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Bus Routes Generation

smart-fm edited this page Nov 9, 2018 · 4 revisions

Objective: Generate Bus Routes.

The bus routes is generated based on stops data for each bus line. Bus route generation needs to be run once, only when adding new stops or new bus lines.

How to Generate Bus Routes in SimMobility?

Input Data

The input tables in required for bus routes generation are listed below:

1. Bus Stop

Table name: bus_stop

This bus_stop table (data structure found here) stored geometry and characteristics of the bus stops, such as bus stop id, segment id, bus stop's name and others.

2. Sequence of Bus Stop

Table name: pt_bus_stops

This pt_bus_stops table (data structure found here) stored the list of sequence of bus stops for each bus line.

3. Frequency of bus dispatching

Table name: pt_bus_dispatch_freq

This pt_bus_dispatch_freq table (data structure found here) stored the list of dispatching frequency for each bus lines.

4. "dummy" Bus Routes

Table name: pt_bus_routes

This pt_bus_dispatch_freq table (data structure found here) will store the result of bus routes generation. However, it is required to provide dummy data for bus routes generation. How to prepare dummy bus routes table:

  • all bus line must included. Because it will generate bus routes for those bus line existing in this table.

  • set a random segment (must existed in supply.segment) as the first segment

  • for example:

    route_id sequence_no section_id
    100_1 0 13456
    188_1 0 13456
    200_1 0 13456

Settings in SimMobility config xml file

There are some settings in config xml files for bus routes generation are listed below:

1. Minimize the run time to make bus route generation faster.

File name: Basic/Data/simulation.xml

 <!-- Reasonable values for MidTerm -->
 <base_granularity   value="5"   units="seconds"/>
 <total_runtime      value="10"      units="minutes" />

 <total_warmup       value="10"     units="seconds" />
 <start_time         value="08:00:00"/>

2. Check stored procedures

File name: Basic/Data/simrun_MidTerm.xml

Make sure the below 3 stored procedures included:

<mapping name="pt_bus_dispatch_freq" procedure="get_pt_bus_frequency()"/>
<mapping name="pt_bus_routes" procedure="get_pt_bus_routes()"/>
<mapping name="pt_bus_stops" procedure="get_pt_bus_stops()"/>

3. Enable bus controller

File name: Basic/Data/simrun_MidTerm.xml

<busController enabled="true" busline_control_type="headway_based"/>

4. Enable generateBusRoutes

File name: Basic/Data/simrun_MidTerm.xml

<generateBusRoutes enabled="true" />

Run SimMobility and Output

Run SimMobility from the simmobility directory:

./Release/SimMobility_Medium data/simulation.xml data/simrun_MidTerm.xml

The output file of bus routes generation will be produced in Basic/routes.csv which is ready to replace and import into table.

Computation of Bus Routes Generation

In SimMobility, bus routes will be generated based on "Shortest Path", the shortest path (segments) between two bus stops is computed. However, there are some cases which buses are not taking shortest routes in the real world. Therefore, we need Virtual Bus Stop to correct the bus routes.

Virtual Bus Stop

Virtual Bus Stop is the dummy bus stop where buses have to pass through (without boarding and alighting) and will be added into and pt_bus_stops in order to correct bus routes.

For example, bus route 100_1:

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