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A list of neat projects made in Slovenia



🌟 Name Description 🌍
608 @alekseykulikov/storage Asynchronous browser storage with multiple back-ends (IndexedDB, WebSQL, localStorage)
307 @lexandera/Aardwolf A remote JavaScript debugger for Android/iOS/WindowsPhone7/BlackBerry6. Written in JavaScript. ↗️
294 @peric/GetCountries Outputs countries data based on the selected fields. Supports MySQL, Firebird, XML, JSON, CSV or YAML. ↗️
185 @alekseykulikov/babel-preset-es2015-… Babel preset to make node@5 fully ES2015 compatible
108 @alekseykulikov/touch-action Disable 300ms delay on mobile using CSS touch-action or asynchronously download FastClick as polyfill
62 @hadalin/chrome-hidefedora Chrome extension that removes troll youtube commenters ↗️
47 @rodp/jquery.behavior A Simple JavaScript Library for Complex Web Applications ↗️
45 @dz0ny/AudioJS Fork of VideoJS this time for Audio, also have all themes from VideoJS ↗️
41 @xrado/vue-validator form validator for vue 0.11 ↗️
35 @alekseykulikov/browserify-test An easy way to test front-end libraries using browserify and mocha
24 @alekseykulikov/storage-emitter Emit events between browser tabs
19 @xrado/vue-components Vue components / experiments ↗️
16 @dz0ny/vaultier MIrror of
13 @jancborchardt/libreprojects moved to… ↗️
13 @dz0ny/chrome-transmission-… Useful if you run Transmission Bittorrent Client on a remote server ↗️
13 @xrado/Router Router provides methods for routing client-side pages, and connecting them to actions and events based on hashchange event, written in MooTools.
11 @dz0ny/mopidy-api-explorer
11 @hadalin/firefox-hidefedora Firefox extension that removes troll youtube commenters ↗️
11 @dz0ny/go-icecast-server Proof of concept icecast server
11 @markogresak/typescript-react-jsx…
10 @dz0ny/mopidy-android-app Mopidy client for Android
9 @mrfoto/mr-meta-box Meta boxes for WordPress made easy.
8 @dz0ny/Teambox-Chrome-exten… Teambox extension which adds Instant Search
8 @xrado/firespider FireSpider is a an extension for Firebug ↗️
8 @hadalin/jquery-flickr-photos… jQuery plugin for generating photoset gallery using Bootstrap and Bootstrap Image Gallery.
8 @matjaz/aurelia-property-inj… Automatically inject properties
6 @sedovsek/DataTables-EU-date-P… Plug-in for sorting EU Date (european date format), (d) or (d)d/mm(/yyyy)
5 @matixmatix/ember-parsley Ember addon for Parsley
5 @matixmatix/sweet_donut 🍩 A jQuery plugin for making sweet donut charts on Canvas elements
5 @matjaz/CommonJSClientServer Sharing code between node.js and browser (AngularJS)
5 @jancborchardt/focalendar Calendar which allows you to focus, very in progress ↗️
4 @mrfoto/mrsi-gallery mrsi-gallery is a full-screen image gallery that takes advantage of CSS3. ↗️
4 @matjaz/presence-tracker Simple modular presence tracker.
4 @marpontes/cubeguard Pentaho plugin that intends to deliver some simplicity on implementing mondrian security.
4 @matjaz/ jQuery flyweight pattern
4 @brianking/events-app Initially intended as a mobile Web app for Mozilla community events. Hopefully it will be evolve to be useful for everyone having an event.
4 @dz0ny/node-deployer Node.js deployment tool, inspired by Ruby's Capistrano.
3 @gasperk/injoxy a very simple content injector http proxy written for node.js
3 @jancborchardt/gnome-shell-extensio… Gnome Shell extension to remove the workspace thumbnails sidebar. Perfect if you don't use workspaces.
2 @matjaz/faye-service Mimics support for /service/** channels in Faye.
2 @matjaz/webcomponents-worksh… Webcomponents workshop including Aurelia sample app
2 @Some1Else/MiMa-MeanXY MeanXY is a Tile based UI to the Middle Machine Concepts ↗️
2 @mrfoto/topo Topographical map of Slovenia ↗️
2 @marpontes/cdt Community Dashboards Templates over CDE for Pentaho
2 @slashrsm/cache_presentation Drupal cache presentation.
2 @mathjazz/affiliates-triage Triaging bugs for
2 @Some1Else/mima-athena Middle Machine Client
2 @ialja/beautiful-web Playing with Flask with a simple web app
2 @rodp/coupons-service Playing with Node + MySQL, Redis, RabbitMQ, etc.


