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Devops Concepts

kimschles edited this page Aug 10, 2018 · 7 revisions

DevOps Concepts

Continuous Deployment

  • When a branch is merged, the feature is automatically deployed to production

Continuous Delivery

  • When a branch is merged, the feature is deployed to staging. Something (like a person reviewing the code/staging app) will trigger the deploy to production

Continuous Integration

  • Every commit triggers a build process that includes running tests and other automatic checks.

12 Factor App Service Discovery


  • Circuit Breaker Pattern
  • Sidecar Pattern

Helm Charts


  • YMAL ain't markup language
  • A data serialization language meant to be easily written and read by humans


  • Born again shell


Kubernetes (Sarah's Talk)

  • Open Source System to deploy, scale and manage containerized systems
  • Problems K8 solves:
    • apps and services that are available 24/7
    • developers want to deploy multiple times per day
    • use cloud resources effeciently via container orchestration
    • fault-tolerant, self-healing
    • scalability

Kubernetes Architecture

  • Cluster
  • Master nodes
    • Have control over everything that is in the cluster
  • Worker nodes
    • Houses your containers and applications
  • Kublet
    • Brain of the node
  • Pod
    • A set of one or more containers that act as a unit and are scheduled onto a VM together.
    • A pod can have nginx, and your app as different containers but work together in a pod
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