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Releases: rerun-io/rerun

Development Build

27 Jul 13:01
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Development Build Pre-release

This is a prerelease. It is not intended for production use.
Please report any issues you find.

Example Hosted App

Wheels can be installed with:

pip install --pre --no-index -f --upgrade rerun-sdk


pip install --pre --no-index -f --upgrade rerun-sdk

CMake fetch-content for C++ SDK

FetchContent_Declare(rerun_sdk URL


FetchContent_Declare(rerun_sdk URL

0.17.0: More Blueprint features and better notebooks

08 Jul 15:21
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Rerun is an easy-to-use visualization toolbox for multimodal and temporal data.
Try it live at

📖 Release blogpost:


🧳 Migration guide:

✨ Overview & highlights

  • 🟦 Blueprint component override & defaults, and visualizer override for all views
    • Component defaults: Configure default component value for an entire view, used when no values are logged to the data store (using rr.log()).
    • Component overrides: Specify a value to use regardless of the data-store & default values and use specified value instead. Can be set per view per entity.
    • Visualizer overrides: Specify a visualizer to use for a given entity in a given view. Previously only available for scalar data in timeseries views, now available for all view kinds.
    • All three are available from the (fully revamped) UI and the Python blueprint APIs.
    • Everything that was editable per entity in a view now uses component overrides (e.g. camera plane distance, transform axis lengths, etc.)
    • Tip: Tooltips for each component in the UI include a link to the docs now!
  • 🕸️ Improved notebook & website embedding support
    • Now you can stream data from the notebook cell to the embedded viewer.
    • Much improved support for having multiple viewers on the same web page.
    • More configuration options have been added to control the visibility of the Menu bar, time controls, etc.
    • Note: Use pip install "rerun-sdk[notebook]" to include the better notebook support. This includes the new rerun-notebook package, which is used internally by [rerun-sdk].
  • 🧑‍🏫 New Examples
  • 🛠️ Improved the logging API with many new and updated archetypes and components (see migration guide)
  • 🖼️ TensorView is now fully configurable from blueprint code
  • 🎛️ Revamped selection panel UI
  • 🚚 Much work is being done under-the-hood to migrate our data-store to "chunks" (aka units of batched data). More on this in the next release!
    • SDKs are already using chunks to transport data to the viewer, performance characteristics may have changed but should be largely the same for the moment.

⚠️ Breaking changes

  • HalfSizes2D has been renamed to HalfSize2D
  • HalfSizes3D has been renamed to HalfSize3D
  • .rrd files from older versions won't load in Rerun 0.17

🧳 Migration guide:

🔎 Details

🪵 Log API

  • Introduce chunks and use them on the client side:
    • Part 0: improved arrow chunk formatters #6437
    • Part 1: introduce Chunk and its suffle/sort routines #6438
    • Part 2: introduce TransportChunk #6439
    • Part 3: micro-batching #6440
    • Part 4: integrations #6441
  • Remove unused scalar scattering component #6471
  • Introduce ImagePlaneDistance Component #6505
  • Introduce new archetype for Axes3D #6510
  • Expose Colormap component for DepthImage, depth image colormap now used outside of reprojection #6549
  • TimeSeriesAggregation can now be set per SeriesLine (and as blueprint default per View) #6558
  • Expose FillRatio component to configure DepthImage back-projection radius scaling #6566
  • Expose image opacity component #6635
  • Make draw order editable & solve 2D flickering issues, add draw order to arrow2d archetype #6644
  • Remove Axes3D archetype and add axis_length to Transform3D #6676
  • Expose UI point radii to logging & blueprint, remove old default radius settings in favor of blueprint default components #6678
  • Rename HalfSizes2D/3D to HalfSize2D/3D #6768

🌊 C++ API

  • Add docs on how to install C++ SDK with conda-forge packages #6381 (thanks @traversaro!)