🌟 Name Description 🌍
129 @simonpercic/OkLog Response logging interceptor for OkHttp. Logs a url link with url-encoded response for every OkHttp call. ↗️
60 @gregacucnik/EditTextView Android widget combination of ImageView, EditText and TextView.
60 @Lunatrius/Schematica Import schematics, export schematics, build schematics. All inside Minecraft!
40 @matejdro/PebbleNotificationCe… Notification center for Pebble - Android part
29 @sparkica/dbpedia-extension Google Refine extension for adding columns (extending data) from DBpedia
26 @Mrbrutal/Traincraft-5 Traincraft repository for the new rewrite version for 1.7.x and 1.8.x version of Minecraft and beyond.
23 @gregacucnik/EditableSeekBar Android widget. Combination of EditText and SeekBar.
19 @zidarsk8/galaxyCar A stats display for a remote controll car, on a galaxy tab.
19 @mmazi/rescu A lightweight json Rest client utility for JAX-RS
17 @matejdro/PebbleDialer-Android Android part of the PebbleDialer app.
17 @Lunatrius/LunatriusCore
17 @Lunatrius/InGame-Info-XML Display various information directly on the in-game GUI.
16 @matejdro/Jail Jail plugin for Bukkit ↗️
16 @Mrbrutal/Traincraft-164 A mod for Minecraft adding trains and other vehicles. 1.6.4. version ↗️
16 @tomazk/Java-Text-Extractor-… Implementing java based text extractors as web APIs (currently only Boilerpipe & Goose)
13 @Lunatrius/Monster-Spawn-Highli… Discontinued, check Danger Zone. Highlight blocks where selected monsters are able to spawn.
12 @matejdro/PortalStick Portal Gun plugin for Minecraft. ↗️
10 @sparkica/crowdsourcing An extension for OpenRefine for creating jobs and uploading data to CrowdFlower crowdsourcing service
8 @Lunatrius/Stackie Improves vanilla stacking and adds experience orb stacking.
8 @zidarsk8/AlarmClock A simple android alarm clock
6 @alesj/maven-transformer-pl… Transform classes with ClassFileTransformer at compile time
6 @alesj/cdi-arq-workshop CDI and Arquillian Workshop
6 @Lunatrius/DynIMC Send custom IMC messages loaded from config file(s).
5 @simonpercic/ResponseEcho Java Spring web app that gets a Base64 encoded and gzipped string param, decodes and unpacks it and then echoes it back as a plain string.
5 @alesj/cassandra-ping Apache Cassandra based JGroups ping protocol
4 @tomazk/boilerpipe-thrift Thrift server for Boilerpipe
4 @matejdro/MonsterHunt ↗️
4 @sparkica/CrowdFlowerClient A simple client for Crowdflower crowdsourcing service
4 @zidarsk8/inarow Simple 3d four in a row game
4 @alesj/lhotse JBoss Lhotse - GAE made simple --> goto CapeDwarf
4 @mmazi/openblend-11-seam3
4 @sbandur84/micro-Blagajna-v1.x v1.x | Brezplačna POS Blagajna na dotik v1.x ↗️
3 @simonpercic/WaterfallCache A multi-level RxJava-powered cache for Android.
3 @matejdro/PebbleAndroidCommons Shared classes between Notification Center for Pebble and Dialer for Pebble
3 @alesj/scopes Seam Scopes
3 @Lunatrius/Profiles A simple client side mod that allows you to switch settings on-the-fly.
3 @alesj/harness2arquillian Adapt Harness tests to Arquillian tests ↗️
3 @alesj/arquillian-container… Arquillian Google AppEngine Container
3 @mmazi/ripple-rest-java A Java implementation for the Ripple REST API ↗️
3 @mmazi/coin-story Bitcoin market order book history
2 @Lunatrius/Config-Patcher
2 @Lunatrius/Laser-Level
2 @zidarsk8/compiler A simple pascal compiler
2 @Lunatrius/Tracer Entity path debugging utility (TNT cannons, falling blocks etc).
2 @alesj/ceylon-servlet Ceylon Servlet Integration ↗️
2 @simonpercic/CollectionHelper A set of static utility methods to simplify filtering and querying Java's Collections.
2 @zidarsk8/DoubleRecallDemo Demo application for DoubleRecall integration ↗️
2 @Mrbrutal/MeanCore The core mod for the upcoming Traincraft rewrite.
2 @matejdro/PebbleKeep
2 @mmazi/bitstamp-api Java api to the Bitstamp's REST service
2 @Lunatrius/Arrow-Flight-Path A mod made for fun for the ModJam 3 (
2 @sbandur84/micro-Blagajna v3.8x | Brezplačna odprto–kodna POS blagajna na dotik ↗️
2 @Lunatrius/Extension-Fixer [ARCHIVE ONLY] Rename invalid mod filenames ( => .jar)


