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Changelog for Mapbox Maps SDK v10 for iOS

Mapbox welcomes participation and contributions from everyone.


  • Make PointAnnotation.Image's fields public. (#753)
  • Set MapboxMap flags during gestures and animations. (#754)

10.0.1 - October 15, 2021

  • Passing an unsupported locale into Style.localizeLabels(into:forLayerIds:) throws an error instead of crashing. (#752)
  • Fixed a bug affecting the persistence of user settings when upgrading to v10. (#758)
  • Allow compass visibility to accurately reflect set value. (#757)
  • Update MapboxMobileEvents to v1.0.6, fixing a null pointer crash. (#762)

10.0.0 - October 6, 2021

Breaking changes ⚠️

  • Removes default parameter values in the addImage function. (#695)
  • public func layer<T: Layer>(withId id: String) throws -> T has been updated to public func layer<T>(withId id: String, type: T.Type) throws -> T where T: Layer. (#694)
  • public func updateLayer<T: Layer>(withId id: String, update: (inout T) throws -> Void) throws has been updated to public func updateLayer<T>(withId id: String, type: T.Type, update: (inout T) throws -> Void) throws where T: Layer. (#694)
  • public func source<T: Source>(withId id: String) throws -> T has been updated to public func source<T>(withId id: String, type: T.Type) throws -> T where T: Source. (#694)
  • @_spi(Experimental) public func layer(withId id: String, type: Layer.Type) throws -> Layer is no longer experimental and has been updated to public func layer(withId id: String) throws -> Layer. (#694)
  • @_spi(Experimental) public func source(withId id: String, type: Source.Type) throws -> Source is no longer experimental and has been updated to public func source(withId id: String) throws -> Source. (#694)
  • GestureManagerDelegate.gestureBegan(for:) has been renamed to GestureManagerDelegate.gestureManager(_:didBegin:). (#697)
  • Added the public delegate methods GestureManagerDelegate.gestureManager(_:didEnd:willAnimate:) and GestureManagerDelegate.gestureManager(_:didEndAnimatingFor:). (#697)
  • Converts PointAnnotation.Image from an enum to a struct. (#707)
  • Removes PointAnnotation.Image.default. (#707)
  • Replaces PointAnnotation.Image.custom with PointAnnotation.Image.init(image:name:). (#707)
  • The tapGestureRecognizer var on each *AnnotationManager has been removed in favor of a unified tap gesture recognizer available at GestureManager.singleTapGestureRecognizer(#709).
  • public func layerProperty(for layerId: String, property: String) -> Any has been renamed to public func layerPropertyValue(for layerId: String, property: String) -> Any to avoid ambiguity. (#708)
  • MapboxCommon.Geometry extension methods are now marked as internal. (#683)
  • TileRegionLoadOptions init now takes a Geometry instead of a MapboxCommon.Geometry. (#711)
  • CameraAnimationsManager.options has been removed. Use MapboxMap.cameraBounds and MapboxMap.setCameraBounds(with:) instead. (#712)
  • MapboxMap.setCameraBounds(for:) has been renamed to .setCameraBounds(with:) (#712)
  • Renames Style.updateGeoJSONSource<T: GeoJSONObject>(withId:geoJSON:) to Style.updateGeoJSONSource(withId:geoJSON:). Instead of passing in the expected GeoJSON object type, you perform pattern matching on the return value using case let. (#715)
  • Setting data property on a GeoJSON source via Style.setSourceProperty(for:property:value:) or Style.updateGeoJSONSource(withId:geoJSON:) is now asynchronous and never returns an error. Errors will be reported asynchronously via a MapEvents.EventKind.mapLoadingError event instead. (#732)
  • Core and Common APIs that accept user-defined implementations of protocols now hold strong references to the provided objects. Please audit your usage of the following protocols and make any required changes to avoid memory leaks: CustomLayerHost, ElevationData, MapClient, MBMMetalViewProvider, Observer, OfflineRegionObserver, HttpServiceInterceptorInterface, HttpServiceInterface, LogWriterBackend, OfflineSwitchObserver, ReachabilityInterface, TileStoreObserver. (#732)
  • Extends OfflineRegionGeometryDefinition.geometry to use Geometry rather than MapboxCommon.Geometry. It also adds a convenience initializer that takes a Geometry. (#706)
  • Annotation managers are now kept alive by the AnnotationOrchestrator (MapView.annotations) until they are explicitly destroyed by calling mapView.annotations.removeAnnotationManager(withId:) or are implicitly destroyed by creating a second annotation manager with the same ID. (#725)
  • The AnnotationManager protocol now conforms to AnyObject. (#725)
  • PreferredFPS has been removed. MapView.preferredFramesPerSecond now of type Int, rather than PreferredFPS. (#735)
  • QueriedFeature.feature is no longer optional. (#737)
  • TypeConversionError has a new case unsuccessfulConversion. (#737)