🐍 Python API

  • Make barchart legend settable via blueprint #6514
  • Expose tensor slice selection to blueprint #6590
  • Use literal unions in Python enum codegen #6408
  • Allow hiding top panel via blueprint #6409
  • Improve the visibility of Python public APIs to type checkers #6462
  • Expose Interactive component #6542
  • Python components now implement the ComponentBatchLike interface #6543
  • Allow streaming to the viewer from the cell where it's created #6640
  • Introduce new Python API for setting overrides #6650
  • Publish rerun_notebook in CI #6641

🦀 Rust API

  • All components implement the Default trait now in Rust #6458
  • Codegen DerefMut & Deref for all trivial components #6470

🪳 Bug Fixes

  • Allow removing blueprint entries even when they are invisible #6503
  • Fix wrong depth projection value on picking when depth meter was edited #6551
  • Always enable OpenGL fallback backend, fix --renderer=gl only working together with WGPU_BACKEND env-var #6582
  • Improve container selection panel UI #6711
  • Fix annotation context labels not showing in views #6742
  • Quiet the 'not a mono-batch' log spam when selecting keypoint with a batch class-id #6359
  • Fix incorrect label placement for 3D arrows with origins #6779
  • Don't pass RRD paths to other data-loaders #6617

🌁 Viewer Improvements

  • Introduce a mechanism for blueprint-provided defaults #6537
  • Allow resetting view property components from GUI for all generically implemented property UI #6417
  • Don't log "SDK client connected" messages until after we have confirmed it's a client #6456
  • Background color settings uses new generic UI now #6480
  • TimeSeries y-range is now tightly synced with plot view & uses new generic UI #6485
  • Remove option to enable/disable depth projection from UI #6550
  • Expose tensor colormap/gamma/filter/scaling to blueprint #6585
  • Handle static text messages in TextLogView gracefully, handle overrides #6712
  • Multiple instances of points/arrows/boxes with single label display label now at the center #6741

🧑‍🏫 Examples

  • Add the OCR example #6560 (thanks @andreasnaoum!)
  • Add the Vista example #6664 (thanks @roym899!)
  • Add the Stereo Vision SLAM example #6669 (thanks @02alexander!)
  • Add 2D neural field notebook example #6775 (thanks @roym899!)
  • Update the nuScenes example to use blueprint overrides and defaults #6783
  • Update the plots example to use blueprint overrides #6781

📚 Docs

  • Add links to our docs in component tooltips #6482
  • Show the first line of the docs when hovering a component name [#6609](https://github.c...
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29 May 16:29
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Rerun is an easy-to-use visualization toolbox for multimodal and temporal data.
Try it live at

This patch release comes with the following fixes:

  • Don't log warnings when unknown clients connect over TCP #6368
  • Fix not being able to set time series' Y axis ranges from the UI #6384
  • Fix error when logging segmentation image #6449
  • Fix broken example source links in Viewer example list #6451

0.16.0: More blueprint control from code

16 May 16:50
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Rerun is an easy-to-use visualization toolbox for multimodal and temporal data.
Try it live at


✨ Overview & highlights

  • 🟦 Customize views in code: We started exposing some view properties in the blueprint!
    • 📋 Included are:
      • Visible time ranges
      • Time Series legend & y-axis configuration
      • 2D & 3D View background color
      • 2D View bounds
    • 📚 learn more on the new view blueprint doc pages
    • 🚀 …more to come in the future!
  • 🕰️ Deprecated timeless in favor of new static logging
    • Except for the name change, they behave similarly in most use cases. Unlike with timeless, static data…
      • …can't be mixed with non-static data on the same component.
      • …will override previous static data and not keep old data in memory.
    • Check out our migration guide.
  • 🖼️ 2D View's pan & zoom got redone, it's now a free canvas without any scroll bar
  • 🤖 Added an example to use Rerun with ROS2.

As always there's a lot going on under the hood:

  • 🚚 We streamlined our development processes & CI and examples.
  • 🕸️ Our web page is about to switch from React to Svelte, making it a lot snappier!
  • 💿 Instance key removal in 0.15.0 opened the door to major simplifications in our data store, this
    will make it easier for us to improve performance and implement data streaming.
  • 🤗 We're making it easier to work with HuggingFace's Gradio API. Stay tuned! Most things for this already landed in this release and we'll soon build more direct support on top.

