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Releases: microsoft/mssql-jdbc

[6.3.1] Preview Release

15 Aug 22:30
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[6.3.1] Preview Release


  • Added support for datetime/smallDatetime in TVP #435
  • Added more Junit tests for Always Encrypted #432

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed getString issue for uniqueIdentifier #423


  • Skip long running tests based on Tag #425
  • Removed volatile keyword #409

[6.3.0] Preview Release

28 Jul 20:40
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  • Added support for sql_variant datatype #387
  • Added more Junit tests for AlwaysEncrpyted #404

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed Turkey locale issue when lowercasing an "i" #384
  • Fixed issue with incorrect parameter count for INSERT with subquery #373
  • Fixed issue with running DDL in PreparedStatement #372
  • Fixed issue with parameter metadata with whitespace characters #371
  • Fixed handling of explicit boxing and unboxing #84
  • Fixed metadata caching batch query issue #393
  • Fixed javadoc issue for the newest maven version #385


  • Updated ADAL4J dependency to version 1.2.0 #392
  • Updated azure-keyvault dependency to version 1.0.0 #397

[6.2.1] Hotfix & Stable Release

14 Jul 20:31
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Fixed Issues

  • Fixed queries without parameters using preparedStatement #372


  • Removed metadata caching #377

[6.2.0] Release Candidate

30 Jun 19:59
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  • Added TVP and BulkCopy random data test for all data types with server cursor #319
  • Added AE setup and test #337,328
  • Added validation for javadocs for every commit #338
  • Added metdata caching #345
  • Added caching mvn dependencies for Appveyor #320
  • Added caching mvn dependencies for Travis-CI #322
  • Added handle for bulkcopy exceptions #286
  • Added handle for TVP exceptions #285

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed metadata caching issue with AE on connection #361
  • Fixed issue with String index out of range parameter metadata #353
  • Fixed javaDocs #354
  • Fixed javaDocs #299
  • Performance fix from @brettwooldridge #347
  • Get local host name before opening TDSChannel #324
  • Fixed TVP Time issue #317
  • Fixed SonarQube issues #300
  • Fixed SonarQube issues #301
  • Fixed random TDS invalid error #310
  • Fixed password logging #298
  • Fixed bulkcopy cursor issue #270


  • Refresh Kerberos configuration #279


01 May 18:41
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[6.1.7] Pre-release



  • Added support for data type LONGVARCHAR, LONGNVARCHAR, LONGVARBINARY and SQLXML in TVP #259
  • Added new connection property to accept custom JAAS configuration for Kerberos #254
  • Added support for server cursor with TVP #234
  • Experimental Feature: Added new connection property to support network timeout #253
  • Added support to authenticate Kerberos with principal and password #163
  • Added temporal types to BulkCopyCSVTestInput.csv #262
  • Added automatic detection of REALM in SPN needed for Cross Domain authentication #40


  • Updated minor semantics #232
  • Cleaned up Azure Active Directory (AAD) Authentication methods #256
  • Updated permission check before setting network timeout #255

Fixed Issues

  • Turn TNIR (TransparentNetworkIPResolution) off for Azure Active Directory (AAD) Authentication and changed TNIR multipliers #240
  • Wrapped ClassCastException in BulkCopy with SQLServerException #260
  • Initialized the XA transaction manager for each XAResource #257
  • Fixed BigDecimal scale rounding issue in BulkCopy #230
  • Fixed the invalid exception thrown when stored procedure does not exist is used with TVP #265


05 Apr 23:39
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v6.1.6 Pre-release



  • Added constrained delegation to connection sample #188
  • Added snapshot to identify nightly/dev builds #221
  • Clarifying public deprecated constructors in LOBs #226
  • Added OSGI Headers in MANIFEST.MF #218
  • Added cause to SQLServerException #202


  • Removed interface from SQLServerConnectionPoolProxy #201
  • Refactored DROP TABLE and DROP PROCEDURE calls in test code #222
  • Removed obsolete methods from DriverJDBCVersion #187

Fixed Issues

  • Typos in SQLServerConnectionPoolProxy #189
  • Fixed issue where exceptions are thrown if comments are in a SQL string #157
  • Fixed test failures on pre-2016 servers #215
  • Fixed SQLServerExceptions that are wrapped by another SQLServerException #213
  • Fixed a stream isClosed error on LOBs test #233
  • LOBs are fully materialized #16
  • Fix precision issue in TVP #217
  • Re-interrupt the current thread in order to restore the threads interrupt status #196
  • Re-use parameter metadata when using Always Encrypted #195
  • Improved performance for PreparedStatements through minimized server round-trips #166


14 Mar 23:19
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v6.1.5 Pre-release



  • Added socket timeout exception as cause#180
  • Added Constrained delegation support#178
  • Added junit test for Statement test#174
  • Added test for statement.cancel() when MultiSubnetFailover is set to true#173
  • Added tests for lobs #168
  • Added badges for License, Maven Central, JavaDocs & gitter chat room #184


  • Enabled update counts for SELECT INTO statements#175
  • Use Executor service instead of thread#162
  • Convert socket adaptor to socket#160

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed local test failures #179
  • Fixed random failure in BulkCopyColumnMapping test#165


17 Feb 23:02
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v6.1.4 Pre-release


  • Added isWrapperFor methods for MetaData classes#94
  • Added Code Coverage #136
  • Added TVP schema test #137
  • Introduced FIPS boolean property #135
  • Added unit statement test cases #147


  • Enabled AAD Authentication with Access Token on Linux #142
  • Enabled AAD Authentication with ActiveDirectoryPassword on Linux #146
  • Made Azure Key Vault and Azure Active Directory Authentication Dependencies optional #148
  • Getting TVP name from ParameterMetaData when using TVP with a stored procedure #138

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed getBinaryStream issue #133
  • Fixed an issue of Bulk Copy when AlwaysEncrypted is enabled on connection and destination table is not encrypted #151


31 Jan 01:53
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v6.1.3 Pre-release



  • Added Binary and Varbinary types to the jUnit test framework #119
  • Added BulkCopy test cases for csv #123
  • Added BulkCopy ColumnMapping test cases #127


  • Switched to clean rounding for bigDecimal #118
  • Updated BVT tests to use jUnit test framework #120
  • In case of socket timeout occurance, avoid connection retry #122
  • Changed ant build file to skip tests #126

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed the inconsistent coding style #4
  • Fixed NullPointerException in case when SocketTimeout occurs #121


11 Jan 19:21
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v6.1.2 Pre-release



  • Socket timeout implementation for both connection string and data source #85
  • Query timeout API for datasource #88
  • Added connection tests #95
  • Added Support for FIPS enabled JVM #97
  • Added additional tests for bulk copy #110


  • Remove redundant type casts #63
  • Read SQL Server error message if status flag has DONE_ERROR set #73
  • Fix a bug when the value of queryTimeout is bigger than the max value of integer #78
  • Add new dependencies to gradle build script #81
  • Updates to test framework #90

Fixed Issues

  • Set the jre8 version as default #59
  • Fixed exception SQL Server instance in use does not support column encryption #65
  • TVP Handling is causing exception when calling SP with return value #80
  • BigDecimal in TVP can incorrectly cause SQLServerException related to invalid precision or scale #86
  • Fixed the connection close issue on using variant type #91