Features ✨ and improvements 🏁

  • TileRegionLoadOptions exposes its geometry as a Geometry. (#711)
  • Adds FeatureExtensionValue.init(value: Any?, features: [Feature]?) that works with Turf. (#717)
  • Adds FeatureExtensionValue.features: [Feature]? that works with Turf. (#717)
  • APIs that accept Turf Feature now allow Feature.identifier and .properties to be nil. (#717)
  • APIs that accept Turf Feature now ignore instead of crashing if it cannot be converted to [String: NSObject]. (#717)
  • Any touch event in the map now immediately disables camera animation. Temporarily disable user interaction on the MapView to disable this behavior as needed. (#712)
  • BasicCameraAnimator no longer updates the camera a final time after being stopped or canceled prior to running to completion. (#712)
  • BasicCameraAnimator.isReversed is now settable. (#712)
  • The double tap, quick zoom, and double touch gestures now use the gesture's location in the view to anchor camera changes. Previously, they used the camera's center coordinate. (#722)
  • MapboxCommon.HTTPServiceFactory.reset() has been added to release the HTTP service implementation. (#732)
  • AnnotationOrchestrator.annotationManagersById has been added. This dictionary contains all annotation managers that have not been removed. (#725)
  • Adds the ExpressionArgument.geoJSONObject(_:) case, which allows you to include a Turf.GeoJSONObject instance in an expression with the Expression.Operator.distance or Expression.Operator.within operator. (#730)
  • Adds MapView.preferredFrameRateRange for devices using iOS 15.0 and up. (#735)
  • Adds TileStore.subscribe(_:) which can be used to observe a TileStore's activity. The API design deviates from Android's add/remove observer API so that the developer-provided TileStoreObserver can be wrapped into a MapboxCommon_Private.TileStoreObserver without needing to use global state or something like Objective-C associated objects to look up which wrapper goes with with developer-provided observer when calling __removeObserver. (#737)
  • Adds TileStoreObserver protocol. (#737)

Bug fixes 🐞

  • Fix rendering artifacts for a model layer when model-opacity property is used. (#732)
  • Improve rendering performance by avoiding unnecessary re-layout for cached tiles. (#732)
  • Fix telemetry opt-out through attribution dialog. (#743)


  • Updates MapboxCoreMaps to v10.0.0, MapboxCommon to v20.0.0. (#732)
  • Updates Turf to v2.x. (#741)
  • Updates MapboxMobileEvents to v1.0.5. (#724)

10.0.0-rc.9 - September 22, 2021

Breaking changes ⚠️

  • BasicCameraAnimator now keeps animators alive without the user storing the animator. (#646)
  • Experimental style APIs are now marked with @_spi(Experimental) and the previously used underscore prefixes have been removed. In order to access these methods, use @_spi(Experimental) to annotate the import statement for MapboxMaps. (#680)
  • RenderedQueryOptions.filter is now of type Expression instead of Any (#689)
  • OfflineRegionGeometryDefinition.geometry is now of type Turf.Geometry instead of MapboxCommon.Geometry (#689)
  • The HTTPResponse init methods that take MapboxCommon.Expected instead of Result are now correctly marked as refined for Swift. (#689)
  • The DownloadStatus init methods that take MapboxCommon.Expected instead of Result and NSNumber? instead of UInt64? are not correctly marked as refined for Swift. (#689)
  • GestureOptions.hapticFeedbackEnabled has been removed. (#663)
  • GestureManager.decelarationRate has been removed and GestureOptions.decelerationRate is the single source of truth. (#662)
  • GestureManager no longer conforms to NSObject and is not a UIGestureRecognizerDelegate. (#669)
  • TapGestureHandler.init was previously public by mistake and is now internal. (#677)
  • The behavior of GestureManager.options has been updated to better reflect the isEnabled state of the associated gesture recognizers. (#677)
  • The gesture recognizer properties of GestureManager are no longer Optional. (#677)
  • GestureType has been redesigned so that its cases have a 1-1 relationship with the built-in gestures. (#677)
  • GestureManager.rotationGestureRecognizer has been removed. Rotation is now handled by .pinchGestureRecognizer in addition to its preexisting handling of panning and zooming. (#696)
  • GestureManager.doubleTapToZoomOutGestureRecognizer has been replaced with .doubleTouchToZoomOutGestureRecognizer. (#696)
  • PanScrollingMode has been renamed to PanMode. (#696)
  • GestureOptions.zoomEnabled has been replaced by .doubleTapToZoomInEnabled, .doubleTouchToZoomOutEnabled, and .quickZoomEnabled. (#696)
  • GestureOptions.rotateEnabled has been removed. (#696)
  • GestureOptions.scrollEnabled has been renamed to .panEnabled. (#696)
  • GestureOptions.scrollingMode has been renamed to .panMode. (#696)
  • GestureOptions.decelerationRate has been renamed to .panDecelerationFactor. (#696)
  • GestureType.doubleTapToZoomOut has been replaced with .doubleTouchToZoomOut. (#696)
  • GestureType.rotate has been removed. (#696)
  • GestureType cases have been reordered for consistency with GestureOptions and GestureManager. (#696)