🌟 Name Description 🌍
8 @manictime/manictime-server-sam…
7 @manictime/manictime-client-plu… ManicTime Client plugin examples
4 @DavidKarlas/MonoDevelop.MicroFra… AddIn for MonoDevelop/Xamarin Studio for developing micro controllers with .Net MicroFramework
3 @MihaMarkic/Cake.Docker Cake AddIn that extends Cake with Docker
3 @InanZen/Factions TShock plugin
2 @KarboniteKream/JC2MapViewer Map Viewer for Just Cause 2
2 @lucky3/TicTacToeBDD
2 @TomyMMX/Wiki-MONSTER WP7 app that helps you to learn new stuf with the help of an ever changing live tile with wikipedia articles. ↗️
2 @DavidKarlas/InternalsVisibleFrom… All this project does is, checkout official Roslyn NuGet packages. Inject InternalsVisibleTo with Cecil and publish on new NuGet stream.


🌟 Name Description 🌍
3 @CodeCatz/litterbox CodeCatz litterbox - pieces of shitty code
3 @CodeCatz/kibble Tutorials, presentations and what-nots


🌟 Name Description 🌍
148 @RedPitaya/RedPitaya Red Pitaya Ecosystem and Applications
6 @LightBit/libkripto Simple and flexible "object-oriented" cryptographic library written in ISO C99.
2 @pinkflozd/android_kernel_motor…
2 @pinkflozd/arm-cortex_a7-linux-… Linaro 4.x Cortex-A7 Optimized


🌟 Name Description 🌍
34 @ntadej/tano Tano - an open IP TV player ↗️
9 @ducakar/img2dds Tool for converting images to DDS format with additional support for KSP.
8 @ntadej/MeePlus DISCONTINUED! - Contact me, if you want to take over. ↗️
7 @ducakar/openzone Simple cross-platform FPS/RTS game engine. ↗️
4 @dvolk/project_x 🎮 open-world survival roguelikelike game ↗️
4 @blazs/HoeffdingTree Incremental classification and regression tree learning algorithm.
2 @JanHalozan/ConvolutionalNeuralN… A general purpose convolutional neural network.


🌟 Name Description 🌍
4 @breign/SkyStreamer Mobile online radio player with registration and sharing suport. Built with Flex.


