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Linked Lists and Arrays

coloradokim edited this page Apr 19, 2018 · 2 revisions

Describe Arrays

  • A linear data structure; they have a sequence and order and they have to be traversed in sequence
  • Requires a certain amount of memory in one block

List Common Uses for Arrays

Describe Linked Lists

  • A linear data structure; they have a sequence and order and they have to be traversed in sequence
  • A series of nodes
  • The first node is called the head
  • The last node points to null
  • Each node only knows its data and pointers; it doesn't know about any other parts of the list

Singly Linked Lists

  • In a singly linked list, each node contains data and a pointer to the next node

Doubly Linked Lists

  • Each node contains data, a pointer to the previous node and a pointer to the next node

Circular Linked Lists

  • Instead of the final node pointing to null, there is a tail node
  • The tail node points to the beginning of the list

List Common Uses for Linked Lists

Explain how to add a node to the beginning of a singly linked list

List the tradeoffs between arrays and linked lists

  • An array requires a contigous block of memory, whereas linked lists can store data in different places.
  • Arrays are static data structures and linked lists are dynamic
    • Static data structures need all their memory allocated upfront
    • Dynamic data structures can use memory as needed

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