Features ✨ and improvements 🏁

  • Allow users to set the map's MapDebugOptions. (#648)
  • Implement 'promoteId' feature for geojson and vector sources. The feature allows to promote feature's property to a feature id, so that promoted id can be used with FeatureState API. (#660)
  • Tiled 3D model layer and source (#689)
  • Enable instant transitions for data driven symbol layer properties (#689)
  • Implement face culling for Metal (#689)
  • HTTPServiceInterface.getInstance() is now publicly available. (#689)
  • CameraState's fields are now vars instead of lets for testing purposes, and a public, memberwise initializer has been added. (#677)
  • PanScrollingMode now conforms to CaseIterable. (#677)
  • GestureType now conforms to CaseIterable. (#677)
  • Pan deceleration has been reimplemented to produce a more natural deceleration effect. (#692)
  • Expose new API to allow users to create a UIImage out of the last rendered MapView state. (#693)

Bug fixes 🐞

  • Fixes animations that are started within an UIKit animation context. (#684)
  • Fix transition between layers with all-constant properties (#689)
  • Fix rendering artifact for a line layer, when its line-gradient property is set at runtime. (#689)
  • Don't draw SDF images in text-field and issue warning for it (#689)
  • Fix incorrect return from StyleManager#getStyleLayerPropertyDefaultValue for 'text-field'. Now the default value is set to ["format", "" , {}] (#689)
  • GestureManager no longer sets itself as the delegate of all gestures in MapView when its options change. (#677)
  • Fixes an issue where tapping the compass could fail to set the bearing to 0 if there was already an animation running. Tapping the compass now cancels any existing animations. (#696)
  • Fixes issues with the pinch gesture when removing and re-adding one of the two required touches. (#696)
  • Fixes an issue where a pan gesture would fail if it interrupted the deceleration from a previous pan gesture. (#696)

10.0.0-rc.8 - September 8, 2021

Breaking changes ⚠️

  • QueriedFeature.feature is now of type Turf.Feature? instead of MapboxCommon.Feature. (#628)
  • Enables error notification in offline mode if the required resource is missing in cache (before map did not emit any notification in this case) (#628)
  • Suppresses error notifications on missing volatile tiles in offline mode (#628)
  • Adapt setBounds to gl-js behavior: constraining of coordinates and zoom level is now stricter to prevent out of bounds map area to be visible in the viewport (#628)
  • Add HTTP interceptor API - HttpServiceInterface has a new method setInterceptor that must be implemented (#628)
  • Geometry now refers to Turf.Geometry instead of MapboxCommon.Geometry. (#622)
  • Feature now refers to Turf.Feature instead of MapboxCommon.Feature. (#642)
  • Renamed ColorRepresentable to StyleColor (#650)
  • Removed the argument label from StyleColor's UIColor initializer (#650)
  • Renamed ColorRepresentable.rgbaDescription to StyleColor.rgbaString. (#650)
  • Changed StyleColor's Encodable implementation to always encode an rgba color string instead of encoding an rgba expression (#650)
  • Updated the extension on UIColor that adds ExpressionArgumentConvertible to return an rgba color string instead of an rgba expression. (#650)
  • Annotation managers now sync with their backing source and layer only once per display link. Use syncSourceAndLayerIfNeeded() to force the sync to happen earlier. (#650, #621)
  • The layerType argument to Style._layerPropertyDefaultValue(for:property:) is now of type LayerType instead of String (#650)
  • Expression decoding will now fail if the operator is missing (#650)
  • PointAnnotationManager.textVariableAnchor is now of type [TextAnchor]? instead of [String]? (#650)
  • PointAnnotationManager.textWritingMode is now of type [TextWritingMode]? instead of [String]? (#650)

Features ✨ and improvements 🏁

  • It is no longer necessary to import Turf. (#622)
  • Enable instant transitions for data driven paint layer properties (#628)
  • Offload networking tasks at the init phase (#631)
  • 3D pucks will now be rendered over other 3D content and occluded by terrain (#641)
  • Added a public, failable, component-wise initializer to StyleColor (#650)
  • Updated StyleColor's Decodable support to be able to handle rgba color strings as well as rgba expressions (#650)
  • Made generated enums conform to CaseIterable (#650)
  • Location puck can now hide the accuracy ring. The default value is to hide the accuracy ring. In order to enable the ring, set the showAccuracyRing property in Puck2DConfiguration to true. #629
  • Annotation interaction delegates are only called when at least one annotation is detected to have been tapped (638)

Bug fixes 🐞

  • Fix volatile tiles disappearing on "not modified" response (#628)
  • Fix crash in MapboxMap.clearData() (#628)
  • Trigger map redraw when feature state changes (#628)
  • Do not start background task if telemetry collection is disabled (#631)
  • Fix KVC decoding for iOS 15 (#631)
  • The GeoJSON source backing an AnnotationMnager is now removed correctly when an AnnotationManager is deallocated (#633)
  • Updated annotations to use rgbaString and init(rgbaString:) when serializing and deserializing StyleColors (#650)
  • Annotation managers now properly restore the default values of any annotation or common style properties that are reset to nil, with the exception of text-field and line-gradient for which there are currently issues to resolve between mapbox-maps-ios and mapbox-core-maps-ios. (#650)
  • Fixed Expression decoding when second array element could be an operator (#650)
  • Fixed an issue where layer persistence was not maintained after calling Style._moveLayer. (#643)
  • Fix issue where annotations were not being returned to annotation interaction delegates (638)