🌟 Name Description 🌍
17 @sbelak/huri Tools for the lazy data scientist


🌟 Name Description 🌍
2 @andrejd/version-brunch Adds application version support to brunch
2 @andrejd/ng-classify-brunch ng-classify wrapper/plugin for brunch build tool


🌟 Name Description 🌍
3 @alesstimec/macaroon-demo


🌟 Name Description 🌍
2 @Mihapro/MP-Reporter


🌟 Name Description 🌍
3370 @tomaz/appledoc Objective-c code Apple style documentation set generator. ↗️
583 @matej/MBPullDownController MBPullDownController, an iOS container view controller for pullable scroll view interfaces. ↗️
479 @Legoless/Alpha Next generation debugging framework for iOS ↗️
389 @aksonov/react-native-tablevi… Native iOS UITableView for React Native with JSON support and more
149 @tomaz/GBCli Objective C foundation tool command line interface library ↗️
130 @luka1995/LPGoogleFunctions-iO… LPGoogleFunctions is an iOS library that provides easy access to certain Google API functions. ↗️
114 @luka1995/LPPopupListView-iOS LPPopupListView is custom popup component for iOS with table for single or multiple selection.
61 @aksonov/react-native-xmpp XMPP library for React Native (using iOS XMPPFramework library), alpha release (base messaging is supported at this moment)
44 @luka1995/LPThreeSplitViewCont… LPThreeSplitViewController
35 @aksonov/react-native-svg-ele… Use React Native to draw SVG. No XML parsing, use speed of React Native directly. Alpha version, not all elements/attributes are supported now.
30 @tomaz/LionTableViewTesting Example projects demonstrating how OS X 10.7 Lion view-based table views are handled. ↗️
29 @Legoless/TapticPlayground A simple Taptic Playground for iPhone 6s Taptic Engine
29 @Legoless/Haystack A collection of simple iOS classes and small libraries that make development easier.
24 @borut-t/BTBadgeView View that replicates and extends the number badge UI element in iOS.
23 @aksonov/react-native-mobx Make your app reactive with MobX and react-native-router-flux
22 @tomaz/symbolicator OS X and iOS crash log symbolicator
21 @aksonov/react-native-reactiv… React Native Reactive Model-View using react-native-router-flux, Calmm-JS and Kefir
20 @tomaz/Xcode-Project-and-Fi… Custom Xcode project and file templates ↗️
16 @matej/MBURLExpander A Cocoa (touch) class for expanding short URLs ↗️
15 @jernejstrasner/Smooth-Gradient How to draw a smooth gradient on OSX and iOS using CGShading
15 @Legoless/AuthKit A collection of popular service authorizations.
13 @jernejstrasner/JSFacebook Facebook Graph API iOS SDK ↗️
12 @tomaz/LionAutoLayoutTestin… ↗️
11 @jernejstrasner/JSImageLoader Image loader for iOS with caching
10 @Legoless/DesignKit Innovative iOS framework helping developers create beautifully designed applications
10 @borut-t/BTUtils Usable utility methods, categories, macros and helpers.
8 @Legoless/AFNetworking-RACRetr… AFNetworking additions for ReactiveCocoa supporting auto retry
8 @tomaz/ScrollingAboutWindow Demonstrates one way of creating scrolling credits for Cocoa apps ↗️
7 @tomaz/StateOfTheArtStateMa… Demonstrates how to implement Cocoa/Cocoa Touch application using state pattern. ↗️
6 @borut-t/BTRatingView Simple 5 star rating view.
6 @luka1995/LPLjubljanaCarParksF… LPLjubljanaCarParksFunctions is an iOS library that provides easy access to car parks in Ljubljana.
6 @luka1995/LPBicikeljStationsFu… API for BicikeLJ
6 @mthongvanh/SwiftGimbal A small Swift project that implements the Gimbal Platform SDK (v1.30.1 11/19/2014).
5 @Legoless/iOS-Localization Localization files of iOS operating system
5 @jernejstrasner/WiiBoard A simple app that connects to a WiiMote and uses it's IR light sensor to simulate the mouse.
4 @Legoless/JSONModel-RACExtensi… Reactive extensions to JSONModel library
4 @borut-t/BTStoreView Native App Store window inside app.
4 @borut-t/BTButton Custom UIButton implementation with image and text.
4 @borut-t/BTTitlePaginationVie… Twitter-like title pagination view.
4 @Legoless/ParallaxGrid An iOS Library that provides entire iOS7 layer functionality into views. Parallax and custom blur effects are supported.
3 @borut-t/BTProgressView Customized UIProgressView.
2 @jernejstrasner/JSTwitter A simple and minimalistic Twitter library for iOS
2 @borut-t/BTSharingService Nice and simple sharing service solution.
2 @luka1995/LPProjects-LED-Cube-…
2 @jbrezavscek/guiapp test
2 @Legoless/TravisKit Travis CI API Wrapper for Objective-C


