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Route choice schema

Carlos Lima Azevedo edited this page Jan 6, 2022 · 4 revisions


Column name Description
start_stop Stop id for the starting vertex.
end_stop Stop id for the ending vertex.
r_type Service Line type, can be "BUS", "LRT" or "WALK".
service_line If the edge is a route segment, it will have the primary bus service line in that route segment. If it is a walking leg, it will have string "Walk".
road_index Index for road type 0 for BUS, 1 for LRT, 2 for Walk.
stop_link_sequence The sequence number of the stop at this edge along the service_line.
road_edge_id Strings of passing road segments by current edge as specified in edge_id. Example:”4/15/35/43”, each number corresponds to a road segment between two adjacent stops along service lines. Road_edge_id containing single “edge_id” are referring to the road segment between two adjacent stops along service lines as specified in R_service_lines. Road_edge_id containing more than 1 “edge_id” are virtual edges representing traversing the edges sequentially without a transfer in between.
r_service_lines If the edge is a route segment, it will have bus service lines in that route segment. If it is a walking leg, it will have string "Walk".
link_travel_time Estimated travel time (in seconds) on current edge. If it is a transit leg such as RTS or Bus, it is the estimated in-vehicle travel time on current route segment. If it is a walking leg, it is the estimated walking time on current walking leg.
edge_id Id for current edge.
wait_time Estimated waiting time to embark on current edge. Data obtained from scheduled service line information.
walk_time Estimated walk time in the current edge, estimated based on direct distance and 4km/h walking speed in seconds.
transit_time Estimated travel time on transit legs for bus and MRT/LRT in seconds.
transfer_penalty Transfer penalty used to impose penalty on transfers for shortest path searching which assumes path cost is the addition of edge attributes in seconds.
day_transit_time Estimated transit time for buses and MRT/LRT in day time in seconds. Night bus services will have very large value in this column.
dist Estimated distance from travel time table in kilometers.


Column name Description
pathset_origin_node Node id of the path's origin node.
pathset_dest_node Node id of the path's destination node.
scenario Contains the algorithm used to generate the path and it's iteration number.
path Comma separated list of pt_edge ids that make up the path.
path_travel_time_secs Estimated travel time to traverse the path in seconds.
total_distance_kms Estimated distance traversed over path in kilometers.
path_size The degree of overlap for each path within its path set.
total_cost The computed total cost for traversing this path.
total_in_vehicle_travel_time_secs Estimated travel time spent in a vehicle in seconds.
total_waiting_time Estimated travel time spent waiting in seconds.
total_walking_time Estimated travel time spent walking in seconds.
total_number_of_transfers Total number of public transport transfers required while traversing this path.
is_min_distance Indicates that this path is the minimum distance between the two nodes.
is_valid_path Indicates that this path is valid.
is_shortest_path Indicates that this path is the shortest between the two nodes.
is_min_in_vehicle_traveltime Indicates that this path is the minimum in vehicle travel time between the two nodes.
is_min_number_of_transfers Indicates that this path has the minimum number of public transport transfers between the two nodes.
is_min_walking_distance Indicates that this path has the minimum walking distance between the two nodes.
is_min_travel_on_mrt Indicates that this path has the minimum travel on MRT between the two nodes.
is_min_travel_on_bus Indicates that this path has the minimum travel on Bus between the two nodes.


This table contains vertices that make up the public transport graph.

Column name Description
stop_id Stop id for stops as specified by public transport body. It can bus stops, train stations or SimMobility nodes (Starts with N_).
stop_code Stop codes for stops specified by public transport body.
stop_name Name of stop as per public transport body.
stop_lat Latitude of the stop.
stop_lon Longitude of the stop.
ezlink_name EZlinkName of the stop, usually same as stop code.
stop_type Type of stop, can be '0' for SimMobility nodes, '1' for Bus stops and '2' for MRT/LRT Stations.
stop_desc Description of stops. Usually street where the stop is located.


This table contains a list of origin and destination node ids for which public transit paths are to be generated during pathset generation.

Column name Description
origin Path origin node id.
destination Path destination node id.


Column name Description
pathset_origin_node Node id of the path's origin node.
pathset_dest_node Node id of the path's destination node.
scenario Contains the algorithm used to generate the path and it's iteration number.
path Comma separated list of link ids that make up the path.
partial_utility Travel time independent part of utility.
path_size The degree of overlap for each path within its path set.
signal_number Estimate number of signals passed traversing this path.
right_turn_number Estimated number of right turns taken traversing this path.
length Estimated total distance covered traversing this path in meters.
highway_distance Estimated distance traveled on highways traversing this path in meters.
min_distance Indicates that this path is the minimum distance between the two nodes.
min_signal Indicates that this path passes the least amount of signals between the two nodes.
min_right_turn Indicates that this path has the least amount of right turns between the two nodes.
max_highway_usage Indicates that this path has the most amount of highway usage between the two nodes.
valid_path Indicates that this path is valid.
shortest_path Indicates that this path is the shortest between the two nodes.
default_travel_time Estimated travel time traversing this path in seconds.
min_default_tt Indicates that this path has the lowest travel time between the two nodes.


This table contains a list of origin and destination node ids for which private transit paths are to be generated during pathset generation.

Column name Description
origin Path origin node id.
destination Path destination node id.


This table contains a list of ERP gantry zones used in Cordon-based tolling policies.

Column name Description
Gantry_no ID of ERP Gantry.
Zone_Id Zone id of the zone the gantry is located in.


This table contains a list of ERP sections used in Cordon-based tolling policies.

Column name Description
section_id ID of Section.
link_id Corresponding link id for section.
ERP_Gantry_No ID of ERP Gantry in section.
aimsun_id ID in AIMSUN.


This table contains a list of ERP surcharges used in Cordon-based tolling policies.

Column name Description
Gantry_No ID of ERP Gantry.
Start_Time Time of day at which tolling begins in HH:mm:ss.
End _Time Time of day at which tolling ends in HH:mm:ss.
Rate Flat tolling rate.
Vehicle_Type_Id Vehicle type id the toll in applicable to.
Vehicle_Type_Desc Vehicle description.
Day Days on which the toll is applicable.


This table contains a list of tolling zones used in distance-based and/or time-based tolling policies.

Column name Description
link_id ID of link in tolling zone.
tolling_zone_id ID of tolling zone.
tolling_type Type of tolling zone, can be '0' for Distance Based or '1' for Time Based.


This table contains a list of tolling zone rates used in distance-based and/or time-based tolling policies.

Column name Description
tolling_zone_id ID of tolling zone.
start_time Time of day at which tolling begins in HH:mm:ss.
end_time Time of day at which tolling ends in HH:mm:ss.
beta_flat Flat tolling rate.
beta_dist Per distance tolling rate.
beta_dist_sq Per distance2 tolling rate.
upper_bound Toll rate upper bound.
veh_type_id Vehicle type id the toll in applicable to.
veh_desc Vehicle description.
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