Breaking changes ⚠️

  • TileStore.tileRegionGeometry(forId: String, completion: @escaping (Result<MapboxCommon.Geometry, Error>) -> Void) has been updated to TileStore.tileRegionGeometry(forId: String, completion: @escaping (Result<Geometry, Error>) -> Void). (#661)

10.0.0-rc.7 - August 25, 2021

Features ✨ and improvements 🏁

  • Add support for FeatureState in GeoJSON sources. (#611)
    • setFeatureState(sourceId:sourceLayerId:featureId:state:) is used to associate a stateMap for a particular feature
    • getFeatureState(sourceId:sourceLayerId:featureId:callback:) is used to retrieve a previously stored stateMap for a feature
    • removeFeatureState(sourceId:sourceLayerId:featureId:stateKey:) is used to remove a previously stored stateMap for a feature
  • Added GeoJSONSource.generateId (#593)
  • Enable the combined usage of line-dasharray with line-gradient (#588)
  • Fixed rendering issue for round line-join in line gradients (#594)

Breaking changes ⚠️

  • Removed GeoJSONManager. Please use Turf directly instead to serialize and deserialize GeoJSON. (#603)
  • Add specific geometry types to annotations. (#612)
  • Replace syncAnnotations with property setter. (#614)

Bug fixes 🐞

  • Update all Annotation files to use get/set instead of didSet. This fixes an issue where properties were not being set at init. (#590)
  • GeoJSONSource.clusterProperties is now correctly modeled per the style spec. (#597)
  • Fixes a crash caused by MapboxMap.clearData(). (#609)
  • Added missing attribution and links to info alert controller. (#591)
  • Fixed issue that caused incorrect animation of negative padding values (#602)

10.0.0-rc.6 - August 11, 2021

Features ✨ and improvements 🏁

  • Added support for building with Xcode 13b3. (#564)
  • Added attribution to snapshots generated by Snapshotter. (#567)
  • Added a convenience initializer for DownloadStatus (#454)

Bug fixes 🐞

  • Fixed an issue where panning was not enabled while zooming. (#474)

10.0.0-rc.5 - July 28, 2021

  • Fixed an issue where MapView positioning wasn't correct when used in containers such as UIStackView. (#533)

Features ✨ and improvements 🏁

  • Added new options to MapSnapshotOptions
    • showsLogo is a flag that will decide whether the logo will be shown on a snapshot
    • showsAttribution is a flag that will decide whether the attribution will be shown on a snapshot

10.0.0-rc.4 - July 14, 2021

Features ✨ and improvements 🏁

  • Support text-writing-mode property for line symbol-placement text labels. (#522) Note: This change will bring following changes for CJK text block:
    1. For vertical CJK text, all the characters including Latin and Numbers will be vertically placed now. Previously, Latin and Numbers are horizontally placed.
    2. For horizontal CJK text, it may have a slight horizontal shift due to the anchor shift.
  • Expanded localizeLabels(into: Locale) to accept a [String]. This array will contain a list of layer ids that you will want to localize. (#512)

Breaking changes ⚠️

  • TileRegionError has a new case tileCountExceeded(String). (#522)
  • FlyToCameraAnimator.state will now be .inactive after it completes or is stopped. This change makes its behavior consistent with the behavior of BasicCameraAnimator. (#519)
  • Completion blocks added to BasicCameraAnimator will no longer be invoked as a side-effect of deinitialization. (#519)
  • Removed the SupportedLanguage enum. You may now use Locale(identifier: String) as intended. (#512)
  • Removed the MapView.locale property. Now, in order to localize values, you must call Locale). (#512)

Bug fixes 🐞

  • Clean up network listener after http file source gets out of scope. (#522)
  • Fix line-center anchor calculation when the anchor is very near to the line geometry point. (#522)
  • Fix threading issues in HTTP file source. (#522)
  • Fixed an issue that could cause flickering during ease to and basic animations (#519)
  • Fixed an issue that could result in ease to and basic animations never reaching their final values (#519)

10.0.0-rc.3 - June 30, 2021

Features ✨ and improvements 🏁

  • Introduced static method MapboxMap.clearData(for:completion:) and instance methods MapboxMap.clearData(completion:) and Snapshotter.clearData(completion:). These new methods allow clearing temporary map data. (#496)
  • MapLoadingError events now include source and tile information where appropriate. These new fields allow developers to understand what source or tile has failed to load and the reason for the failure. (#496)

Bug fixes 🐞

  • Fixed a runtime crash that occurred only when the SDK was included as an XCFramework (direct download). (#497)
  • Fixed an issue where animators created by fly to and ease to were not released until the next fly to or ease to began. (#505)
  • Fixed an issue where a complete animator would trigger redrawing unnecessarily. (#505)
  • Fix raster/v1 terrain tiles fetch failures caused by appending pixel ratio to the URLs when tile size is equal to 512 (#496)
  • Improve persistent layer pinning by keeping information about initial LayerPosition (#496)