Full Changelog

0.15.1 - Fix Python notebooks

11 Apr 15:28
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Rerun is an easy-to-use visualization toolbox for multimodal and temporal data.
Try it live at

  • Fix timeout in notebooks by making the app_url correctly point to #5877
  • CMake: Allow to call find_package(rerun_sdk) two or more times #5886 (thanks @traversaro!)

0.15.0 - Blueprints from Python

09 Apr 15:07
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Rerun is an easy-to-use visualization toolbox for multimodal and temporal data.
Try it live at

The biggest news is the ability to create a blueprint via the Python logging API. Check out our associated blog post for more information.

import rerun.blueprint as rrb

blueprint = rrb.Blueprint(
        rrb.Spatial3DView(name="3D", origin="/"),
            rrb.TextDocumentView(name="README", origin="/description"),
            rrb.Spatial2DView(name="Camera", origin="/camera/image"),
        row_shares=[3, 2],

The blueprint can then be sent to the viewer with


Or stored to a file, and then later opened in the viewer:"my_nice_dashboard.rbl")

In this case, the results looks something like this:

Blueprints are currently only supported in the Python API, with C++ and Rust support coming later.

✨ Overview & highlights

  • 🟦 Configure the layout and content of space views from Python (docs)
  • 🖧 More powerful and flexible data loaders (docs)
  • 🖵 Improved UI for managing recordings and applications
  • 💾 Save and load blueprint files in the viewer
  • 🎨 Configurable background color for 3D Space Views #5443
  • 💪 Linux ARM64 support #5489 #5503 #5511
  • 🖼️ Show examples in the welcome page
  • 🖱️ Improve context-menu when right-clicking items in the blueprint panel and streams tree
  • ❌ Remove InstanceKey from our logging APIs #5395 (migration guide)
  • ❌ Remove groups from blueprints panel #5326

🔎 Details

🪵 Log API

  • Replace MarkerShape with code-generated enum type #5336
  • Key-less data model 1: scrap InstanceKey from public logging APIs #5395
  • Remove the check for WrongNumberOfInstances #5399
  • Control panel expanded state via blueprint APIs #5484
  • Remove deprecated TimeSeriesScalar #5604
  • Customizable data loaders #5327 #5328 #5330 #5337 #5351 #5355 #5379 #5361 #5388

🌊 C++ API

  • Fix arrow libraries from download & build not being found in some cases #5366
  • CMake: Add RERUN_INSTALL_RERUN_C option to disable installation of rerun_c library #5374 (thanks @traversaro!)
  • CMake: Fix install not finding external arrow for dynamic linking #5375 (thanks @traversaro!)
  • Make pinhole.hpp robust against min/max preprocessor macros (typically from windows.h) #5432
  • Build C++ SDK for Linux ARM64 #5489
  • Generate fewer .cpp files: Inline forward serialization of transparent components to their respective datatypes #5544
  • Fix RERUN_C_BUILD_ARTIFACT path value if CARGO_BUILD_TARGET env variable is set #5547 (thanks @traversaro!)

🐍 Python API

  • All python components that wrap a bool now implement __bool__ #5400
  • Add the remaining space views and name them consistently #5498
  • Add option to include blueprint in an .rrd when calling .save(…) #5572
  • Allow naming space view containers #5626

🦀 Rust API

🪳 Bug Fixes

  • Sort text log space view on currently selected timeline #5348
  • Fix parents of queried paths getting visualized, fix 2D objects not showing at all in 3D if their camera parent is not included #5424
  • Fix: allow creating 3D space views for pinhole-only 3D scenes #5563
  • Fix depth cloud bounding boxes for depth cloud visualizations with transforms #5578
  • Fix image view not handling images with extra leading dimensions of size 1 #5579
  • Fix web viewer crash on invalid url parameter #5631
  • Be consistent in how items are removed from selection #5643
  • Fix layout issue on welcome screen for narrow window, triggering debug assertion #5650
  • Fix broken 2D space view heuristics in Python Notebooks #5674
  • Avoid a hang on linux by always create the renderer, even when we have no store_view #5724
  • Fix crash/freeze when zooming out too far in a plot #5737
  • Fix draw_order not working #5794

