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902 lines (772 loc) · 54.3 KB

File metadata and controls

902 lines (772 loc) · 54.3 KB

Change Log for dash-core-components

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[0.38.1] - 2018-11-14


  • The issue #115 with datepicker, which didn't appear when the date value is None was fixed. By default, current month would appear in such cases for DatePickerRange and DatePickerSingle components. See pull request plotly#201.
  • Refactored the way the Graph component would generate an unique id if none provided.
  • Default CSS imported via style-loader is now placed at top, so that user supplied CSS can overwrite it, fixes #380

[0.38.0] - 2018-11-07


  • Changed the way the default CSS files for some components are loaded to being loaded with webpack instead of as dependencies.

[0.37.2] - 2018-11-07


  • Updated react-select to version 2.1.0

[0.37.1] - 2018-11-07


  • Added clickannotation event to dcc.Graph. See plotly#182.

[0.37.0] - 2018-11-04


  • Some Input props weren't being picked up by React. Changed:
    • autocomplete to autoComplete
    • autofocus to autoFocus
    • inputmode to inputMode
    • maxlength to maxLength
    • minlength to minLength


  • Unit tests for Input component.
  • New debounce prop for Input component that determines if the input should update to a Dash server immediately, or on 'Enter' key. Fixes #169


  • min and max prop now won't update the input when values are lower than or greater than min and max respectively. Fixes#173
  • step prop can now be a number and is therefor set correctly on the corresponding <input/> tag. Fixes #292

[0.36.0] - 2018-11-01


  • The npm start command now runs the Demo app again #346

[0.36.0] - 2018-10-31



  • Fix runaway loops for scattergl lines and fill traces (bug introduced in 1.42.0) [#3199]
  • Fix size and alignment in vertical modebars [#3193]
  • Fix legend item rendering for traces with typed array marker settings [#3192]

As part of plotly.js 1.42.1


  • Fix IE regression introduced in 1.42.0 [#3187]
  • Fix parcats text-shadowing on dark plot_bgcolor [#3191]
  • Fix scatter3d text alignment [#3180]
  • Fix hoverinfo flags in attribute descriptions [#3158]
  • No longer list and coerce unused hoverlabel attribute in parcoods [#3158]
  • No longer list and coerce transforms attributes in traces that don't support them [#3158]

As part of plotly.js 1.42.0


  • Add parcats (aka parallel categories) trace type [#2963, #3072]
  • Add new gl3d tick and title auto-rotation algorithm that limits text overlaps [#3084, #3104, #3131]
  • Add support for reversed-range axes on gl3d subplots [#3141]
  • Add modebar layout style attributes: orientation, bgcolor, color and activecolor [#3068, #3091]
  • Add title, titleposition and titlefont attributes to pie traces [#2987]
  • Add hoverlabel.split attribute to ohlc and candlestick traces to split hover labels into multiple pieces [#2959]
  • Add support for line.shape values 'hv', 'vh', 'hvh' and 'vhv' in scattergl traces [#3087]
  • Add handler for PlotlyConfig.MathJaxConfig: 'local' to override our default MathJax behavior which modifies the global MathJax config on load [#2994]
  • Add support for graph div as first argument for Plotly.makeTemplate and Plotly.validateTemplate [#3111, #3118]
  • Implement trace, node and link hoverinfo for sankey traces [#3096, #3150]
  • Implement per-sector textfont settings in pie traces [#3130]


  • Use new Plotly logo in "Produced with Plotly" modebar button [#3068]
  • Improve histogram autobin algorithm: allow partial bin specification, deprecate autobin(x|y) attributes, force stacked/grouped histograms to match size and have compatible start value [#3044]
  • Count distinct values for category and date axis auto-type, which improves the detection of "NaN" string values in numerical data [#3070]
  • Improve bar and pie textfont color inheritance [#3130]
  • Improve splom first-render, axis range relayout and marker restyle performance [#3057, #3161]
  • Make splom xaxes and yaxes list always have same length as the trace dimensions regardless of their partial visiblities [#3057]
  • Improve axis overlaying documentation [#3082]