10.0.0-rc.2 - June 23, 2021

Features ✨ and improvements 🏁

  • Introduced experimental Style._addPersistentLayer(with:layerPosition:), Style._isPersistentLayer(id:), Style._addPersistentCustomLayer(withId:layerHost:layerPosition:) APIs, so that the tagged layer and its associated resources remain when a style is reloaded. This improves performance of annotations during a style change. Experimental APIs should be considered liable to change in any SEMVER version. (#471, #473)
  • Annotations now will persist across style changes by default. (#475)
  • Adds localization support for v10 Maps SDK. This can be used by setting the mapView.locale. Use the SupportedLanguages enum, which lists currently supported Locale. (#480)
  • Fixed Tileset descriptor bug: Completion handler is called even if the OfflineManager instance goes out of scope.
  • Fixed text rendering when both 'text-rotate' and 'text-offset' are set.

Breaking changes ⚠️

  • MapboxMaps now pins exactly to MapboxCommon. (#485, #481)

10.0.0-rc.1 - June 9, 2021

The Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS has moved to release candidate status and is now ready for production use.

Breaking changes ⚠️

  • Converted MapSnapshotOptions to a struct. (#430)
  • Removed CacheManager. In the following releases, an API to control temporary map data may be provided. (#440)
  • Changed ResourceOptions.cachePathURL to dataPathURL and removed cacheSize. (#440)
  • Annotations don't have a type property since they can be directly compared to a type. (451)
  • Internalize extensions of Core and Common types. (#449)

Features ✨ and improvements 🏁

  • Allows a developer to choose whether the puck is oriented based on heading or course via a new puckBearingSource option in mapView.location.options. By default, the puck will be oriented using heading. (#428)
  • All stock gesture recognizers are now public on the GestureManager. (450)
  • The tap gesture recognizer controlled by any given annotation manager is now public. (451)

Bug fixes 🐞

  • Fixed a bug where animations were not always honored. (#443)
  • Fixed an issue that vertical text was not positioned correctly if the text-offset property was used. (#440)
  • Emit .mapLoadingError when an empty token is provided for accessing Mapbox data sources. Before the fix, the application may crash if an empty token was provided and map tries to load data from Mapbox data source. (#440)
  • Do not emit .mapLoadingError when an empty URL is set to GeoJSON source. (#440)


  • Updated MapboxCoreMaps, MapboxCommon and Turf dependencies. (#440)

10.0.0-beta.21 - June 3, 2021

Breaking changes ⚠️

  • Updated MapboxCoreMaps and MapboxCommon dependencies. (#388)
    • Removed the MBX prefix from MBXGeometry, MBXGeometryType and MBXFeature. Existing uses of the similar Turf types need to be fully namespaced, i.e. Turf.Feature
    • Introduced separate minZoom/maxZoom fields into CustomGeometrySourceOptions API instead of the formerly used zoomRange
    • Improved zooming performance.
    • Fixed terrain transparency issue when a sky layer is not used.
  • MapboxMap.__map is now private. (#374)
  • Added CameraManagerProtocol.setCameraBounds, MapboxMap.prefetchZoomDelta, MapboxMap.options, MapboxMap.reduceMemoryUse(), MapboxMap.resourceOptions and MapboxMap.elevation(at:). (#374)
  • Removed OfflineError.invalidResult and OfflineError.typeMismatch. (#374)
  • Updated Projection APIs to be more Swift-like. (#390)
  • Added ResourceOptionsManager and removed CredentialsManager which it replaces. ResourceOptions is now a struct. (#396)
  • Updated the ambient cache path. (#396)
  • Removed CameraAnimationsManager.setCamera() and renamed CameraManagerProtocol._setCamera to CameraManagerProtocol.setCamera(). Use MapView.mapboxMap.setCamera() to set the camera. (#426)
  • Removed MapCameraOptions and RenderOptions; this behavior has moved to both MapboxMap and MapView. (#427)
  • The Annotations library has been rebuilt to expose many more customization options for each annotation. (#398)
  • High level animations return Cancelable instead of CameraAnimator. (#400)

Bug fixes 🐞

  • Fixed a bug with TileStore.tileRegionGeometry returning invalid value. (#390)
  • Fixed a bug where the underlying renderer was not being destroyed. (#395)
  • Fixed a bug where the snapshotter completion handler was being called twice on cancellation. (#382)
  • Fixed a bug where GestureManager.delegate was inaccessible. (#401)

Features ✨ and improvements 🏁

  • Added Snapshotter.coordinateBounds(for:) and (#386)

Development 🛠

  • Dependency management for development of the SDK has moved to Swift Package Manager and the existing Cartfile has been removed.