🌟 Name Description 🌍
16 @loonies/kohana-notice Simple and easy to use class for displaying notification messages to the user
13 @spinx/sidekiq-job-php Push and schedule jobs to Sidekiq from PHP
11 @BostjanOb/SolrClient ZF2 module for Apache Solr
11 @loonies/kohana-pigeon [DEPRECATED] Wrapper module around SwiftMailer for Kohana 3.x
8 @bostjan/PHP-application-serv… Application server framework written in PHP and intended to be run in standalone mode
5 @titpetric/minitpl Miniature fully featured PHP template engine ↗️
3 @spinx/symfony2-sidekiq-exa… Example for executing sf2 services with Sidekiq
2 @nasal/newpiratebay Theme for isoHunt's openbay
2 @loonies/kohana-cerberus [DEPRECATED] Use instead
2 @titpetric/git_hooks Common git hooks to be used with git-hooks and git submodules across several projects
2 @titpetric/git-misc Enhanced git commands for working with multiple checkouts/submodules


🌟 Name Description 🌍
339 @uskudnik/amazon-glacier-cmd-i… Command line interface for Amazon Glacier
270 @izacus/RoboGif A small utility to record Android device screen to a GIF
89 @samastur/Impostor Django app that enables staff to log in as other users using their own credentials.
67 @bancek/django-smtp-ssl SMTP SSL email backend for Django
54 @Kami/python-yubico-client Python library for validating Yubico Yubikey One Time Passwords (OTPs) based on the validation protocol version 2.0. ↗️
52 @domenkozar/mr.bob Mister Bob (the builder) is filesystem template renderer ↗️
50 @Kami/python-face-client REST API Python client library. ↗️
48 @samastur/image-diet A Django application for removing unnecessary bytes from images. Integrates seemlessly with Easy Thumbnails.
41 @miha-stopar/nnets Python neural network library
39 @domenkozar/almir Bacula web administration written in Pyramid
21 @Kami/Dropbox-Screen-Grabb… An application which sits in the system tray and allows you to capture the screenshot of the whole desktop or the currently active window and save it to the Dropbox public folder. ↗️
20 @dusano/DeepLearning Python implementation of UFLDL tutorial code
18 @Kami/python-file-syncer Python program which synchronizes files from a local directory to one of the cloud object storage providers supported by Libcloud and vice-versa. ↗️
15 @zejn/arsoapi ARSO API
14 @zejn/prometapi
13 @zejn/pypdf2xml Convert text from PDF to XML.
13 @Kami/django-yubico-authen… Yubico Yubikey authentication backend for Django ↗️
13 @Kami/django-notifications Django application which allows you to create subscriptions for different model events (create, edit and delete) and send notification(s) when the subscribed event has occurred. ↗️
13 @domenkozar/g-pypi g-pypi manages ebuilds for Gentoo Linux using information in PyPi (Python Package Index)
13 @Kami/python-twisted-binar… Simple demo which shows how you can transfer binary files using the Twisted framework.
12 @Kami/munin-celery Munin plugin for Celery - a distributed task queue. ↗️
11 @jurev/knockout Knockout aims to extend the basic importing mechanisms in Python by allowing more exotic stuff to be added to sys.path.
11 @Kami/parallel-django-and-… ↗️
11 @izacus/slo_pos Slovenian part-of-speech tagger for Python/NLTK
11 @samastur/GReader-hoover A dirty python script for exporting information from Google Reader
10 @domenkozar/nose-selecttests Simple nose plugin that enables developers to run subset of collected tests to spare some waiting time for better things.
9 @domenkozar/ Personal webpage and blog ↗️
9 @offlinehacker/pysms Python library for sending sms-es
9 @lukacu/django-gallery An image gallery application for Django framework
8 @ercchy/simpleHttpServer Simple HTTP Server is a learning project about HTTP Protocol and how server is handling requests.
8 @offlinehacker/scapy Scapy is an interactive packet manipulation program that enables you to sniff, mangle, send network packets ; test equipments ; probe and discover networks ; quickly develop new protocols.
7 @samastur/pyimagediet Python wrapper around image optimisations tools.
