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Intro to Devops

Kim Schlesinger edited this page Feb 16, 2019 · 6 revisions

SoFree Intro to DevOps Course

Class Norms


0. Bash Warmup (Kim)

By the end of this lab, you will:

  1. Create a directory with mkdir
  2. Change into a directory with cd
  3. Create a file with touch or if you already know these commands, learn three new commands from this Command Line CheatSheet


  • Create a directory called newDir
  • Change into the directory newDir
  • Create a file called


1. GitLab (Kim)

By the end of this lab, you will:

  1. Setup SSH keys
  2. Create and clone a new gitlab repo
  3. Commit and push to your new gitlab repo
  4. Clone an existing gitlab repo
  • PR to generate token and create repo from the gitlab gui
  • PR to tidy up this lab. May have too many steps.

2. Docker (Anthony)

  • Containers are like VMS, but not
  • Kind of like application binaries, but not quite

3. Basic Webserver (Anthony)

  • Native Linux open command: xdg open <file_path>

4. Cloud Infrastructure 1 (Silva)

5. Cloud Infrastructure 2 (Silva)

6. Continuous Integration (Kim)

By the end of this lab, you will:

  1. Configure a gitlab pipeline to build and test the webserver
  2. Configure a gitlab pipeline to push the latest image to the container registry
  3. Define Continuous Integration
  4. Explain what 'pipeline,' 'stage, 'jobs' and 'scripts' mean in the context of Continuous Integration
  • Make sure to draw a diagram for this lab
  • dind is docker in docker. This image ensures that the docker daemon is available to us.

7. Manual Deployment (Kim)

By the end of this lab, you will:

  1. Authenticate the server to the gitlab container registry
  2. Add authentication in the CloudFormation template
  3. Run the webserver on your EC2 instance
  4. Confirm your webserver is running on the internet

8. Automated Deployment (All)

By the end of this lab, you will:

  1. Automate the steps to deploy your webserver using a bash script
  2. Configure the GitLab pipeline to deploy the webserver using the bash script

9. Everything All At Once (All)

By the end of this lab, you will:

  1. Change your webserver, commit your change and track the change through the CI pipeline
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