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kimschles edited this page Dec 11, 2018 · 3 revisions

Craig Box, Kubernetes Colorado, July 30, 2018

Knative ia a new Kubernetes-based platform to build, deploy, and manage modern serverless workloads (Craig Box, Google)

Promise of Serverless

  • No servers, idiomatic, event-driven, free of lock-in

Kubernetes is good for serverless

  • Abstracts infra management pain
  • Wide CSP support enables portability

Goal of Knative

  • lets developers just write code


  • set of primitives (build, events, serving)
  • solves for modern development patterns
  • implements learnings from Google and partners

Knative Build

  • Containers are the lingua franca
  • Source to container orchestraions
  • In-cloud or on-cluster, plug in your own pipeline and builders

Knative Serving

  • Principled objects describe your app
  • Automatic scaling
  • Great on day one, ready for day two

Knative Events

  • Powerful primitives for connecting event sources to consumers
  • Rich ecosystem of local, public cloud or API-based event sources


KubeConf 2018

  • Instruqt Knative
  • Knative has three components:
    1. Build
    2. Serve
    3. Eventing (management and delivery of events)


  • knctl
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