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Kubernetes Platform

Kim Schlesinger edited this page Jul 26, 2018 · 2 revisions

Kubernetes is a Platform Platform

_ Joe Beda, CTO Heptio_

Gluecon: May 16, 2018

What is Kubernetes?

  • A container orchestrator

    • Putting containers on machines and getting them to talk to each other
  • Benefits

    • an improved workflow (easier!)
    • increased utilization
  • A DB with a policy-layer in front of it.

  • A distributed db platform


  • Declarative configuration. 2 parts:
    • Spec (the user intent)
    • Status (how are we doing with the rules in the spec?)


  • The process of using Kubernetes is less like an orchestra and more like jazz improv


  • The most primitive thing is a pod
  • ReplicaSet
    • Creates several pods that are a clone of the original so that there is a replacement when something fails
  • Deployment
    • Manages a set of replica sets
  • Job
  • CronJob
  • Custom Resource Definitions
    • Extend schema and create new objects
    • Compliments the replicaset
  • Operators
    • A domain specific controller
    • For example: run mySQL on top of a pod
  • Metacontroller

Concepts to Research:

  • etcd
  • cronjob
  • failover
  • blue/green deployment
    • running 2 production enviornments. Only one is used at a time
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