  • Fix gl3d subplots on tablets [#3088]
  • Fix responsive behavior under flexbox and grid CSS [#3056, #3090, #3122]
  • Fix relayout calls turning back autosize on [#3120]
  • Fix MathJax rendering (for recent versions of MathJax) [#2994]
  • Fix scattergl update on graphs with fractional computed dimensions [#3132]
  • Fix scattergl symbols in MS Edge [#2750]
  • Fix scattergl selections on overlaying axes [#3067]
  • Fix scattergl tozero fills with bad values [#3087, #3168]
  • Fix scattergl fill layer ordering [#3087]
  • Fix scattergl lines on reversed-range axes [#3078]
  • Fix axis auto-type routine for boolean data [#3070]
  • Fix splom axis placement when the diagonal is missing [#3057]
  • Fix line restyle calls on parcoords traces [#3178]
  • Fix parcoods rendering after hovermode relayout calls [#3123]
  • Fix WebGL warnings for scatter3d traces with blank text items [#3171, #3177]
  • Fix WebGL warnings for scatter3d trace with empty lines [#3174]
  • Fix rendering of scatter3d lines for certain scene angles [#3163]
  • Fix handling of large pad values in sankey traces [#3143]
  • Fix scatterpolargl to scatterpolar toggling [#3098]
  • Fix scatterpolargl axis-autorange padding [#3098]
  • Fix bar text position for traces with set base [#3156]
  • Fix bar support for typed arrays for width and offset attributes [#3169]
  • Fix aggregate transforms with bad group values [#3093]
  • Fix transforms operating on auto-invisible traces [#3139]
  • Fix templating for polar and carpet axes [#3092, #3095]
  • Ignore invalid trace indices in restyle and update [#3114]
  • Fix grid style relayout calls on graph with large splom traces [#3067]
  • Fix logging on some old browsers [#3137]
  • Remove erroneous warning WARN: unrecognized full object value when relayouting array containers [#3053]

[0.35.2] - 2018-10-30


  • Fix Input not used in callbacks resetting the value on updates. #350

[0.35.1] - 2018-10-29


  • Fix Dropdown options prop docstring typo #328
  • Fix Input readonly prop -> readOnly #348

[0.35.0] - 2018-10-22


  • n_blur/n_submit and timestamps props added to the Input component. #326

[0.34.0] - 2018-10-17


  • npm run test-unit will run new Jest+Enzyme unit tests
  • Unit tests for Tabs component


  • Fixed bug in Tabs component where value was resetting if using callback-less mode #331
  • Fixed bug with default Tabs value not being set to children's Tab value (if it's set)
  • Fixed bug where Tabs.children.props wheren't being selected properly, related to #84

[0.33.1] -- 2018-10-17


  • Fix Store component nested data #333

[0.33.0] -- 2018-10-04



As part of plotly.js release:

  • Fix handling of hover text in barpolar traces [#3040]
  • Fix scatterpolar[gl] text placement in hover label [#3040]
  • Fix pie trace support for individual stroke width values [#3030]
  • Fix handling of CSS max-width and max-height in auto-size routine [#3033]
  • Rotate hover labels when hovermode: 'y' and a single trace produces multiple labels [#3043]
  • Rotate hover labels when hovermode: 'closest' and multiple labels are generated including one from an horizontal trace [#3043]
  • Fix hover label coloring on white bgcolor [#3048]
  • Do not coerce nor validate polar?.bar* attributes on subplots w/o visible barpolar traces [#3023]
  • Fix legacy polar attribute descriptions [#3023]

[0.32.0] - 2018-10-2


  • Added Store component #248

[0.31.0] - 2018-09-21


  • Updated NPM scripts:
    • test now runs Selenium integration tests
    • format runs Prettier formatter
    • There are new build scripts, most notably build:watch runs a watcher and rebuilds upon changes
    • There's a new publish-all script that publishes to NPM and PyPi


