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K8s Traffic

kimschles edited this page May 13, 2019 · 2 revisions

The Gotchas of Zero-Downtime Traffic on Kubernetes /w Leigh Capili

Denver DevOps Meetup May 8, 2019

Shaping Traffic

  • Load balancers are layer 4 or 7
  • They accept traffic and direct the requests
  • Connection draining is when you reduce and then turn off the ability to accept connections
    • SIGHUP or SIGTERM are some commands that help processes exit gracefully. These are used to initiate connection draining

Shaping Traffic in Kubernetes

  • In k8s, pods can report on readiness. Both if the process is up and running, and (if configured) the pod is returning an HTTP status code
  • How pods are shutdown:
    • kube-apiserver receives delete
    • pod marked as terminating (visible from the console) and unready (secretly)
    • prestop hooks run
    • PID 1 receive SIGTERM
    • Termination grace period of 30 seconds
    • If the container hasn't responded to SIGTERM, PID 1 of all containers receive SIGKILL


  1. Signals.
    • Solution: Dockerfiles should call command as an array.
  • CMD nginx vs.
  • `ENTRYPOINT ["nginx]
  1. Stopsignal
  • ?
  1. Readiness and Liveness Probes
  • Liveness is used to check if process is OK
  • Readiness is used to check if the pod should receive traffic
  • Solution: be intentional with timeouts and periods.
  • Liveness and readiness probe values should never be the same
  1. Prestop lifecycle hook
  • Important because the defintion of graceful shutdown for most program is dissonant with K8s expectations
    • stop receiving connections vs. start draining connections
  • Make your own graceful shutdown by writing a script that lives in your nginx container that calls kill and then sleeps. '
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