10.0.0-beta.20 - May 20, 2021

Breaking changes ⚠️

  • BaseMapView.on() has now been replaced by mapView.mapboxMap.onNext(...) -> Cancelable and mapView.mapboxMap.onEvery(...) -> Cancelable. (#339)
  • StyleURI, PreferredFPS, and AnimationOwner are now structs. (#285)
  • The layout and paint substructs for each layer are now merged into the root layer struct. (#362)
  • GestureOptions are owned by GestureManager directly. (#343)
  • LocationOptions are owned by LocationManager directly. (#344)
  • MapCameraOptions are owned by directly. (#345)
  • RenderOptions are owned by BaseMapView directly. (#350)
  • AnnotationOptions are owned by AnnotationManager directly. (#351)
  • MapView has been coalesced into BaseMapView and the resulting object is called MapView. (#353)
  • Style.uri is now an optional property. (#347)
  • Style is no longer a dependency on LocationSupportableMapView. (#352)
  • Style now has a more flat structure. Layout and Paint structs are now obsolete and Layer properties are at the root layer. (#362)
  • Changed LayerPosition to an enum. (#)
  • Removed style from MapView; updated tests and examples to use (#361)
  • The visibleFeatures APIs have been renamed to queryRenderedFeatures. (#361)
  • LoggingConfiguration is no longer public. (#361)
  • The following Swift wrappers have been added for existing types; these primarily change callbacks from using an internal MBXExpected type to using Swift's Result type. (#361)
    • CacheManager
    • HttpResponse
    • OfflineSwitch (which replaces NetworkConnectivity)
    • OfflineRegionManager (though this API is deprecated)
  • Adds loadStyleURI and loadStyleJSON to MapboxMap. (#354)

Bug fixes 🐞

  • Fixed an issue where the map's scale bar and compass view could trigger layoutSubviews() for the map view. (#338)

10.0.0-beta.19.1 - May 7, 2021

Breaking changes ⚠️

  • OrnamentOptions.logo._isVisible and OrnamentOptions.attributionButton._isVisible have been replaced with OrnamentOptions.logo.visibility and OrnamentOptions.attributionButton.visibility. (#326)

Bug fixes 🐞

  • Fixed an issue where location pucks would not be rendered. (#331)

10.0.0-beta.19 - May 6, 2021

Breaking changes ⚠️

  • camera(for:) methods have moved from BaseMapView to MapboxMap (#286)
    • The API has also been aligned with Android by:
      • Removing default values for parameters
      • Making bearing and pitch parameters optional
      • Adding the camera(for:camera:rect:) variant
  • OrnamentOptions should now be accessed via MapView.ornaments.options. MapConfig.ornaments has been removed. Updates can be applied directly to OrnamentsManager.options. Previously the map's ornament options were updated on MapConfig.ornaments with MapView.update. (#310)
  • OrnamentOptions now uses structs to manage options for individual ornaments. For example, OrnamentOptions.scaleBarPosition is now OrnamentOptions.scaleBar.position. (#318)
  • The LogoView class is now private. (#310)
  • Style has been significantly refactored, for example:
    • Synchronous APIs returning Result types now throw.
    • A number of APIs previously accessed via __map are now available via the Style object.
    • APIs with a get prefix have been renamed; for example getLayer<T>(with:type:) to layer<T>(withId:type:) throws and getSource<T>(id:type:) to source<T>(withId:type:) throws

Features ✨ and improvements 🏁

  • OrnamentsManager is now a public class and can be accessed via the MapView's ornaments property.
  • CompassDirectionFormatter is now public. It provides a string representation of a CLLocationDirection and supports the same languages as in pre-v10 versions of the Maps SDK. (#300)- OrnamentOptions should now be accessed via MapView.ornaments.options. Updates can be applied directly to the options property. Previously the map's ornament options were updated via MapConfig.ornaments. (#310)
  • The LogoView class is now private. (#310)

10.0.0-beta.18.1 - April 28, 2021

Breaking changes ⚠️

  • Camera Animations

    • A new CameraTransition struct has been introduced to allow better control on the "from" and "to" values of a camera animation (#282)
      • A mutable version of the CameraTransition struct is passed into every animation block.
    • Animations can only be constructor injected into CameraAnimator as part of the makeAnimator* methods on
    • The makeCameraAnimator* methods have been renamed to makeAnimator* methods
  • Gestures

    • Gestures now directly call __map.setCamera() instead of using CoreAnimation

10.0.0-beta.18 - April 23, 2021

Breaking changes ⚠️

  • MapView

    • The initializer has changed to public init(frame: CGRect, mapInitOptions: MapInitOptions = MapInitOptions(), styleURI: StyleURI? = .streets).
    • MapOptions has been renamed MapConfig. A new MapOptions has been introduced; its properties are required to initialize the underlying map object.
    • A MapInitOptions configuration struct has been introduced. It currently wraps both ResourceOptions and MapOptions and is used when initializing a MapView.
    • baseURL and accessToken can no longer be set from a nib or storyboard. Instead a new MapInitOptionsProvider protocol and an IBOutlet on MapView has been introduced to allow a customer MapInitOptions to be provided to the MapView. This provider is not used when initializing a MapView programmatically.
    • The Manager suffix has been removed from MapView.gesturesManager, MapView.ornamentsManager, MapView.cameraManager, MapView.locationManager, and MapView.annotationsManager.
    • has been renamed to BaseMapView.cameraOptions.
  • Foundation