  • The start script will now run the Demo application

[0.30.2] - 2018-09-21


  • Fixed regression in Graph component where it wouldn't resize correctly #256

[0.30.1] - 2018-09-20


  • Renamed external_path to dash_core_components.min.js

[0.30.0] - 2018-09-20


  • Unminified dev bundle support. #293

[0.29.0] -- 2018-09-13


As part of plotly.js release:

  • Enable selection by clicking on points via new layout attribute clickmode and flag 'select' [#2944]
  • Add stacked area charts via new attributes stackgroup and stackgaps in scatter traces [#2960]
  • Add barpolar traces - which replace and augment area traces [#2954]
  • Add polar.hole to punch hole at the middle of polar subplot offsetting the start of the radial range [#2977, #2996]
  • Add an 'inner' radial axis drag box on polar subplots [#2977]
  • Add {responsive: true} plot config option [#2974]
  • Emit plotly_webglcontextlost event on WebGL context lost [#2986]
  • Support all numbered HTML entities (decimal and hex) in text elements [#2932]
  • Add Welsh (cy) locale [#2945]


As part of plotly.js release:

  • Attribute meta information is now stripped be stripped out of bundles (made with bundlers that support browserify transforms) by default [#1584]
  • Draw polar axis ticks above polar axis lines [#2977]
  • Improve ordering of trace hover labels for matching positions [#2960]
  • Speed polar subplot radial drag interactions [#2954]
  • Improve pseudo-html conversion performance [#2932]
  • Bump regl-splom requirement to ^1.0.4 [#2956]
  • Bump glslify requirement to ^6.3.1 [#2990]
  • Use gl-text instead of @etpinard/gl-text [#2956]


As part of plotly.js release:

  • Fix scatter ordering in inner SVG <g> on some restyle calls [#2978]
  • Fix cartesian axis autorange edge cases [#2960]
  • Fix double-decoding of some HTML entities in text nodes [#2927]
  • Fix scattergl line traces rendered after non-line traces [#2990]
  • Fix legend positioning on graphs with very large margins [#2983]
  • Fix rendering of ternary subplots fix with showticklabels: false [#2993]
  • Fix show/hide updates of tick and tick labels on ternary subplots [#2993]
  • Fix handling of multi-selections in ternary subplots [#2944]
  • Fix sankey hover under hovermode: false [#2949]
  • Fix sankey positioning for non-default domain.x values [#2984]
  • Fix type: 'date' polar radial axes [#2954]
  • Fix send-to-cloud modebar buttons on graphs with typed arrays [#2995]
  • Fix handling of custom transforms that make their own data arrays in Plotly.react[#2973]
  • Fix missing violin and colorbar attributes in gd._fullData [#2850]

[0.28.3] - 2018-09-07


  • The Interval component's max_interval prop can now be used to stop/restart the interval. Fixes #266
  • The Graph component's id is now not required to be set.


  • Fixed bug where Graph would resize randomly when rerendered, for example in a dcc.Tabs component.

[0.28.2] - 2018-09-06


  • Fixed bug in Tabs component where initial tab content wasn't rendering, #282
  • Fixed bug in Tabs component where no default Tab is selected if Tabs.value is empty

[0.28.1] - 2018-08-29


  • candlestick and OHLC charts are now plotted using the Plotly.react method instead of the Plotly.newPlot method.


  • Fix bug where front-end error was thrown when setting Graph.figure = {} (fixes [#260]).