6 @samastur/image-diet2 A Django application for removing unnecessary bytes from images. Backwards incompatible evolution of image-diet.
6 @bancek/django-autoadmin This app provides quick administration over your Django models
6 @zejn/django-localflavor-s… Slovenian Django localflavor
6 @bancek/fabric-threadsafe Monkeypatch script to make Fabric thread-safe
5 @izacus/pyvideo Python video decoding library using AVBin as a backend
5 @nightmarebadger/pyglet-and-cocos2d-t… The source for my tutorials for Pyglet and Cocos2d
5 @jurev/tipfy-jsontemplate JSON Template extension for Tipfy. ↗️
5 @hamax/python-hookboxclient Hookbox client for python
5 @domenkozar/coursea-crypto Solutions to programming assignments for online Cryptography class at Stanford University
4 @domenkozar/najdi-si-sms
4 @domenkozar/pyramid_marrowmailer Pyramid integration package for marrow.mailer, formerly known as TurboMail.
4 @izacus/pyopencv_demo Demo of how to use SURF/FLANN to find similar images in python
4 @dusano/django-probe HackDay project
4 @domenkozar/django-akismet-comme… Django moderator for checking django.contrib.comments spam against akismet service.
4 @dusano/simple-recommendatio… Simple Recommendation Service
4 @Kami/django-visitor-infor… A collection of Django middleware classes which make writing timezone and location aware applications easier.
4 @zupo/crypto
4 @Smotko/gms Generic mouse gestures on Linux
4 @zejn/epubhub Django e-bookshelf app.
4 @domenkozar/nix-cookbook Practical ways of using Nix package manager ecosystem
4 @Kami/ REST interface for Libcloud
4 @offlinehacker/spynner Statefull programmatic web browser module for python.
3 @zejn/djpubsubhubbub Django hooks for PubSubHubBub subscribers, forked from… ↗️
3 @Kami/advanced-yubico-pam-… Python PAM module which allows you to integrate the Yubikey into your existing user authentication infrastructure (supports online, failback and offline mode).
3 @zejn/sigeo Slovenian public geographic data Django apps
3 @Kami/Asset-Deflator Script for minifying / compiling / compressing your website static resources (CSS, JavaScript - inline too and images).
3 @miha-stopar/extract-repetitions Extract (DOM tree) repetitions from web page
3 @Smotko/passwords
3 @zejn/django_temporal Temporal tables for Django
3 @domenkozar/bobtemplates.ielectr… My mr.bob templates
3 @gandalfar/oauth-python-readabi… OAuth Python library for Readability API ↗️
2 @izacus/pysolarized Yet another library for talking to Solr with Python
2 @samastur/django-admin-filters Generic Filters for the changelist in Django Admin
2 @bancek/lektor-markdown-exce…
2 @bancek/django-dacks Django Hacks
2 @Smotko/estudent
2 @offlinehacker/flumotion ↗️
2 @kostko/itsy A MongoDB Document-Object Mapper with integrated Elastic Search support.
2 @jurev/geebaby TEA(Tags, Entities, Actions) experimental web framework for Google App Engine ↗️
2 @nightmarebadger/Sokoban-Tkinter A very simple Sokoban clone made using Python and Tkinter
2 @offlinehacker/pyfilesystem Python filesystem
2 @uskudnik/gpxjoin Join multiple GPX files into one file
2 @domenkozar/Django-Beer-Workshop Material for workshop in Slovenia
2 @offlinehacker/beatmaker Make beats easily using your keyboard. ↗️
2 @domenkozar/Products.FeedFeeder tiny changes needed for
2 @zejn/pcaxis PCAxis .px file format parser
2 @izacus/SloRealestate Project to parse and sanitize slovenian realestate ad data
2 @Kami/munin_exchange Source code of the Munin Exchange website. ↗️
2 @gandalfar/django-simple-layar Where in Ljubljana can one find the last few space invaders?
2 @Kami/cloudkick-query-lang…
2 @gandalfar/mobilecheck Django application to check if accounting of Slovenian mobile operators is correct
2 @Kami/libcloud-sandbox Libcloud sandbox.
2 @gandalfar/talk-visualize-kiber… Talk I gave at Kiberpipa (in Slovenian) about how to parse Excel file and make a simple d3.js based visualization
2 @Kami/django-encrypted-set… Thin wrapper around Python keyczar bindings which allows you to manage and use encrypted settings in your Django app.
2 @offlinehacker/PyLogDecorate Python logging decorators.


