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kimschles edited this page Jul 31, 2018 · 4 revisions

Messy: The Power of Disorder to Transform Our Lives by Tim Harford


  • NP-Hard problem: a problem that could be solved by trying one combination after another, but it would take a very long time
    • Example: finding the correct combination for a lock by trying every possible combination
  • Simulated annealing algorithm AKA hill climbing algorithm: the algorithm starts by picking a random solution and then makes small changes to get to an good solution. The solution is rarely 'the best' but is often sufficient.
  • Random thoughts, images and prompts often get a project to move in a new and interesting direction
  • Working on multiple projects at a time is good!
    • Gruber and Davis call this having a 'network of enterprises'
  • Benefits:
    • Cross-pollination
    • Being excited and keeping projects fresh
    • Promotes focused and diffuse thinking
    • Escape/crop rotation


  • Bonding social capital: the type of social capital you develop by working closely with an insulated group
  • Bridging social capital: the type of social capital you develop by working with people at the fringe of your network
  • Most major projects require both
  • In solving challenging problems, diverse teams trump a team of people who are have a similar skill-set.

When deliberating with a group, then, we should be seeking out people who think differently, who have different experiences and training, and who look different. Those people may bring fresh and useful ideas to the table; even if they do not, they'll bring out the best in us -- even if only by making us feel awkward and forcing us to shape up. That messy, challenging process is one we should embrace. (p. 49)

4 Lessons to Remember While Working with a Diverse Team:

  1. Remember: We tend to form teams of people who look, sound and think like ourselves
  2. Some of the most valuable connections we have are people who can connect different teams together
  3. Remind yourself that tension is beneficial
  4. The mess of a diverse group is good for the project.


  • The empowered office is a model where employees have ownership and control over their workspace. The is extreme reconfigurability
  • Example: Building 20 at MIT
    • People from many different disciplines were in the space

The office is a highly personal tool shop, often the home of the soul (T. George Harris )


  • Improvising forces you to move out of conscious thought and to listen, observe and respond to your environment
  • Calculate the risk/reward calculation before deciding to improvise

To improvise successfully, use these guidelines:

  1. Practice
  2. Be willing to enter a messy situation (The habit of yes)
  3. Listen
  4. Be willing to let go and take risks


  • In a competitve situation, what you do, and how it affects your opponent, matter.
  • OODA Loop: Observe- Orient- Decide- Act
  • Figure out what's happening, and then act. Repeat.

How to Win with Messy:

  1. Find an opportunity
  2. Improvise around obstacles
  3. Go fast


  • Don't let a rule of thumb become a target
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