As part of plotly.js release:


  • Bump browserify to v16 [#2923]
  • Bump glslify to v6.2.1 [#2923]
  • Use color-normlize@1.3.0 throughout code base [#2923]


  • Fix logic for hiding zero lines when they conflict with axis lines [#2936]
  • Fix exponentformat values 'e' and 'E' on log axes [#2921]
  • Fix dynamic layer ordering of heatmap and carpet traces [#2917]
  • Fix Plotly.downloadImage when using graph id or figure object as first argument [#2931]
  • Fix regl-based rendering when WebGL buffer dimensions don't match canvas dimensions [#2939]



  • Tabs.children can now be undefined, so you can update them dynamically. #265
  • Tabs Callback-less version no longer has the 2nd tab selected by default #262
  • Fixes bug with nested Tabs #273 and #272



  • ConfirmDialogProvider can now be used without a callback. #241
  • ConfirmDialog, only fire submit when submit is clicked. #242 fixed in #241



  • dash_core_components/ now imports from python class files rather than generating classes at runtime, adding support for IDE autocomplete ect.



  • New Tabs and Tab components! #213



  • __init__ version formatting for unpkg.



  • ConfirmDialog and ConfirmDialogProvider components #211



  • Improved DatePickerRange, fixing issues #209 and #152
  • Link component now is a proper tag so you can right click on it, and will scroll back to top. Fixes #99, implemented in #215
  • Added max_interval prop to Interval component, fixing issue #222



As part of plotly.js release:

  • Add support for on-graph text in scattergl traces #2737, #2783
  • Add gridshape attribute to polar subplots with values 'circular' (the default) and 'linear' (to draw polygon grids) #2739
  • Add support for colorbar linked to marker.color values for splom, scatterpolar and scatterpolargl traces #2681
  • Revamp icon settings in custom mode bar buttons, allowing users to specify their own dimensions and SVG transforms #2762
  • Add plotlyServerURL config option #2760
  • Added no-WebGL warnings for graphs with scattergl, scatterpolargl, splom and parcoords traces #2697


As part of plotly.js release:

  • Fix Plotly.react's handling of changing auto-margins #2681
  • Make plotting/updating WebGL-based traces fail gracefully when WebGL isn't supported #2697
  • Fix mapbox layout layer updates #2734
  • Fix mapbox event inconsistencies #2766
  • Correctly emit plotly_relayout at end of scroll on mapbox subplots #2709
  • Fix scatter3d scalar hovertext handling #2698
  • Fix line decimation for segments crossing the viewport #2705
  • Fix surface trace contours when first level has length zero #2712
  • Fix contour(x|y|z).highlight partial settings #2712
  • Fix old date timezone precision in Chrome 67+ #2747
  • Fix x-only zoom moves when xaxis.fixedrange: true#2776
  • Fix colorbar edits for parcoords and histogram traces #2681
  • Fix bandwidth for single-value violins #2775
  • Make Plots.resize work when layout attribute is gone from graph div #2710
  • Fix colorscale attribute descriptions #2658



  • Upgraded Plotly.js, the underlying library behind the dash_core_components.Graph component, to version 1.38.0. See for the official notes.

    • Add 3D cone traces to visualize vector fields #2641, #2647
    • Add ability to interactively change length and rotate line shapes #2594
    • Add toImageButtonOptions config object to override to-image mode bar button options #2607
    • Add plotly_legendclick and plotly_legenddoubleclick events #2581
    • Add splom (aka scatter plot matrix) traces #2505
    • Add selection and improve legend items for ohlc and candlestick #2561


As part of the Plotly.js upgrade:

  • Improve cartesian scroll and pan (mostly) performance for graphs with many marker or/and text nodes #2623
  • Improve multi-axis axis-range relayout performance by updating minimal set of axes instead of all axes #2628
  • New and improved point-clustering algorithm for scattergl #2499


As part of the plotly.js upgrade:

  • Fix scattergl error bar computations when input value are numeric strings #2620
  • Fix scattergl error bar computations for x0/dx and y0/dy coordinates #2620
  • Fix violin kde span edge cases #2650
  • Make sankey traces accept numeric strings #2629
  • Fix axis range edits under axis constraints #2620
  • Fix "sloppy click" event emission during cartesian zoom #2649
  • Fix layout grid validation which lead to exceptions #2638
  • Fix parcoords rendering in old Safari version #2612
  • Link to instead of http version in no WebGL message #2617

[0.22.2] - 2018-05-22


  • dcc.Input component now handles disabled=False property.
  • Broken sourcemaps for debugging.