🌟 Name Description 🌍
3 @romunov/GEDCOM-archives A snippet of code to download GEDCOM genealogy archives.


🌟 Name Description 🌍
95 @mrbrdo/theine Rails preloader for JRuby (similar to Zeus, Spring and Spork)
36 @mrbrdo/mruby_cc mruby to C parser
33 @mrbrdo/has_moderated Rails 3.x gem for moderating ActiveRecord models (like posts, attributes...).
24 @mrbrdo/marionette-rails Rails + Backbone + Marionette + Coffeescript Boilerplate Example
19 @mrbrdo/serialize-rails rails attribute serialization into yaml, json, xml and with ruby marshal
10 @jure/bit_analytics A powerful analytics gem using Redis bitmaps
8 @lenart/wifi-spots Directory of free WiFi spots in Slovenia ↗️
8 @mrbrdo/active_record_group_… Efficient Rails group count if you need the summed up count instead of the hash.
5 @mfilej/twitter-haiku Haikus from twitter to pdf with luatex and ruby
5 @mrbrdo/ruby-najdi-sms sms sending ruby gem.
5 @mrbrdo/ruby-ybc Ruby YARV bytecode compiler (compiles Ruby code to C extension)
4 @mrbrdo/mina-extras Extra mina tasks that I use
4 @mfilej/zerop [not maintained] Zero Punctuation episodes, flash free
4 @mrbrdo/inflector_slovenian Rails 3 slovenski inflector (za pluralizacijo besed).
3 @drgcms/drg-cms DRG CMS: Content management system for Ruby, Rails and MongoDB
3 @mfilej/sinatra-local-sites Displays a list of links to your *.local domains, handy as a homepage for the browser you use for web development
3 @mfilej/ruby-processing-char… Charts! charts meaningless charts with ruby-processing
3 @Hoornet/rubycourse All my classes and projects on the site ↗️
2 @mfilej/simobiller Analyze mobile operator bills—find out who to blame for the 80€ your carrier charged you last month! (Simobil only)
2 @lenart/spree_suppliers Add custom Suppliers model to Spree for Lekarnar3
2 @mihael/transender Use Transender whenever you need to clone and rename XCode iPhone SDK projects. ↗️
2 @jure/mathtype A Ruby gem for reading a MathType binary and converting it to an XML form
2 @luxxi/trgovina
2 @mrbrdo/nullobject_chain Allows you to chain methods even if somewhere in the process you start getting nil.
2 @mfilej/rubytapas-dl Download RubyTapas episodes from the CLI


