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Thomas Mann edited this page Jan 14, 2024 · 1 revision

Release notes for v3.4

Despite the summer holidays we pushed the project forward, focusing on stability, usability and documentation.

The highlights

Operator/Types/ folders is structured by namespaces

This makes it much easier to migrate between versions. From now on you can copy "your namespace" to the new Tooll release to transfer all your projects. This is also the basis for automatic migration features planned for with v3.5.

Copying Older projects to new T3 version

You may copy your old files from Operators\Types\user\yournamespace to the same directory in the new version of Tooll3 once your namespace is created there..

Render Sequence and Video

We can finally render content, Video and Still images with arbitrary frame rates and higher resolutions!.

We're busy working on the documentation

We've added "HowTo..." playgrounds for animation, operator types, points image effects an many more. This makes it much easier to pick up the basics.

User Interface improvements

The user-interface can now be scaled dynamically

r3 4-scale-ui

Your personal workspace

Tooll now asks for your username at startup and automatically sorts it in new operator types, Add → User → yournamespace is where you will find all your Types created in Tooll, they will also of course show up when you press TAB and begin entering the name of your custom made operators.


The new HomeCanvas operator welcomes users with a short introduction and a list of interactive starter "HowTo's".

Improved color picker

The Color picker now has a cleaner layout and supports hex values.

Improved value ladder

Users can now use a value ladder, to quickly manipulate parameters in the parameter window anywhere they find them in Tooll.

Better Gradients

Gradient interpolation can now be set with a context menu and gradient presets can be stored in user settings.

Fast Screenshots

You can now quickly take screenshots from the output window toolbar.

Minimap for graphs

Enable the new mini-map feature to keep the overview in large graphs, you'll never lose your operators on the graph again!.

Scroll Canvas with keyboard

You can now navigate the graph canvas with keyboard shortcuts WASD.

Give me examples!

Operator descriptions in the parameter window are now searched by the quick create widget (TAB key). This allows you to search for synonyms like "LFO" for [AnimValue] or "filter" for [Damp]. It also lists related operators below the description so you can drag them right into your graph.

Even more...

  • Dragging the transform gizmo is more stable now.
  • Working with nested time clips has been improved significantly.
  • Nested annotations are now moved with their parents.


  • Many compute shader buffers are now only rebuilt when required.


  • As always we're committed to making Tooll more stable and user friendly. We've fixed countless crashes, bugs, inconsistencies and documentation.

Project documentation

As more and more people are joining the project we're refining our documentation on the wiki pages. Yes, there is a long way to go (we could definitely use some help on that front) but we're making progress. We're also working hard on sorting and prioritizing bugs and feature-requests into the Roadmap. Check it out, if you are curious about what we have planned for the next release. And don't hesitate to submit feature requests or join the discussion on Discord.

New Operators

Here are some noteworthy new building blocks:

  • lib.3d.mesh.LoadGltf - is a first basic implementation the we're going to expand in the next versions.
  • lib.3d.mesh.Ngon - generate circular meshes.
  • lib.points.PointsOnMesh - a very powerful feature that uses CDF to evenly distribute points on arbitrary meshes. It also supports mesh selections.
  • lib.point.SetPointW - allows to control point weights from an input curve.
  • lib.point.OrientPoints - can be used to make points rotate towards a point.
  • lib.point.SnapPointsToGrid - moves points onto a virtual grid. The produces very interesting effect, esp. when partially applied and combined with [SelectPoints].
  • lib.point.MeshAsSpheres - draws points as PBR shaded spheres.
  • lib.anim.SequenceAnim - a very nice operator for procedural animations.
  • lib.img.fx.Combine3Images - a flexible swiss army knife for image combination.
  • lib.img.fx.BubbleZoom - a bubble zoom! try it out
  • lib.img.fx.ColorGradeDepth - a new color grading tool that uses depth buffer for advanced adjustment effects.
  • lib.exec.Group - combines the multiinput of [Execute] and with the transform parameters of [Transform].
  • - plays video clips and allows basic non-linear editing.
  • - a first proof-of-concept for importing and using value channel clips to drive animations.
  • lib.mesh.LoadObj - now supports quad-meshes without texture coordinates and a scale factor.
  • lib.math.bool.Trigger - shows up as nice little button on your graph canvas. Nice for testing.
  • lib.math.float.DetectPulse - can be helpful to detect sudden movements in sensor values like Osc or Audio levels,perfect to detect beats or hits.
  • examples.howto.HowToAnimate
  • examples.howto.HowToUseTooll
  • examples.howto.HowToUseOperators
  • examples.howto.HowToUseImageEffects
  • examples.howto.HowToDrawThings
  • examples.howto.HowToDrawPoint

Notes on bulding and using the Standalone version ..

  • Please ensure you have the correct dependancies installed..

These are as follows..




(you should see 5 succeeded) after building..

  • Be sure to edit the file t3\Operators\Operators.csproj to remove the highlighted lines in the image below ..


it should look like this ...


Then Run the file build-stand-alone.bat


Make sure to press "A" to replace ALL when the prompt is shown in your console


  • Navigate to your T3 directory where there should now be a T3-Standalone folder


  • Use "StartT3.exe" to run Tooll3.



As the main contributor this release was everything I have hoped for! We now had 35 pull requests from 10 contributors with more and more sophisticated features like Video Playback, Video rendering, Midi file import, mesh generation, OSC performance, documentations and of course many many bug fixes.

Here are just and few: dddd, mrvux, noice, sphynxcolt, 1x, imdom, nodeus, hollyhook, r8bhavneet, Thomas Helzle, Alkama, and... wait for it... deadmau5.

We also want to thank the active, lovely community on discord with people like: Sense, Gaspode, rawr!, SonikBuster, dBiz, veiss, raztaman. It's incredible to be part of this crowd.

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