  • Testing configuration for CHROMEPATH and SERVER_PROCESSES

[0.22.1] - 2018-04-09


  • Various bugs with the ohlc and candlestick chart type in the dcc.Graph component were fixed. See plotly#184.

[0.22.0] - 2018-04-03


  • Previously, if a user named their app file, an unhelpful error message would be raised. Now, import dash_core_components will check if the user has a file named and warn the users appropriately. plotly#177

[0.21.1] - 2018-03-28


  • In some cases, frequently multi-page apps, the dcc.Graph interactive properties will stop working (selectedData, hoverData, relayoutData). This should be fixed now. plotly#178
  • dcc.Graph will now resize after it it plotted for the first time. This should fix issues where the dcc.Graph component was not fitting to the size of its container. plotly#178

[0.21.0] - 2018-03-12


  • Upgraded Plotly.js, the underlying library behind the dash_core_components.Graph component, to version 1.35.2. See for the official notes.

    Many of these features were funded directly by companies that rely on this library. If your organization or company would like to sponsor particular features or bug fixes in these open source libraries, please reach out:

    • Add automargin attribute to cartesian axes which auto-expands margins when ticks, tick labels and/or axis titles do not fit on the graph #2243
    • Add support for typed arrays as data array inputs #2388
    • Add layout grids attribute for easy subplot generation #2399
    • Implement cliponaxis: false for bar text #2378
    • Add opposite axis attributes for range slider to control y axis range behavior #2364
    • Generalize hoverdistance and spikedistance for area-like objects #2379
    • Bring scattergl auto-range logic to par with SVG scatter #2404
    • Add selected/unselected marker color size support to scattermapbox traces #2361


As part of the Plotly.js upgrade:

  • Bump mapbox-gl to v0.44.0 #2361
  • Bump glslify to v6.1.1 #2377
  • Stop relinking customdata, ids and any matching objects in gd._fullLayout during Plots.supplyDefaults #2375


As part of the plotly.js upgrade:

  • Fix buggy auto-range / auto-margin interaction leading to axis range inconsistencies on redraws (this bug was mostly noticeable on graphs with legends) #2437
  • Bring back scattergl lines under select/lasso dragmode (bug introduced in 1.33.0) #2377
  • Fix scattergl visible toggling for graphs with multiple traces with different modes (bug introduced in 1.33.0) #2442
  • Bring back spikelines for traces other than scatter (bug introduced in 1.33.0) #2379
  • Fix Plotly.Fx.hover acting on multiple subplots (bug introduced in 1.32.0) #2379
  • Fix range slider with stacked y axes positioning (bug introduced in 1.32.0) #2451
  • Fix scattergl color clustering #2377
  • Fix Plotly.restyle for scattergl fill #2377
  • Fix multi-line y-axis label positioning #2424
  • Fix centered hover labels edge cases #2440, #2445
  • Fix hover labels in bar groups in compare mode #2414
  • Fix axes and axis lines removal #2416
  • Fix auto-sizing in Plotly.react #2437
  • Fix error bars for Plotly.react and uneven data arrays #2360
  • Fix edits for date-string referenced annotations #2368
  • Fix z hover labels with exponents #2422
  • Fix yet another histogram edge case #2413
  • Fix fall back for contour labels when there's only one contour #2411
  • Fix scatterpolar category angular period calculations #2449
  • Clear select outlines on mapbox zoomstart #2361
  • Fix legend click to causes legend scroll bug #2426

[0.20.2] - 2018-03-05


  • The selectedData, clickData, and hoverData callbacks were being attached without being removed every time the graph was updated. They are now removed and reattached. #172

[0.20.1] - 2018-03-01


  • The serve_locally was broken - the Plotly.js bundle wasn't being served correctly.