🌟 Name Description 🌍
9 @koofr/play2-sprites Sprite generator for Play Framework / SBT
4 @HairyFotr/AngryPigs 3D game demo in which you catapult pigs into trees. (CG-class assignment)
3 @koofr/sbt-scrooge An SBT plugin that adds a mixin for doing Thrift code auto-generation during your compile phase
3 @edofic/reactive-macros macros for serialization and deserialization of case classes into reactive mongo BSON
3 @HairyFotr/OCRTrain (Over)fit OCR to your dataset with genetic algorithms.
2 @koofr/play-jax-ws Expose your SOAP service with Play Framework.
2 @edofic/akka-cluster-notes A super simple project using akka 2.2 cluster with some notes
2 @HairyFotr/Liminoid Augmented and virtual experience of disintegrating subjectivity ↗️


🌟 Name Description 🌍
425 @lukapusic/soundcloud-dl Soundcloud music downloader for Unix, Linux and Mac OS X written in BASH. (Private use only!)
64 @igorpecovnik/Debian-micro-home-se… Samba, TV headend, CUPS, scanner, Postfix, Dovecot, Apache, PHP, Mysql install
41 @lukapusic/twitter-bot Linux, OS X tweet bot which uses cURL.
22 @lukapusic/myspace-dl-cli Command line MySpace music downloader written in BASH. (Private use only!)
21 @igorpecovnik/BananaPI-Debian Scripts to create an Image of Debian for Banana PI
13 @igorpecovnik/Lime-Debian Scripts to create an Image of Debian for Olimex Lime / Lime 2
7 @lukapusic/sniff Automatic MITM bash script for Linux. The script uses sslstrip, urlsnarf and ettercap. ↗️
6 @Krofek/MySpotIsHot WiFi access point setup scripts for linux and windows
4 @lukapusic/myspace-dl MySpace music downloader with zenity GUI for Linux. (Private use only!)
4 @lukapusic/isniff iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod touch) sniffer written in bash.
4 @lukapusic/wordlist-creator A bash script to create wordlists by scraping websites.
3 @lukapusic/fb-bot-bash Unix Facebook status update bot which uses cURL instead of Facebook's API written in BASH. ↗️
2 @ikolar/kiberpipa-ozadja Skripta za generiranje PNG teaserja za prihajajoče evente v kiberpipi ↗️
2 @ikolar/wordpress_themes_pos… Some scripts that throw thumbnails of all free wordpress themes onto a single page ↗️
2 @tadejkan/server-backup Backup for servers using Google Cloud Storage (Nearline)

❓ Get Help

There are few ways to get help:

  1. Please post questions on Stack Overflow. You can open issues with questions, as long you add a link to your Stack Overflow question.
  2. For bug reports and feature requests, open issues. 🐛
  3. For direct and quick help, you can use Codementor. 🚀

😋 How to contribute

Have an idea? Found a bug? See how to contribute.

💖 Support my projects

I open-source almost everything I can, and I try to reply to everyone needing help using these projects. Obviously, this takes time. You can integrate and use these projects in your applications for free! You can even change the source code and redistribute (even resell it).

However, if you get some profit from this or just want to encourage me to continue creating stuff, there are few ways you can do it:

  • Starring and sharing the projects you like 🚀

  • Buy me a book—I love books! I will remember you after years if you buy me one. 😁 📖

  • PayPal—You can make one-time donations via PayPal. I'll probably buy a coffee tea. 🍵

  • Support me on Patreon—Set up a recurring monthly donation and you will get interesting news about what I'm doing (things that I don't share with everyone).

  • Bitcoin—You can send me bitcoins at this address (or scanning the code below): 1P9BRsmazNQcuyTxEqveUsnf5CERdq35V6

Thanks! ❤️

📜 License

MIT © Ionică Bizău