🌁 Viewer Improvements

  • Remove groups from blueprints panel #5326
  • Improved tracking of which space views were generated by a heuristic #5419
  • Configurable background color for 3D Space Views #5443
  • Save recordings from web viewer #5488
  • Support loading .rbl blueprint files #5513
  • Tensor space view can now show images #5567
  • Entity path query now shows simple statistics and warns if nothing is displayed #5693
  • Go back to example page with browser Back-button #5750
  • On Web, implement navigating back/forward with mouse buttons #5792
  • Support displaying 1D tensors #5837

🧑‍🏫 Examples

  • New incremental_logging example #5462
  • New standalone example showing blueprint configuration of some stock #5603
  • New example visualizing KISS-ICP #5546 (thanks @02alexander!)
  • Remove car example #5576
  • Add blueprint to arkit_scenes example, leveraging the viewer's ability to re-project 3D->2D #5510
  • Add blueprint to nuscenes example #5556
  • Add blueprint to Face Tracking example #5616
  • Add blueprint to Gesture Detection example #5619
  • Add blueprint to Human Pose Tracking example #5612
  • Add blueprint to Live Camera Edge Detection example #5613
  • Add blueprint to LLM Embedding Ner example #5614
  • Add blueprint to Objectron example #5617
  • Add blueprint to Signed Distance Fields example #5635
  • Add blueprint to the RGBD example [#5623](https://github....
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0.14.1 - Fix C++ build artifacts

29 Feb 12:50
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Rerun is an easy-to-use visualization toolbox for multimodal and temporal data.
Try it live at

This release is identical to 0.14.0 and merely fixes an issue in the build artifacts for C++: 0.14.0 only contained binaries for Linux x64.
This release has the full set for Linux x64, Windows x64, Mac x64 & Mac Arm64.

0.14.0 - "Unlimited" point clouds & lines, quality of life improvements, bugfixes

28 Feb 15:30
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Rerun is an easy-to-use visualization toolbox for multimodal and temporal data.
Try it live at

Originally, we planned to do only a bugfix release, but we got an unexpected amount of goodies amassed already.
We're still ramping up for programmable blueprints (soon!), but meanwhile enjoy these improvements in 0.14!

Overview & Highlights

  • 📈 Limits for number of points & lines per space view lifted.
  • 🖱️ Added context menu (right-click) actions for items on the Blueprint panel. (Only getting started on this, more actions in future releases!)
  • 🚀 Speed improvements for scenes with many transforms and large point clouds.
  • 🔺 Built-in STL mesh support.
  • 🎥 First-person camera.
  • 🐛 Fixes regressions in Space View spawn heuristics from 0.13, and many more bugfixes.
  • 🧑‍🏫 Two new examples: Gesture Recognition & RRT* Pathfinding


🪵 Log API

  • Add helpers for perspective cameras #5238
  • Fix spawn starting the viewer even if logging is disabled #5284

🐍 Python API

  • Add missing python docs for disable_timeline & reset_time #5269
  • Fix missing error message when passing from_parent + rerun transform type to rerun.Transform3D #5270

🦀 Rust API

  • Fix using rerun crate as a dependency on CI #5170

🪳 Bug Fixes

  • Enforce the rule: heuristics should never add a new view that would be completely covered by an existing view #5164
  • Remove log spam when quickly resizing the viewer #5189
  • Fix incorrect minimum supported rust version mentioned in docs and examples #5195
  • Less restrictive visualizability constraints of 2D entities, improved space view generation heuristics #5188
  • Fix ugly UI for some arrow data #5235
  • Fix missing redraw upon resetting blueprint #5262
  • Fix non-deterministic redundancy check for space view spawning heuristic #5266
  • Fix resetting vertical axis when using non-uniform zoom on Time Series #5287