[0.20.0] - 2018-03-01



  • The Graph component now uses Plotly.react instead of Plotly.newPlot. This should fix issues when repeatedly updating GL chart types (surface, scatter3d, scattergl). #170

[0.19.0] - 2018-02-11


  • PropTypes now uses prop-types package instead of React to support move to React 16+

[0.18.1] - 2017-01-25


  • Upgraded Plotly.js, the underlying library behind the dash_core_components.Graph component, to version 1.33.1. Fixes include
    • Fix selection on scattergl plots with >20k points #2266
    • Update Spanish localization with new strings #2268
    • Fix test_dashboard overly rigid restriction so parcoods works there #2273
    • Make layout.colorway compatible with sankey traces #2277
    • Fix click events on fixedrange subplots #2279
    • Remove ghost fill when trace data is emptied out #2280
    • Fix resizing of new scattergl plots #2283
    • Fix positioning of carpet axis titles for cheaterslope edge cases #2285
    • Fix coloring and hover info for heatmaps and contour maps with nonuniform bins #2288

[0.18.0] - 2017-01-19



  • With the plotly.js upgrade, the old polar trace types (scatter with (r, t) coordinates, bar with ((r, t) coordinates and area) are now deprecated).


[0.17.1] - 2017-01-18


  • Previously, if None is supplied to SyntaxHighlighter or Markdown, the component would not render and the app would break. This is problematic because if children isn't supplied (as done in the case for when you are updating that property from a callback), None is the default property. Fixes plotly#147. This bug was introduced in v0.15.4.

[0.17.0] - 2017-01-11


  • The dcc.Graph component now includes pointNumbers inside selectedData and hoverData if the chart type is a histogram, histogram2d, or histogram2dcontour.

[0.16.0] - 2017-01-11



Here the bug fixes in the Graph component brought to you by the plotly.js release. See for the official notes.

[0.15.5] - 2017-01-08


  • The dash_core_components.Location and dash_core_components.Link properties should now work on Internet Explorer. Thanks to @nedned for suggesting a solution. Fixes plotly#113

[0.15.4] - 2017-12-21


  • The dash_core_components.Location component now supports hash, href, and search in addition to the already supported pathname (mimicking the window.location API). href can be used to handle pathname, hash, and search in aggregate, or each can be manipulated independently.
  • The children property of dash_core_components.Markdown and dash_core_components.SyntaxHighlighter now accepts an array of strings (previously it had to be a string). Now, if an array is provided, it is collapsed into a string with line breaks (see #134).

[0.15.3] - 2017-12-11


[0.15.2] - 2017-11-24

😅 Added

  • The Interval component has a new property: n_intervals. This is an integer that increases every time that the interval passes. This allows you to use the Interval component without using the events=[Event(...)] pattern inside the callback.

This is similar to the n_clicks property of the dash_html_components components. This was the last use case for events=[Event(...)] inside the dash_core_components library. Ultimately, we may be able to deprecate this pattern.


  • The dash_core_components.Input(type='number') component actually converts the values to floats or integers, instead of passing the numbers back as strings. plotly#100 Big thanks to community contributor @Madhu94!


  • The disable_click property in the dcc.Upload component now works. plotly#106. Big thanks to community contributor @Akronix!
  • Several properties in several components had the wrong propTypes. This has been fixed, improving the documentation for the Dash python classes (and removing warnings in JS development). Big thanks to community contributor @Akronix!

[0.15.1] - 2017-11-23


  • Attempt to fix the JS builds from 0.15.0 but actually nothing changed.

