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dev.main branch faq

Thomas Mann edited this page Feb 18, 2024 · 1 revision

FAQ on the operator structure main branch


This page summarizes best practices and questions regarding the new operator structure branch.

Using the branch

How can I switch to the branch?

  • Install .net 8.0
  • Install the latest version of Rider (at least 2023.3) or Visual Studio
  • Rebuild solution

Build Warnings for Editor:

There are a bunch of warnings when building Editor: alt text

Building Player

Currently player has some errors caused by Windows forms not being available:

alt text

How do I set my username / Where are my Ops?

alt text

It would probably be important implement some kind of option to switch between users, so you can see all imported packages...

Migrating: I can I import my previous operators?

alt text

Debug vs. Release vs. IDE

Damn you, splash screen!

If an assertion is thrown during startup, the splash-screen is annoying. Is there a method around that?

-> Yes. I added the following change to SplashScreen.cs:

        #if RELEASE
        // only force topmost in release builds, to not interfere with debugging
        _splashForm.TopMost = true;

Debugging after exception:

  • Normally, when a exception is thrown, it's possible to click on items in the stack trace to jump to according line of code: Currently this doesn't seem to work:

  • alt text

  • Also, normally you would see line-numbers next to the stack-trace items. Now you only see: Symbol.CreateInstance() in T3.Core.Operator, Core.dll [2]

  • Maybe we need to include more debug information? alt text

This issue was probably caused by some adjustments of the layout. Restoring it, made the stack-track items clickable again: alt text

Startup in debug / release give different results:

In 451da0e69d5...

  • debug startups with a bunch of assertions because connection targets are no longer valid.

  • release crashes with "examples" not found

  • IDE crashes in ProjectSetup.cs:CreateSymLinks() because alt text

  • invalid directory: C:\Users\pixtur\Documents\T3Projects\cynic

Interestingly creating the target parent folder Documents\T3Projects\ worked just fine.

I tried...

  • changing it to relative path var linkName2 = Path.GetRelativePath(".", linkName);
  • Desktop instead of documents C:\Users\pixtur\Desktop\T3Projects\cynic
  • Creating the directory with unix-write mode, which is not supported: Directory.CreateDirectory(targetDirectory, UnixFileMode.UserWrite);
  • Adjusting the readonly-flag from code
  • Unsetting the real-only attribute manually with File-Explorer property windows.

Wrong windows-cluster fuck rabbit-hole:

The Read-only and System attributes is only used by Windows Explorer to determine whether the folder is a special folder, such as a system folder that has its view customized by Windows (for example, My Documents, Favorites, Fonts, Downloaded Program Files), or a folder that you customized by using the Customize tab of the folder's Properties dialog box.

Also, the properties of the created directory look kind of funky: alt text

Code details

How to (un)define DEBUG?

From Core/Operator/Instance.cs:TryGetTargetSlot()...

if (!gotTargetInstance)
    Debug.Assert(connection.TargetParentOrChildId == Guid.Empty);

General c#/Rider questions:

It's kind of annoying that rider does not correctly use Guid.ToString() to display guids in a readable format: alt text

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