🌁 Viewer Improvements

  • Clear all blueprints in RAM and on disk when clicking "Reset Viewer" #5199
  • Improve the orbit eye to always maintain an up-axis #5193
  • Focus on current bounding-box when resetting camera-eye on a 3D space view (double click it) #5209
  • Add STL mesh support #5244
  • Add first person 3D eye-camera #5249

🚀 Performance Improvements

  • More robust handling of maximum texture size for non-color data, slight perf improvements for large point clouds #5229
  • Cached transforms & disconnected spaces for faster scenes with many transforms #5221
  • Optimized cpu time for 3D point clouds (once again!) #5273
  • Only compute store/caching stats when the memory panel is opened #5274
  • Increase the max WebSocket frame limit for the native client #5282

🧑‍🏫 Examples

📚 Docs

  • Fix broken link in the installing-viewer documentation #5236 (thanks @BirgerMoell!)

🖼 UI Improvements

  • Context Menu 1: Basic scaffolding and simple actions #5163
  • Context menu 2: add support for multiple selection #5205
  • Context menu 3: add "Move to new container" context menu action #5210
  • Context menu 4: add "Clone space view" action #5265
  • Context menu 5: refactor into multiple files #5289
  • Clickable path parts in selection-panel #5220
  • Don't show the blueprint section when selecting recordings #5245
  • Use the same icon for recordings everywhere #5246

🎨 Renderer Improvements

  • Lift point cloud size limitations #5192
  • Lift line vertex/strip count limitations #5207
  • Fix banding artifacts of 3D space view's skybox #5279

📦 Dependencies

  • Bump maturin to 1.14.0 #5197
  • Update tungstenite to remove RUSTSEC warning #5200
  • Lock the web-sys version to 0.3.67 #5211

0.13.0 - Fast time series, improved layout editing & UI overrides

12 Feb 16:07
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Rerun is an easy-to-use visualization toolbox for multimodal and temporal data.
Try it live at

This release focuses on scalar time series -- both from a performance and UI perspectives. Check out our associated blog post for more information.

Overview & Highlights

  • 📈 Rerun can now visualize many time series in the kHz range in real-time:

    • The new query cache optimizes data access, improving query performance by 20-50x
    • Sub-pixel aggregation prevents unnecessary overdraw when rendering plots, improving rendering time by 30-120x
    • Points, lines, arrows and boxes all benefit from query caching too to a lesser extent, yielding 2-5x performance improvements
  • 🖼 UI overrides:

    • The new Scalar, SeriesLine & SeriesPoint archetypes allow for customizing plots both at logging and visualization time
    • Customize marker shapes, marker sizes, etc from code or directly through the UI
    • Specify axis labels, lock axes, etc from code or directly through the UI
  • 🌁 Viewer:

    • The number of compute threads can now be controlled using the --threads/-j flag
    • Added support YUY2-encoded images (thanks @oxkitsune!)
    • Space views can now be drag-and-dropped directly from the blueprint tree
    • Scenes with 100+ entities are now up to 5x faster.
  • 🚚 New Space View and Container creation workflow:

    • When selected, containers have a children list in the Selection Panel, where new Space Views and Containers may be added.
    • New modal dialog to add Space Views and Containers.
    • The same dialog is also available from the + button of the Blueprint tree UI.
    • The Space View's origin can now be edited in the Selection Panel.
    • The container hierarchy can now be cleaned up with the new Simplify Hierarchy button in the Selection Panel for containers.
  • 🦀 The rust SDK now exposes an optional integration with the mint crate

  • 🕸️ The web UI SDK now supports loading multiple .rrd URLs

  • 🔺 The web viewer now renders using WebGPU by default (when available), leading to lower memory usage on Chrome.
    You can override this behavior using ?renderer=webgl/?renderer=webgpu url parameter, or restart with WebGL/WebGPU respectively from the options menu.

As well as a lot of miscellaneous bug fixes and usability improvements: see details below.

Check out our migration guide.