[0.15.0] - 2017-11-19

  • Bad build. See 0.15.2 for the correct build

[0.14.0] - 2017-10-17

✨ Added

[0.13.0] - 2017-10-05


  • Bumped plotly.js from v1.29.3 to v1.30.0. This was a huge release by the plotly.js team! 👏 See the full changelog here: The following improvements from this version update apply to dash:
    • Add table trace type 2030
    • Add making geo views fully reproducible using layout attributes 2030
    • Add lasso and select-box drag modes to scattergeo and choropleth traces 2030
    • Add lasso and select-box drag modes to bar and histogram traces 2045
    • Throttle lasso and select-box events for smoother behavior 2040
    • Add constraintext attribute for bar traces 1931
    • Add axis layer attribute to ternary axes 1952
    • Add cross-trace matching auto-binning logic to histogram traces 1944
    • Harmonize gl3d and gl2d zoom speed with cartesian behavior 2041
    • Fix handling of extreme off-plot data points in scatter lines 2060
    • Fix hoverinfo array support for scattergeo, choropleth, scatterternary and scattermapbox traces 2055
    • Fix single-bin histogram edge case 2028
    • Fix autorange for bar with base zero 2050
    • Fix annotations arrow rendering when graph div is off the DOM 2046
    • Fix hover for graphs with scattergeo markers outside 'usa' scope 2030
    • Fix handling of cross anti-meridian geo lonaxis ranges 2030
    • Fix miter limit for lines on geo subplots 2030
    • Fix marker.opacity handling for scattergeo bubbles 2030
    • Fix layout animation of secondary axes 1999
    • Fix sankey hover text placement for empty link.label items 2016
    • Fix sankey rendering of nodes with very small values [2017](,2021]
    • Fix sankey hover label positioning on pages that style the 'svg-container' div node 2027
    • Fix hover label exponents 1932
    • Fix scatter fill with isolated endpoints 1933
    • Fix parcoords axis tick scale when ticktext is unordered 1945
    • Fix sankey with 4 multi-links or more 1934
    • Fix exponent labels beyond SI prefixes 1930
    • Fix image generation for marker gradient legend items 1928
    • Fix parcoords image generation when multiple parcoords graphs are present on page 1947
    • Ignore bare closing tags in pseudo-html string inputs 1926

[0.12.7] - 2017-09-26

🐛 Fixed

  • Fixed issues related to updating the max_date_allowed property of DatePickerSingle and DatePickerRange programmatically through callbacks
  • Clicking on the end date in the DatePickerRange will now open up the calendar to the end date (plotly#80)


  • Cleaned up DatePickerSingle and DatePickerRange

[0.12.6] - 2017-09-11

🐛 Fixed

  • Non-ascii characters, like chinese characters, are now supported as search strings in the dcc.Dropdown component (plotly#75)

[0.12.5] - 2017-09-11

🐛 Fixed

🌠 Added

  • A disabled property on the Interval component will disable the interval component from firing its updates.

[0.12.4] - 2017-08-18


  • Added className and style properties to the parent divs of the Checklist, Dropdown, Graph and RadioItems component. As requested in plotly#57, solved in plotly#60

[0.12.3] - 2017-08-17


[0.12.2] - 2017-08-10


[0.12.1] - 2017-08-09


  • Disabled portal settings on dcc.DatePickerSingle and dcc.DatePickerRange when vertical=True. with_portal and with_full_screen_portal will only apply if vertical=False.

[0.12.0] - 2017-08-09


  • Added two new date picker components: dcc.DatePickerSingle and dcc.DatePickerRange

[0.11.1] - 2017-08-07


  • Added support for all of the valid HTML attributes of the Input component.
  • Added support for a few more type values of the Input component. The full list of valid types are 'text', 'number', 'password', 'email', 'range', 'search', 'tel', 'url', 'hidden'. Note that type values that don't have cross-browser support are not included (such as datetime)

[0.11.0] - 2017-08-04


  • The Dropdown component renders options much, much faster. It can render 50,000 options (client-side) without crashing! This fixes plotly/dash#103

[0.10.0] - 2017-08-03


  • Upgrade plotly.js (the library behind the Graph component) from 1.27.0 to 1.29.3. This includes TONS of fixes and improvements, see for more details. Notable improvements include:

