custom labels to, and also which you can use to navigate back to that region. The bookmarks can also be exported.

Bookmark widget in use

Note to plugin developers

If your plugin adds menu items or context menu items to a track, or customizes renderProps, there may be some changes that affect how those menu items work, particularly in #2226 and #2229. Also see an updated example of context menu items here.

1.3.5 (2021-08-23)

Packages in this release

Package Download

🚀 Enhancement

  • Other
    • #2163 Add new embeddable React Circular Genome View (@garrettjstevens)
    • #2229 Use extendPluggableElement for context menu items (@garrettjstevens)
    • #2233 Add optional chromSizes config slot to TwoBitAdapter to speed up loading of TwoBit files with many refseqs (@cmdcolin)
    • #2199 Make the BED parser not interpret general tab delimited data as BED12 (@cmdcolin)
    • #2241 Restore previous window location when re-opening on desktop (@garrettjstevens)
    • #2203 Add a helpful message if there is a 404 on config.json error (@cmdcolin)
    • #2204 Hide reads with unmapped flag by default in alignments tracks (@cmdcolin)
    • #2198 Add better inversion visualization to read vs reference visualizations (@cmdcolin)
    • #2154 Add UMD build of react-linear-genome-view for plain-js use (@garrettjstevens)
  • core

🐛 Bug Fix

📝 Documentation

🏠 Internal

  • core
    • #2057 Use idMaker for dataAdapterCache key for faster FromConfigAdapter performance (@cmdcolin)
    • #2231 Export offscreenCanvasUtils (@cmdcolin)
    • #2226 Use superRenderProps and superTrackMenuItems for better simulated inheritance model (@cmdcolin)
    • #1874 Add aborting to CoreGetFeatures rpcManager call (@cmdcolin)
  • Other

Committers: 4

Release v1.3.4

14 Sep 12:54
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Release superceded by v1.3.5