🪵 Log API

  • Mark TimeSeriesScalar as deprecated in all SDKs and documentation #5102

🌊 C++ API

  • Document that in C++ PinholeProjection::from_mat3x3 is column major #4843
  • Include LICENSE files into C++ SDK Assets #4870 (thanks @rgolovanov!)
  • Fix C++ arrow build flag forwarding #4921 (thanks @rgolovanov!)

🦀 Rust API

  • Add integration with the mint crate #4753

🐍 Python API

  • Fix support for compressing mono images by respecting mode to determine depth #4847

🪳 Bug Fixes

  • External loader: don't do process IO on compute thread-pool #4942
  • Fix a Visible Time Range UI issue where the summary string would display the wrong data range #5034
  • Clear empty containers after tile drag-and-drop #5044
  • Allow for very large meshes & plots by always picking the largest available GPU buffer size #5053
  • Fix forever repaint of big scenes #5071
  • Fix RERUN_FLUSH_NUM_BYTES and data size estimations #5086
  • Make rectangle_fs.wgsl compile on chrome despite angle/mesa bug (#3931) #5074

🌁 Viewer Improvements

  • Introduce Scalar, SeriesLine, and SeriesPoint archetypes with their own visualizers #4875
  • Support modifying the plot style by introducing a generic framework for overriding components #4914
  • Introduce a new blueprint archetype for AxisY configuration in a plot #5028
  • Improve the selection/hover behavior for plots #5096
  • Click a spatial space view background to select the space view itself #4796
  • Double-clicking an entity in the blueprint & time panels focuses the 3D camera on it #4799
  • When loading a .ply file, warn about ignored properties #4934
  • Make it easier to position 3D eye-camera center #4943
  • Include tessellation and rendering in CPU time shown in top bar #4951
  • Allow selection of entities directly in the plot space view #4959
  • Texture support for raw Mesh3D logging #4894

🚀 Performance Improvements

  • Add --threads / -j to control number of compute threads #5021
  • Introduce the query cache:
    • Primary caching 3: bare-bone latest-at caching #4659
    • Primary caching 4: runtime toggle support #4680
    • Primary caching 5: 2D & 3D point clouds #4681
    • Primary caching 6: TextLogs & TimeSeries #4698
    • Primary caching 7: Always expose the data time in query responses #4711
    • Primary caching 8: implement latest-at data-time cache entry deduplication #4712
    • Primary caching 9: timeless latest-at support #4721
    • Primary caching 10: latest-at cache invalidation #4726
    • Primary caching 11: cache stats and integration with memory panel #4773
    • Primary caching 12: bare-bone range support #4784
    • Primary caching 13: stats & memory panel integration for range queries #4785
    • Primary caching 14: don't bake LatestAt(T-1) results into low-level range queries #4793
    • Primary caching 15: range read performance optimization #4800
    • Primary caching 16: context-free range semantics #4851
    • Primary caching 17: timeless range #4852
    • Primary caching 18: range invalidation (ENABLED BY DEFAULT 🎊) #4853
    • Primary caching 19 (final): make cache globals non-static #4856
  • Integrate query caching with more primitives:
    • Cached 2D & 3D box clouds #5000
    • Cached 2D & 3D line clouds #5083
    • Cached 2D & 3D arrow clouds #5088
  • Configurable dynamic plot aggregation based on zoom-level #4865
  • Improved automatic view creation heuristic, major speedup for scenes with many entities #4874
  • Optimize point clouds #4932

🧑‍🏫 Examples

  • Update all examples that use TimeSeriesScalar to use Scalar instead #5042

📚 Docs

  • Improve documentation of the Clear archetype #4760
  • DisconnectedSpace now only applies to spatial space views #4935
  • Fill gaps in image encoding documentation, fix how python documents union variants #4988

🖼 UI Improvements

  • Improve timeseries Space Views:
    • Introduce a new component for MarkerShape and use it in SeriesPoint #5004
    • Introduce a new StrokeWidth component and use it for SeriesLine #5025
    • Break up plot charts when there's a Clear [#49...
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