    • AccountManager has been removed. A new CredentialsManager replaces it. You can use CredentialsManager.default to set a global access token.
    • MapboxCoreMaps protocol conformances have been encapsulated. (#265)
      • ObserverConcrete has been removed.
      • BaseMapView no longer conforms to MapClient or MBMMetalViewProvider, and the methods they required are now internal.
      • The setter for BaseMapView.__map is now private
      • Snapshotter no longer conforms to Observer, and the method it required is now internal.
    • The BaseMapView.__map property has been moved to BaseMapView.mapboxMap.__map. (#280)
    • A CameraOptions struct has been introduced. This shadows the class of the same name from MapboxCoreMaps and. This avoids unintended sharing and better reflects the intended value semantics of the CameraOptions concept. (#284)
  • Dependencies

    • Updated dependencies to MapboxCoreMaps 10.0.0-beta.20 and MapboxCommon 11.0.1
    • ResourceOptions now contains a TileStore instance. Tile store usage is enabled by default, the resource option tileStoreEnabled flag is introduced to disable it.
    • TileStore no longer returns cached responses for 401, 403 and unauthorized requests.
    • Fixed a bug where TileStore would not invoke completion closures (when client code did not keep a strong reference to the tile store instance).

Features ✨ and improvements 🏁

  • Introduced the OfflineManager API that manages style packs and produces tileset descriptors for use with the tile store. The OfflineManager and TileStore APIs are used in conjunction to download offline regions and associated "style packs". These new APIs replace the deprecated OfflineRegionManager. Please see the new OfflineManager guide for more details.

Bug fixes 🐞

  • Fixed a crash in line layer rendering, where the uniform buffer size had an incorrect value.

10.0.0-beta.17 - April 13, 2021

Breaking changes ⚠️

  • AnnotationManager no longer conforms to Observer and no longer has a peer (#246)

  • AnnotationSupportableMap is now internal (#246)

  • MapView

    • Initializer has been changed to public init(frame: CGRect, resourceOptions: ResourceOptions, glyphsRasterizationOptions: GlyphsRasterizationOptions = GlyphsRasterizationOptions.default, styleURI: StyleURI? = .streets).
    • StyleURL has been renamed to StyleURI
    • OrnamentSupportableMapView is not internal.
  • Ornaments

    • LayoutPosition has been deprecated in favor of OrnamentPosition.
    • LayoutVisibility has been deprecated in favor of OrnamentVisibility.
    • showsLogoView has been renamed to _showsLogoView.
    • showsCompass and showsScale have been deprecated. Visibility properties can be used to set how the Compass and Scale Bar should be shown.
  • Foundation

    • cancelTransitions has been renamed to cancelAnimations.
    • setCamera() with individual parameters has been deprecated in favor of setCamera(to targetCamera: CameraOptions...) which requires CameraOptions.
    • The following camera convenience functions have been removed:
      • public func transitionCoordinateBounds(newCoordinateBounds: CoordinateBounds, animated: Bool = false)
      • public func transitionCoordinateBounds(to newCoordinateBounds: CoordinateBounds, edgePadding: UIEdgeInsets, animated: Bool = false, completion: ((UIViewAnimatingPosition) -> Void)? = nil)
      • public func transitionVisibleCoordinates(newCoordinates: [CLLocationCoordinate2D], edgePadding: UIEdgeInsets, animated: Bool = false)
      • public func transitionVisibleCoordinates(to newCoordinates: [CLLocationCoordinate2D], edgePadding: UIEdgeInsets, bearing: CLLocationDirection, duration: TimeInterval, animated: Bool = false, completion: ((UIViewAnimatingPosition) -> Void)? = nil)
      • public func resetPosition()
      • public func resetNorth(_ animated: Bool = false)
    • In CameraAnimator, fractionComplete is now of type Double and delayFactor now returns a Double.
    • MapboxLogoView has been renamed to LogoView.
    • MapboxLogoSize has been renamed to LogoSize.
  • Style

    • Initializer is now marked as internal.
    • styleUri property has been renamed to uri.
    • The url property from StyleURL has been removed.
  • Expressions

    • init(from: jsonObject) and public func jsonObject() have been removed.
    • Element.op has been renamed to Element.operator.
    • Argument.array has been renamed to Argument.numberArray.
    • ValidExpressionArgument has been renamed to ExpressionArgumentConvertible

Bug fixes 🐞

  • Fixes an issue that could prevent annotations from being selectable. (#246)
  • Fixes an issue where some JSON layers are not be decoded correctly. (#248)
  • Fixes an issue where the location puck was not animating. (#256)

