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Linux Stuff

kimschles edited this page Oct 24, 2018 · 5 revisions

Learning Resources:

  • LinuxAcademy: LPI Linux Essentials
  • ShortcutFoo
    • Shell Commands
  • Julia Evans Zines
    • Bite Sized Linux
    • Bite Sized Command Line

Make the user sudo: sudo su -

  • Change to the root user
  • sudo su

sudoer file /etc/sudoers.d/

  • permissions

groups you can add user to groups colon delimited add a user to a group: sudo usermod -a -G docker ubuntu

/etc is usually where you store your configuration files

To see your name servers, look here: /etc/resolv.conf

  • Note: MacOS doesn't use this file as the authoritative file. It uses something else. To see a Mac's DNS configuration, run scutil --dns

SIGTERM (plz stop) SIGKILL (you’re dead) (there are about 12)

kernel init process






See which version of linux you're running: cat /etc/issue

  • apk is the package manager for Alpine Linux
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