    • Add touch interactions to cartesian, gl2d and ternary subplots including for select and lasso drag modes
    • Add support for contour line labels in contour and contourcarpet traces
    • Add support for select and lasso drag modes on scattermapbox traces
    • Add reset view and toggle hover mode bar buttons to mapbox subplots
    • Add support for array marker.opacity settings in scattermapbox traces
    • Add namelength layout and trace attribute to control the trace name's visible length in hover labels
    • Add cliponaxis attribute to scatter and scatterternary traces to allow markers and text nodes to be displayed above their subplot's axes
    • Add axis layer attribute with 'above traces' and 'below traces' values

    And fixes include:

    • Fix axis line width, length, and positioning for coupled subplots
    • Fix alignment of cartesian tick labels
    • Fix rendering and updates of overlaying axis lines
    • Fix hover for 2D traces with custom colorbar tickvals
    • Fix hover and event data for heatmapgl and contourgl traces
    • Fix event data for pie and sankey traces
    • Fix drag mode 'pan' in IE and Edge
    • Fix bar, error bar and box point scaling on scroll zoom
    • Fix shading issue in surface trace in iOS
    • Fix lasso and select drag modes for scatterternary traces
    • Fix cases of intersecting contour lines on log axes
    • Fix animation of annotations, shapes and images
    • Fix histogram bin computation when more than 5000 bins are needed
    • Fix tick label rendering when more than 1000 labels are present

[0.9.0] - 2017-07-28


  • A config property of the Graph component that exposes the plotly.js config properties. Here's an example that hides 2 buttons and makes the elements in the graph "editable":
import dash
import dash_core_components as dcc
import dash_html_components as html

app = dash.Dash()

app.layout = html.Div([
        figure={'data': [{'x': [1, 2, 3]}]},
        config={'editable': True, 'modeBarButtonsToRemove': ['pan2d', 'lasso2d']}

if __name__ == '__main__':

[0.8.0] - 2017-07-27


  • A new Textarea component for displaying the simple Textarea HTML element. The content of the Textarea is controlled through the value property:
dcc.Textarea(id='my-text-area' value='''

[0.7.1] - 2017-07-24


  • Clearing a Graph selection box sets the selectedData value to None (null in JavaScript). Before, it didn't change the selectedData property, preventing the user and the Dash developer from clearing selections. Fixes plotly/dash#97, thanks to @pmbaumgartner for reporting.

[0.7.0] - 2017-07-20


  • The clearable property to the Dropdown, which toggles on and off the "x" on the side of the dropdown that clears the current selection.
  • The searchable property to the Dropdown, which toggles on and off whether the Dropdown is searchable.


  • Clicking on the little x on the side of the Dropdown to clear the currently selected value didn't work. Now it does. If multi=false, then null (or Python's None) is set. If multi=True, then [] is set.

[0.6.0] - 2017-07-18


  • The Slider and the RangeSlider component can update when the user finishes dragging the slider rather than just while they drag. The default behaviour has remained the same (updates while dragging) but you can toggle that the updates only get fired on "mouse up" by setting updatemode to 'mouseup' ('drag' is the default).
  • A Link and Location were added. Location represents the address bar of the web browser and Link provides a way to modify the address bar without refreshing the page. Combined, these two components can be used to create a "single page app" with multiple URLs. That is, apps that have mulitple URLs but surfing between the different pages doesn't trigger a full page refresh like it would with traditional links.
  • Previously, if callback functions weren't supplied to a component, it wouldn't update. This caused a lot of confusion: users would create a simple layout without any callbacks and then wonder why the sliders wouldn't slide or the text inputs wouldn't update. Now, all of the components manage their own state and their appearance will update regardless of whether Dash has assigned a callback to them.

[0.5.3] - 2017-07-03


  • A range object is now included in the selectedData object that specifies that dimensions of the selected region.
  • A lassoPoints object is now included in the selectedData object that provides coordinates of the lassoed region.

[0.5.2] - 2017-07-03


  • A new property clear_on_unhover on the Graph component will clear the hoverData property when the user "unhovers" from a point if True. If False, then the hoverData property will be equal to the data from the last point that was hovered over. The default is False.