10.0.0-beta.16 - March 29, 2021

Breaking changes ⚠️

  • The CameraManager.moveCamera method has been removed. (#217)
  • UIView.animate is no longer supported. Instead, use CameraAnimators. (#217)
  • Developers should make camera changes directly to MapView's camera properties. Previously, changes could be applied to MapView.cameraView. (#217)
  • CameraAnimator objects are managed by developers and should be stored by developers to prevent the animations from falling out of scope.
  • LocationOptions.showUserLocation has been removed. Use LocationOptions.puckType instead, setting it to nil if you do not want to show the user location. LocationManager.showUserLocation has also been removed. (#203)
  • Make model layer internal and refactor for increased public API clarity (#194, #198)
    • ModelLayer and ModelSource are now internal
    • shouldTrackLocation flag has been removed from LocationConsumer because it was never used
    • PuckType.puck2D's associated value is now non-optional. It still has a default value corresponding to the previous behavior
    • LocationPuckManager is now internal
    • Renaming:
      • LocationPuck is now PuckType
      • LocationOptions.locationPuck is now LocationOptions.puckType
      • LocationIndicatorLayerViewModel is now Puck2DConfiguration
      • PuckModelLayerViewModel is now Puck3DConfiguration
  • Updates dependencies to MapboxCoreMaps 10.0.0-beta.17 and MapboxCommon 10.0.2. (#193)
    • [rendering] Query rendered features now work for fill-extrusions when terrain is enabled.
    • [rendering] Improved terrain rendering performance due to reduction of loaded tiles.
  • All layer paint/layout properties can be defined via expressions (#185)
  • Added RawRepresentable conformance to StyleURL. Removed enum cases for older style versions. (#168)

Features ✨ and improvements 🏁

  • Introduced the platform-driven Drag API for shifting the map’s camera. (#217)
  • Introduced CameraAnimator, a UIViewPropertyAnimator-based class for animating camera changes. These animators should be created using CameraManager.makeCameraAnimator methods. (#217)
  • Gesture-driven camera changes have been updated to use camera animators. (#217)
  • The AnimatorOwner enum has been added to track owners for individual animators. (#217)
  • is now built on camera animators. zoom, pitch, bearing, and centerCoordinate keyframes are supported. (#217)
  • The getter for LocationManager.locationOptions is now public. (#209)
  • Added function to get layer identifier for an annotation type. (#189)
  • Add PreferredFPS.custom() to add support for custom preferred frames per second values. (#157)

Bug fixes 🐞

  • Fixes an issue in which the puck was not reflecting updates to its configuration (#199)

10.0.0-beta.15 - March 4, 2021

Breaking changes ⚠️

  • Updates MapboxCoreMaps to v10.0.0.beta.16 and MapboxCommon to v10.0.0-beta.12 (#152)

New Events API

  • The above breaking change introduces the new Map Events API which will:
    • Simplify the Map API and align it with other weakly typed interfaces (addStyleLayer, addStyleSource, etc.).
    • Minimize the effort for addition of new events.
    • Expose experimental events.
    • Suppress events that a developer hasn't subscribed to.
    • Automatically expose new events for Snapshotter (eliminating the need to modify MapObserver and MapSnapshotterObserver separately).
  • Events that have been removed:
    • mapResumedRendering
    • mapPausedRendering
    • mapLoadingStarted
    • renderMapStarted
    • renderMapFinished
    • cameraWillChange
    • cameraIsChanging
  • Events that have been renamed:
    • EventType.Map.mapLoaded -> EventType.Map.loaded
    • MapEvents.EventKind.cameraDidChange -> MapEvents.EventKind.cameraChanged

Features ✨ and improvements 🏁

  • Maps SDK now supports a static bundle via direct download (#149)

10.0.0-beta.14 - February 24, 2021

Breaking changes ⚠️

  • Updates Turf to v2.0.0-alpha.3 (#133)

Features ✨ and improvements 🏁

  • Added SwiftUI example. (#78)
  • Allow a developer to synchronously update a layer with one API call -- no longer have to retrieve and re-add a layer. (#85)
  • MapboxMaps can now be built and tested using Swift Package Manager (#125)

Bug fixes 🐞

  • Prevent pitch and zoom from exceeding limits. Also updates default maximum pitch to 85 degrees. (#103)
  • Fixed an issue where quick zoom did not work at higher zoom levels. Also made the duration argument of the setCamera methods non-optional with default of 0. (#109)
  • GestureManager.delegate is now weak (#134)
  • Using heuristic to provide pan drift when the map is pitched (#120)

10.0.0-beta.13 - February 12, 2021

Breaking changes ⚠️

  • Rely on consumer provided view models directly to customize location pucks (#86)
  • Update Mapbox Common for iOS to v10.0.0-beta.9.1 and MapboxCoreMaps to v10.0.0-beta.14.1. (#89)
  • Update to Turf 2.0.0-alpha.2 (#93)

Features ✨ and improvements 🏁

  • Expose presentsWithTransaction property to better synchronize UIKit elements with the MapView. (#94)
  • Add MapEvents.styleFullyLoaded. (#90)

Bug fixes 🐞

  • Refactor Annotation "properties" (#70)
  • Fix Inconsistent Camera Heading (#68)
  • Fix issue where updates to ornament options were not honored (#84)
  • Dictionaries passed to expressions are now sorted by default (#81)
  • Fixed: Pan drift did not work correctly when bearing was non-zero. (#99)
  • Fix issue where toggling LocationOptions.showsUserLocation resulted in options not being updated (#101)
  • Pan drift for pitched maps will be disabled. A solution for smooth drifting is being worked on. (#100)

10.0.0-beta.12 - January 27, 2021


V10 is the latest version of the Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS. v10 brings substantial performance improvements, new features like 3D terrain and a more powerful camera, modern technical foundations, and a better developer experience.

To get started with v10, please refer to our migration guide.

Known Issues

Please visit our issues to see open bugs, enhancements, or features requests.