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Thomas Mann edited this page Jan 14, 2024 · 1 revision

Sometimes it's necessary to debug an exported player executable. Currently the setup of this is a bit wonky, because normally...

  • Player.exe is copied from release build
  • Operators.dll is generated in release build
  • the exported Export/Operators/ folder only contains a subset of all symbols
  • the default startup directory for Player is not easily adjustable so all required resources are found with relative paths.

This setup works for me with Rider:

  1. Switch to Debug mode

  2. Rebuild solution

  3. Start T3

  4. Export

  5. Exit T3

  6. In startup configurations adjust the startup folder and add --windowed true argument. image

  7. Temporarily rename (or move) Operators/_keepOperators/

  8. Move everything from Export/ one up into the project folder.

  9. Move Player/bin/release/.net6.0-windows/Player.exe → to your project folder.

  10. In Rider switch to Player project: image

  11. Start Debug

  12. You now can set break points and execution stops nicely at exceptions so you can check variables within the call stack.

I assume the setup is similar with Visual Studio.

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